What is ROAR?

ROAR is Columbus State’s Orientation experience for incoming freshman, transfer students and their parents or families. The purpose of ROAR is to help students adjust to college life and to orient their families and parents with our campus. Each session of ROAR runs two full days. Several sessions are specified for those students living in the residence halls, where incoming freshman stay overnight. Other sessions are for non-resident life students, who commute to orientation both days. One session is located at our downtown RiverPark campus and is designed for those students who are living in the residence halls downtown. In each session, incoming students participate in events including student-led educational sessions and small group discussions about college life. Students will also register for classes and learn about Columbus States history and student life.

Information Sessions:

Thursday, October 11 at 3:30pm in the Columbus Room

Wednesday, October 17 at 12:30pm in the Columbus Room

Please attend one of the information sessions to find out more about being an Orientation Leader. Attendance at one of these sessions is highly encouraged. We will discuss general interview etiquette, the interview process, sample questions and more job-specific details.

Required Qualifications:

‌• Must have a minimum 2.25 Cumulative GPA and be in good academic standing

• Must be returning to CSU in Fall 2013

• Sincere desire to serve CSU’s incoming freshman

• Willing to accept a challenge and step out of comfort zone

• Strong internal motivation to succeed personally and in all Orientation activities

• Strong love and loyalty for CSU

• Strong Interpersonal Skills

• Good sense of humor balanced by a sense of responsibility

• Recognize that ROAR is an intense, serious, and rewarding spring and summer commitment

Orientation Leader Responsibilities:

Spring 2013

• Attend SROW, a regional orientation conference from March 15-17 in Memphis, TN

• Prepare for weekly classes (including studying and passing weekly CSU knowledge tests, filling out appropriate paperwork, etc…)

• Participation in the solicitation of “freebies” for the incoming freshman and door prizes for service project

• Serve as a role model for all students and uphold the ROAR standard of excellence throughout the spring

• Register for the ROAR Training Class, ITDS 2796 Leadership Development on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-10:45am – it is a one hour credit course.

Summer 2013

• Attend and participate in training week and ROAR sessions (please see list of dates on the next page)

• Serve as a leader and active participant at ROAR throughout all activities (student and parent)

• Facilitate and lead Cougar Chats (small group discussions with 12-15 incoming freshman per session, encourage group interactions among participants, and inform them of CSU traditions, history and spirit.)

• Lead campus tours

• Be in Columbus the day and evening before every orientation

• Serve as a role model for all students and uphold the ROAR standard of excellence throughout the summer

Fall 2013

• Participate in Cougar Kickoff activities

• Maintain communication with the freshman throughout

• Help recruit the 2014 Orientation Leaders

Benefits to Orientation Leaders

• Significant Leadership Experience and training

• Opportunity to develop professional and personal relationships with faculty, staff, and students

• Free meals during ROAR sessions

• $1200 salary throughout the summer (before taxes) and early registration

• A one hour class credit for a leadership training course

Selection Process:

All interested, qualified students should complete this application and turn it in to Davidson 271 by the deadline of Friday, October 19 at 12 Noon. Upon receipt of applications, the following schedule will apply:

What to do When

Sign up for Interviews, Davidson 271 à When turning in application by Oct. 19

Interviews, Davidson 279 à Monday-Wednesday, October 22 - 24

Postings for 2013 Orientation Leaders, Davidson 271 à Thursday, Oct 25th, 3PM

ROAR Retreat à Thursday, Oct 25th, 5-8PM

Suggested interview Attire:

Business Casual, skirts and slacks (no ties)

*Please remember your outfit has little bearing and is not the focus of the interview; however you are expected to dress professionally. Please spend more time on what you are going to say rather than what you are going to wear*

Mandatory Dates 2012 - 2013:

*Before submitting your application, please check your calendars to ensure that you do not have any prior conflicts. If there are conflicts, please list reasons on a separate piece of paper. You MUST schedule your spring classes around Orientation classes, etc… if you are accepted onto the team*

Orientation Leader Training/Retreat

Friday, October 25


Spring Training Class (1 hour CSU class credit):

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30am-10:45am

SROW – Southern Regional Orientation Workshop – Student Conference

March 15-17 in Memphis, TN

8am, March 15 – 10pm March 17

Orientation Leader Training Week

Monday, May 13-Thursday, May 16

12:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Orientation Leader Retreat

8am, Friday, May 17 – Midnight, Sunday, May 19

Three Day, Overnight Retreat

Orientation Leader Banquet

Fall 2013

Mandatory ROAR Sessions: Dates are subject to change but will be finalized by January 1

Attendance required at all times, during each session.

Session 1: June 4 (Summer) Session 2: June 20-21 Session 3: June 27-28 Session 4: July 11-12

Session 5: July 18-19 Session 6: July 25-26 Session 7: August 5-6

Please note: Due to the work load and schedule of ROAR, Orientation Leaders will NOT be allowed to take class during ROAR sessions. Leaders will not be allowed to schedule classes on Thursdays and Fridays. Classes must not interfere with ROAR sessions. Leaders must also be in Columbus by 4pm the evening before the first day of each Orientation. We have Pre-Briefings at this time.

