
Slave Lake Minor Hockey Association

Meeting Date: Sept 10

In Attendance: Bobbi Hartman, Jerod Hartman, Racheal Bellerose, Krista Bellefeuille , Joe Schultz, Tamara Schroeder, Linda Wedmid, Tracey Scott, Dave Lafrance & Stefan Plouffe

Absent: Kevin Kuhn

Call to order: 704

Adoption of Agenda: Ali , Bobbi

Adoption of Previous Minutes: Krista, Racheal

Previous Action Items:

Finalized Action item- Meetings will be at firehall

New Business:

Edson Girls weekend

League News:

·  Hockey Summit- Oct 4 Coaches & Managers

·  League website expectations – Set rules for updates ect, very strict and fines will be set

Hockey Alberta:

·  Fall zone meeting in Spirit River Sept 14th (10:00am)


·  AA Update

No midget coach as of yet, Lots of peewee numbers but no regional High Prairie Support for that age

Lack of support to be addressed

·  Website expectations – Must be updated and scores put on

·  Re-read mission statement

o  Discuss

·  Expectations of respect within the association

·  Board member roles and responsibilities- Jerod will speak one on one on the roles ect

·  Complaints handling process- Must be in writing and name put to it before board will discuss.

Treasurer: Nothing to add


·  Numbers

·  3 0n 3 has 73 players and 5 goalies

·  Christmas 3 on 3 ( Dec 27-Dec28)



Peewee: Not huge support some discussion needed


·  Underage

Novice/Pre-Novice: Overage request 29 pre novice kids.

Girls: Oct 4 Tourny Will email all to see if interest

Ice Scheduler:

Tournament dates all scheduled

Nov 29 hockey days in Slave Lake


·  Ref course(s) Oct 4 one day course, Online to be done before the course on Oct 4

·  Ref fees (increase)

·  Registration for course (procedure and requirements)

·  Chain of Custody for complaints ect . Please ensure Tracy is kept in contact

·  Motion- Tracy motioned for 80% of the Arbiter Program to be covered by Minor Hockey . Ali seconded all in favour.

Equipment Manager:

Coaching Coordinator:

By-Law Committee:



Player Selection Committee:

Development Committee:

·  Monthly Power Skating clinics to start the week of October 29th

o  Fees/team to be determined soon- Once a month cost will be per team and schedule will be set

o  3 on 3 was good overall, next year more delegation to be done

o  Sell sponsorships for the Jerseys 215

Jerod -Motion to sell sponsorship for practice jerseys and Ali second, all in favour

Apparel Committee:

Grizzly Ridge is ok with not reordering, they have a sale rack right now with items . Will touchbase again

Next Meeting Date: Oct 8

Motion to Adjourn: Jerod , Dave second

Action Items:



Administrator: Kidsport – Volunteers needed as SLMH is biggest highest fees user with

Allaries name bars Midget A ATOM A (Aug 21) Dave to deal with

Bylaw Committee: Rewording on Age requirements (Aug 21)