Mercedes Independent School District
Daniel Runnels
Testing Coordinator/Data Analyst
Phone: 825-5119 Fax: 514-2095 Email:
School Name ______Date ______Time ______
Test Monitor Checklist
Instructions: Place a check mark in the box if observed. Write N/A next to the box if you were not able to observe. If a box is not marked, it will be assumed that there was a problem that needed to be addressed. Use the Comments section to document further explanation or remediation.
Monitoring Issues
There is an orderly environment that is relatively free from distractions and excessive noise.
There is at least one test administrator for every thirty students.
Bulletin boards and instructional displays that might aid examinees during testing are covered or removed (i.e. number lines, math facts, word walls, maps, etc.)
No bells are sounded for at least the first three hours of the day.
Teachers are actively monitoring the test administration. They are walking around the room rather than sitting at their desks or on their computers.
Students remain seated and silent during testing.
There is no evidence of “coaching” or “pacing” during the test. Teachers are not checking for strategies.
Seating charts are being filled out in each testing room.
Students are using a No. 2 pencils to complete their answers. Besides highlighters, there are no pens, crayons, or other marking devices on the students’ desks. (Exception: Gr. 3 may use colored pencils and NOT highlighters.)
Students are only reading a book after their test materials are collected.
There are hall monitors who are monitoring the restrooms. One student at a time is allowed to take a break (unless the test administrator takes his/her class as permitted). No talking is allowed.
When students have completed testing, the student raises his/her hand. The test administrator checks to be sure that the student has bubbled his/her answers on the answer document (or briefly, the scorable test booklet).
Hall monitors are supervising students as they move through the halls to be sure that nothing is happening that would invalidate testing.
Students who are not finished with testing are sitting together at lunch with supervision to guarantee that the students are not discussing the test.
During a lunch break, all testing materials are placed in locked storage.
Test administrators return testing materials to the campus testing coordinator immediately after they finish testing. Materials are checked in and out using a Materials Control Form.
Procedural Issues
Each test is administered on the correct day.
When test administrators read directions, directions are read verbatim from the test administrator manual.
Students do not have scratch paper on their desks at any time.
If test takers are required to change locations, the testing materials are taken up and transported by the test administrator.
Secure Materials
Test materials are stored in locked storage when not checked out to teachers.
Other Security Issues
There is no discussion of TAKS questions and prompts by faculty and staff.
Comments: ______
Signature of MonitorDate
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