OnslowGardens Residents’ Association

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the OnslowGardens Residents’ Association,

held at 8.00pmon Wednesday11th July2012 in the Woodcote Room of Wallington Public Hall.

Agenda Item 1 -Welcome and apologies.

Steve Cook (Chairman) welcomed Cllr. Jayne McCoy, Sgt. Peter LeShirley (Safer Neighbourhood Team)and 26 members present.

Apologies were received from Cllr. Colin Hall, Cllr. Monica Coleman,James Davidson (Treasurer) and Ann Landeryou.

Agenda Item 2 - To approve the minutes of the AGM held on 18thJuly2011.

The meeting approved the minutes without amendment.

The Chairman confirmed that the “Actions” agreed at last year’s AGM had been completed.

Agenda Item - 3 Guest Speaker Cllr. Jayne McCoy

Cllr. McCoy explained that she became a councillor because she was interested in the area and wanted to champion the residents who lived there. She continued by giving the background to the ward’s councillors. Cllr Colin Hall, Deputy Leader of the Council,is from anIT background and worked for Sainsbury, Cllr. Monica Coleman works for Merton Council and is Deputy Chairman of Sutton’s Development Control Committee. Jayne Chairs the Housing Committee and is a Chartered Accountant, with three boys at local schools, Wallington Boys, Stanley Park and Bandon Hill.

She mentioned the following current developments in Wallington: The Magistrates Court has been bought by McCarthy Stone to redevelop as a residential home. No planning application has been submitted and they are required to do this before the building may be demolished. There are some panels in the current building which are of historic interest and it has been agree with McCarthy Stone these will be preserved.

Jayne was pleased to report that the Police Station in Stafford Road has been sold to an IT firm who have agreed to keep the iconic building at the front of the site intact. The Company intend to include nine flats on the site for employees.

In attempting to de-clutter the area the shop Price Busters on the Woodcote Road is causing some concern as their goods on the pavement add to the appearance of clutter in the street scene and can be a hazard for the blind and partially sighted. The Skills Centre hasa special access group who will check out the potential hazard of the site before a licence is awarded for the use of the pavement to display goods.

Stafford Road traders are concerned that the road needs improvement to attract customers and the Council is in discussion with them as to what might be done within the limited budget that might be made available.

Jayne finished by warning that although the Council had been forced to make a saving of twenty five percent in expenditure over the last four years a further fifteen percent saving will be required in the coming four years. This means the Council is approaching the situation when only statutory services will be provided such as social services and rubbish collection.

Agenda Item 4 - Safer Neighbourhood Team Update.

Sgt. Peter LeShirleywelcomed the opportunity to speak to the Association and meet some of the residents. He explained that there had been cut backs in the number of officers in the area and at present there were just two, Kate Isan and himself. Vicky is on maternity leave and Claire has left to be a police constable in Wimbledon.

He said he was pleased to have David Duncan as the chairman of the Ward Panel and for Glenise Coxon’s attendance at these meetings. The Panel’s task is to set priorities for his team. Currently these are Residential Burglary, Theft from motor vehicles and Shoplifting. He stated that the area was one of the safest in London with comparatively low figures in all these priority areas.

As part of the London wide clampdown on uninsured vehicles once a month his team spend a day stopping vehicles without insurance. Typically, the operation takes 550 cars off the streets on each occasion (The cars are picked up by the police there and then.) Another initiative is “Operation Condor” – test purchased from pubs to detect selling alcohol to under age customers.

During the Olympics staff will be diverted to the games and so Sgt. Peter LeShirley asked the residents to be more vigilant than usual during this period and to use the new 101 number (for none emergencies) and not 999 to notify the police of anything you feel is suspicious.

The police force is being restructured and the Sargent agreed to send the report on this to the Chairman for distribution to residents.

Agenda Item 5 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported on the year’s events and a copy of his report is attached.

Agenda Item 6 Treasurer’s Report

In James Davidson’s absence David Duncan read the Treasure’s Report and a copy of this is attached. The report mentioned that the Association had £776.67p in the bank. Copies of the accounts duly audited were available at the meeting.

Agenda Item 7 Election of Officers

The Chairman (Steve Cook), Vice Chairman (Jim Mills) and Secretary (Robert Landeryou) were prepared to continue in office for a further year. Asthere were no nominations for Treasurer the Chairman will attempt to find a resident to take on the role. It was emphasized that it was not very onerous with only two occasions a year when funds were coming in and going out; in July at the time of the AGM and at Christmas time.

Election of the Committee Members - The following were prepared to continue for another year: Hilary Alexander, Carolyn Burton, Alexandra Loggie, DavidDuncan, Jim Mills, Richard Embrey, Glenise Coxon and John Stone. Mary Wallis stood down and Peter Wallis offered to stand.

Both Officers and Committee Members were elected by a show of hands.

Sec. note- After the meeting Priyath Liyanage of 35 OnslowGardens (e-mail ) offered to join the Committee and the chairman will contact him and invite him to the Committee’s next meeting on 27th September 2012 - 8pm at 48 BlenheimGardens.

Agenda Item 8 Any OtherBusiness

a)Tree planting

1)After discussion it was suggested that the following trees would be desirable.

At the top end of Blenheim Gardens (around 62 and 68 - where the old trees were chopped down).

2)Outside and around 115 BlenheimGardens.

3)The entire length of GrosvenorGardens, as many trees as possible.

4)The top end of OnslowGardens (heading south). No trees there at all currently.

It was agreed that Members would do some house to house enquiries to see if any more suggestions. The Chairman will pass these on to those concerned.

The meeting unanimously preferred tree was the Flowering Cherry or the Silver Birch. Doubt was cast about the type of soil required for Acers.

b)Increased helicopter noise

Concern was expressed at the increased level of noise from helicopters but it was concluded that it would be useful for TimJury to come along to explain the situation. Other Members will be invited to come to the meeting.

However, after the meeting we were approached by a local member from Onslow Gardens, who is a pilot. He explained in detail the cause and effect of the latest flight paths that pass over the Wallington area. Due to our geographical position between the Heathrow, London City and Gatwick air space, it appears we will always have to put up with helicopter traffic overhead as we are under the only available route north to south (and vice versa) over London that is available for light air craft and helicopters between these designated spaces.

c)Creating a “Cold Call Free Zone” (help preventing door step selling) David Duncan pointed out that this is something that has to be agreed by the local council after a regular “nuisance” element has been proven. Several councils now operate this option in the UK - but not Sutton. However, it was agreed to find out more about the possibilities.

Parking – was discussed and Cllr. Jayne McCoy suggested that after consideration by the Committee the Association should let her know if a scheme is wanted.

The meeting closed and members enjoyed the refreshments provided by Dick Embrey.

The meeting closed at 10.00 pm. Robert Landeryou (Hon Sec.)