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Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter Review, Morality
Chapter 12—The Lord’s Prayer
1. In the Gospel according to Matthew, the Lord’s Prayer is part of the _____.
a. Last Supper
b. Beatitudes
c. Sermon on the Mount
d. none of the above
Answer: c
2. A version of the Lord’s Prayer is also found in the Gospel according to _____.
a. Mark
b. Luke
c. John
d. all of the above
Answer: b
3. The Christian writer _____ described the Lord’s Prayer as a summary of the Gospel.
a. Tertullian
b. Saint Augustine of Hippo
c. Saint Peter
d. Pope John Paul II
Answer: a
4. _____ wrote that everything found in Scripture is found in, or summarized in, the Lord’s Prayer.
a. Tertullian
b. Saint Augustine of Hippo
c. Saint Peter
d. Pope John Paul II
Answer: b
5. The Lord’s Prayer was taught by Jesus to _____.
a. his followers
b. help them live the Gospel
c. praise God as the Father
d. all of the above
Answer: a
6. The Lord’s Prayer is a model for our conversation with God the _____.
a. Father
b. Son
c. Holy Spirit
d. all of the above
Answer: a
7. The first half of the Lord’s Prayer describes our belief in _____.
a. eternal life
b. Jesus
c. the Gospel
d. God
Answer: d
8. The second half of the Lord’s Prayer _____.
a. praises God for the gift of salvation
b. presents our needs to God
c. is addressed to the Holy Spirit
d. all of the above
Answer: b
9. The Lord’s Prayer is made up of _____ petitions.
a. 3
b. 5
c. 7
d. 9
Answer: c
10. The first three petitions of the Our Father acknowledge that _____ is the center of our lives.
a. creation
b. Jesus
c. God
d. the Church
Answer: c
11. The last four petitions of the Our Father focus on _____.
a. the power of God
b. our dependence on God
c. our needs as children of God
d. all of the above
Answer: d
12. In the Lord’s Prayer, the word hallowed acknowledges God’s _____.
a. power over us
b. sending the Holy Spirit
c. holiness and goodness
d. all of the above
Answer: c
13. With the _____, we experience the overwhelming goodness and holiness of God.
a. Last Judgment
b. birth of the Church
c. Acts of the Apostles
d. all of the above
Answer: b
14. Christians experience the goodness and holiness of God _____.
a. in the celebration of the sacraments
b. through prayer
c. in the example and witness of faithful believers
d. all of the above
Answer: d
15. At the heart of Jesus’ preaching is the announcement of the _____.
a. sending of the Spirit
b. end of the world
c. coming of the kingdom of God
d. Crucifixion
Answer: c
16. God’s will is that his loving plan of creation and salvation be brought to ______.
a. an end
b. completeness
c. meet our needs
d. fulfill our desires
Answer: b
17. The phrase “daily bread” in the Lord’s Prayer refers to our _____.
a. material and spiritual needs
b. wants and desires
c. need to have everything
d. all of the above
Answer: a
18. The forgiveness of others and an openness to receive God’s forgiveness are _____.
a. not related
b. intertwined
c. signs of weakness
d. all of the above
Answer: b
19. Jesus is the victor over _____ in all its form.
a. evil
b. death
c. sin
d. all of the above
Answer: d
20. Pope John Paul II calls all youth to ______.
a. fight against consumerism
b. grow in service and compassion
c. practice the virtue of temperance
d. all of the above
Answer: d
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