
Planning Committee

December 12, 2017 | 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Eastern

December 13, 2017 | 8:00 a.m. – noon Eastern

The Whitley Hotel

3434 Peachtree Road

Atlanta, GA 30326

Welcome and Introductions

NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Announcement


  1. Remarks and Reports
  2. NERC Remarks – Mark Lauby
  3. Chair Report– Brian Evans-Mongeon
  4. November Board of Trustees Meeting Update
  5. CIPC/PC Joint Efforts
  6. Supply Chain Effort
  7. Standards Efficiency Review – need for team leader
  8. 2018 Work Plans
  9. Committee leadership updates
  10. Planning Committee website changes
  11. Remarks by John Moura, Director, Reliability Assessments and System Analysis
  12. Potential Special Assessment topics
  13. Consent Agenda – Approve
  14. September 12-13, 2017 Meeting Minutes
  15. Subcommittee Leadership Reports and PC Work Plan Updates*
  16. Performance Analysis Subcommittee (PAS) –Paul Kure
  17. Generator Availability Data System Working Group (GADSWG)
  18. Transmission Availability Data System Working Group (TADSWG)
  19. Demand Response Data System Working Group (DADSWG)
  20. Reliability Assessment Subcommittee (RAS) – Phil Fedora
  21. Probabilistic Assessment Working Group (PAWG)
  22. System Protection & Control Subcommittee (SPCS) – Mark Gutzmann
  23. Synchronized Measurements Subcommittee (SMS) – Ryan Quint (for Jim Kleitsch)
  24. System Analysis and Modeling Subcommittee (SAMS) – Michael Lombardi
  25. Load Modeling Task Force (LMTF)
  26. Power Plant Modeling and Verification Task Force (PPMVTF)
  27. Methods for Establishing IROLS Task Force (MEITF) – Ryan Quint
  28. Inverter Resource Performance Task Force (IRPTF) – Jeff Billo
  29. Essential Reliability Services Working Group (ERSWG) – Brian Evans-Mongeon
  30. Geomagnetic Disturbance Task Force (GMDTF) – Mark Olson
  31. Reliability Guidelines*
  32. Integrating Inverter-based Resources into Low Short Circuit Strength Power Systems –Approve–Michael Lombardi
  33. Power Plant Model and Verification Testing Guideline – Authorize Posting– Ryan Quint
  34. Methods for Establishing IROLs – Authorize Posting – Wayne Guttormson
  35. Implementation Guidance*
  36. PRC-023-4 – Endorse– Mark Gutzmann
  37. PRC-024-2 – Endorse– Mark Gutzmann
  38. Items for Approval, Endorsement, or Acceptance*
  39. MEITF Proposed NERC Glossary Definitions and IROL Framework – Endorse– Hari Singh
  40. Essential Reliability Services Working Group (ERSWG) Technical and Policy Briefs – Approve – Mark Ahlstrom
  41. Brieffor Regulators and PolicymakersonERS Measure 6 Ramping/Balancing using a Historical Perspective
  42. Technical Brief on ERS Measures 1, 2, and 4 Frequency Response using a Historical Perspective
  43. Brief for Regulators and Policymakers on ERS Measures 1, 2, and 4 Frequency Response using a Historical Perspective
  44. NERC Rules of Procedure Section 1600 Data Request for Geomagnetic Disturbance Data – Authorize Posting – Ganesh Velummylum
  1. Discussion Topics– Information*
  2. Overview of Distributed Energy Resource(DER) Impacts to UFLS/UVLS programs – Regional Representatives
  3. PC/OC Survey on State of Reliability Report Process –Paul Kure
  4. 2017 Long-Term Reliability Assessment (LTRA) Process Feedback– Elliott Nethercutt
  5. Scope Overview: Special Reliability Assessment on Accelerated Generation Retirements Impacts – Mark Olson
  6. Member Roundtable
  7. Closing Remarks – Brian Evans-Mongeon
  8. Adjournment

*Background materials included, if appropriate.

Agenda – Planning Committee–December 12-13, 20171