Permanency Planning Role Play (child)

Jasmine Smith (10yrs)

Interviewer Information

Mother: Anna Smith (30 yrs.)

Father: (to both girls): Jimmy Smith (35 yrs.) (not living in the home)

Mom’s current Boyfriend: Frankie Allen (20 yrs.)

Victim: Jasmine Smith (10 yrs.)

Victim: Hannah Smith (2 mo’s.)

Placement: Betty Smith (paternal grandmother)

Removal Information: Jasmine was bragging to her friends at school that she “got drunk” with Frankie (mom’s boyfriend) while watching “adult movies”. Kara, one of the friends, told the teacher and the teacher informed the school counselor. Mrs. Callahan, the counselor called Jasmine into her office to see how she was doing this year in school. Jasmine got into a few fights with other children at the end of last year. The “getting drunk” comments were brought up and Jasmine admitted she and Frankie “get drunk” on the weekends and watch “adult movies”. She stated this happens when her mom goes to work. Mrs. Smith, Jasmine’s mom is a registered nurse and works 3- 12 hour shifts in a row from Friday-Sunday evening. Jasmine was left at home with Frankie and her new baby sister, Hannah. Mr. Smith, Jasmine’s father, would take the children every other weekend, until Mrs. Smith “got this new boyfriend, Frankie”. Mr. Smith is extremely jealous and will not go to the house if Frankie is there; since Frankie does not work, he was always at home. Mrs. Smith denied knowing about the drinking; Frankie told Jasmine it was “their secret”. He would dispose of the beer bottles before Mrs. Smith got home. When Jasmine told her mother about CPS talking to her at school and explained about the drinking and movies, her mom told her she needed to tell CPS she made it up.

Child Welfare was contacted and after they conducted their investigation, Jasmine and Hannah were removed. Frankie admitting to drinking with Jasmine “on occasion”, however, he did not admit to watching “adult movies” with her. Jasmine’s mom does not believe it was “as bad as they say” so she is not accepting the gravity of the situation. The girls are placed with their paternal grandmother, Betty Smith. Betty is facilitating visitation between the girls and their father, but Mr. Smith is not very nice to Jasmine since she is “friends” with her mom’s boyfriend. Jasmine wants to go back home with her mom and Frankie.

You are in the home of Betty Smith for a worker visit with Jasmine. Jasmine and Hannah have been in custody for 2 months. This is the first time you have met this child. Jasmine has not disclosed any inappropriate acts with Frankie, just the “adult movie” watching, which he denied happened. You may need to explain your role and who you are.

Permanency Planning Role Play (child)

Jasmine Smith

Actor Information

Mother: Anna Smith, 30 years

Father (to both girls): Jimmy Smith, 35 years, (not living in the home)

Mom’s current Boyfriend: Frankie Allen, 20 years

Victim: Jasmine Smith, 10 years, DOB: 6/2/20____

Victim: Hannah Smith (2 mo’s.)
Placement: Betty Smith (paternal grandmother)

Removal Information: Jasmine was bragging to her friends at school that she “got drunk” with Frankie (mom’s boyfriend) while watching “adult movies”. Kara, one of the friends, told the teacher and the teacher informed the school counselor. Mrs. Callahan, the counselor called Jasmine into her office to see how she was doing this year in school. Jasmine got into a few fights with other children at the end of last year. The “getting drunk” comments were brought up and Jasmine admitted she and Frankie “get drunk” on the weekends and watch “adult movies”. She stated this happens when her mom goes to work. Mrs. Smith, Jasmine’s mom is a registered nurse and works 3- 12 hour shifts in a row from Friday-Sunday evening. Jasmine was left at home with Frankie and her new baby sister, Hannah. Mr. Smith, Jasmine’s father, would take the children every other weekend, until Mrs. Smith “got this new boyfriend, Frankie”. Mr. Smith is extremely jealous and will not go to the house if Frankie is there; since Frankie does not work, he was always at home. Mrs. Smith denied knowing about the drinking; Frankie told Jasmine it was “their secret”. He would dispose of the beer bottles before Mrs. Smith got home. When Jasmine told her mother about CPS talking to her at school and explained about the drinking and movies, her mom told her she needed to tell CPS she made it up.

Child Welfare was contacted and after they conducted their investigation, Jasmine and Hannah were removed. Frankie admitting to drinking with Jasmine “on occasion”, however, he did not admit to watching “adult movies” with her. Jasmine’s mom does not believe it was “as bad as they say” so she is not accepting the gravity of the situation. The girls are placed with their paternal grandmother, Betty Smith. Betty is facilitating visitation between the girls and their father, but Mr. Smith is not very nice to Jasmine since she is “friends” with her mom’s boyfriend. Jasmine wants to go back home with her mom and Frankie.

Jasmine and Hannah have been in custody for 2 months. You are playing the role of Jasmine and the worker is in the home of Mrs. Betty Smith to interview you for a monthly contact. This is the first time you have met this worker.

The following things can be relayed and asked of the worker:

·  Things are not going “good” at grandma’s. You want to go back home with your mom.

·  Why do you have a different worker now?

·  You do like “Grandma Betty”, she makes “good food” and helps you with some of your homework, but you don’t like when dad comes over and yells at you for being “friends” with Frankie.

·  Grandma told you, that you are too young to be drinking and that Frankie is too old for you to be “friends” with him.

·  Frankie went to jail for “giving you beer” but you don’t know why that is a bad thing.

·  You don’t like school, but you make “pretty good grades”, B’s and some C’s.

·  You really don’t like having to take care of your baby sister at night, because it makes you so tired the next day at school. Grandma gets up sometimes when she hears Hannah crying, but you are the one who gets up the most.

·  You feel like your friends ruined your life and they are not your friends anymore. You think they are “just jealous” because you have an older friend and they don’t.

·  You don’t play any sports after school or on the weekends but your dad said he would let you if you stop being friends with Frankie. You don’t want to stop being friends with him.

·  You kinda feel betrayed by Frankie since he said you lied about watching the movies.

·  You would like to visit your mom; she calls you at least once a day.

·  She seems to be mad at you but you don’t know why.

·  She tells you that things are going to work out but it may be a while because, now Frankie has to get “a place of his own” but he can’t right now because he will be in jail for a few more days.

·  Your mom told you the last time she called that you needed to tell your worker you lied about the movies. You don’t know why because you have watched them about 3 times.

·  You don’t want to talk about them because the people to “nasty” things, you think it is sex. Frankie never told you.