ROAR 2012

Orientation Leader Application

If you need special accommodations to participate in the interview process for Orientation Leader, please let us know in advance.

Please complete all Four Steps of the application process as outlined below.

1. Please type or print neatly in black ink your answers to the following questions

Full Name: ______Preferred First Name: ______

CSU ID Number: ______Classification: FR ___ SOPH ___ JR ___ SR ___

Major: ______First Term Attended CSU: ______

Graduation Date: ______CSU Email: ______Cell Phone: ______

Local Address: ______

Cumulative GPA: ______T-Shirt Size: ______

Citizenship: United States _____ Other: (specify) ______

Have You Ever Been Employed by Columbus State University? Yes ____ No ____ (If Yes, Where?) ______

Have you ever attended any other College / University? Yes ____ No ____ (If Yes, Where) ______

Please list the name and contact information of person completing your recommendation Form:


Please list relative experiences which would make you a good Orientation Leader - past or present - and current campus activities and leadership positions, community / campus service activities. (Please do not attach a resume)

(Please see steps 2-4 on following page)

2. Please respond to the following questions and answer them on a separate page. The answers to both should be on one typed page, total, not one page per question.

Everyone must answer:

1.  Why do you think it is critical to have a strong orientation program at Columbus State University, and what are three issues you feel will be of most concern to the freshman at ROAR?

Choose one additional question:

2.  Reflect on your orientation experience. Is there something your ROAR Orientation Leader did or did not do that significantly impacted you during Orientation? Please Explain.

3.  What has been your greatest contribution to CSU since you have been here? How would that help you as a ROAR Leader?

4.  As an individual, what do you fear as a leader and how will you confront your fears in a high stress environment?

3. Please have the attached recommendation form completed by a teacher, advisor, or staff member (University level preferred) who is able to speak on your behalf. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure the recommendation form is mailed or delivered to our office by Friday, October 19 at 12:00pm. The form should be mailed directly by the person you choose to write your recommendation to the following address:

Collins Brown

Davidson Student Center Room 271

Columbus, Ga 31907

Campus Mail

1.  Turn in the original copy of your complete application plus four additional copies. Collate and staple each packet. We do not need the cover page of the application packet.

Due not later than Friday, October 19 by

12:00 noon in Davidson 271.

By signing this 2013 ROAR Orientation Application, I am verifying that I have read and understand the stipulations included. I can attend all mandatory retreats, fall and spring, training classes, the service project, leader training week, and ROAR Orientation sessions. Further, by submitting my name as a candidate for ROAR Orientation Leader, I am willing to accept these responsibilities as a part of my possible employment. I realize that failure to complete my responsibilities or inappropriate conduct may result in a warning, probation, or removal from the staff. I also understand it is required that I have a current cumulative GPA of 2.25 or higher and maintain that GPA through Spring semester of 2012.


Signature Date

For more information, please contact the Orientation Office in Davidson 271 or by calling 706.568.2180.

Dear Faculty or Staff Member:

The student named on this Recommendation Form below is applying for a position as a 2013 ROAR Orientation Leader. The Orientation Leaders are a group of energetic and enthusiastic students who lead CSU’s freshman orientation program (ROAR). This group operates from Student Life and Development and provides a very important service to CSU.

Your response on this confidential Recommendation Form, the candidate’s application, and an interview will be used to evaluate the applicant for the position.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this Recommendation Form. Please return through Campus Mail (Marked “Confidential”) by 12:00 Noon, Friday, October 19, 2012, to Collins Brown, Orientation Leader Selections, 271 Davidson Student Center, Campus Mail.


Collins Brown

Advisor, Orientation

2013 ROAR Orientation Leader ~ Recommendation Form

Applicant’s Name: ______

Please rate the applicant on the qualities listed below by circling the appropriate number on the scale given. If you have never had an occasion to make such an observation, please circle N/O.

1 = Poor 2 = Fair 3 = Good 4 = Very Good 5 = Excellent N/O = Not Observed

1. Speaking before a group 1 2 3 4 5 N/O

2. Communicating on various levels with peers, faculty and administrators. 1 2 3 4 5 N/O

3. Assuming group leadership and motivation 1 2 3 4 5 N/O

4. Working cooperatively in a formal or informal group 1 2 3 4 5 N/O

5. Leading a formal or informal group toward a common goal. 1 2 3 4 5 N/O

6. Demonstrating tact in a difficult situation. 1 2 3 4 5 N/O

7. Exhibiting creatively in a formal or informal situation 1 2 3 4 5 N/O

8. Presenting quality work on time in spite of a heavy workload. 1 2 3 4 5 N/O

Faculty/Staff Name and Position: ______

In what context do you know the applicant? ______

How long have you known the applicant? ______

Address: ______Signature: ______

Please list any additional comments or cite any examples that illustrate the above qualities.

(Please limit your comments to the space below)

Please return in campus mail (marked “confidential”) to:

Collins Brown, Orientation Leader Selections, 271 Davidson Student Center, 4225 University Ave Columbus GA 31907