Summary and Achievements (S&A)

Template v 2.8

Project: Name

Summary and Achievements

Project: / Name
ESA Contract Nr.: / Number
Thematic area(s): / Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Prime contractor: / Name
Business fields: / Field
Subcontractor: / Name
Business fields: / Field
Subcontractor: / Name
Business fields: / Field
Date of first issue / dd/mm/yyyy
Date of last update / dd/mm/yyyy

Text to be filled in

Scope of the document

This document shall provide a concise overview of the project and its main achievements. This document will be usedinternally by ESA for information purposes and to perform an initial impact analysis of the project. Both the S&A document and the impact analysis will only be used internally or for reporting to the National Delegations of the ESA Member States.

It will be regularly updated by ESA after the completion of the project, reflecting:

a) the yearly update provided at Final Review + year 1, + year 2 and + year 3 via the Contract Outcome Data (COD) forms;

b) possible inputs that will be provided by the contractor’s team (e.g. new items published on ESA and not ESA portals, key commercial outcomes).

1.Objectives and scope of the project

What were the initial objectives and scope of the project? How did the project meet its original aims and objectives at the end of the project. (Max. 5 lines)

2.Value proposition and benefits

2.1.Value proposition

Your project’s outputs are products or services; please state your value proposition in a few words. (Max. 5 lines)
For example: “The local representatives want to increase the value and potential of their regions/communities so our project supports the local land management bodies and tourists offices to better know their regions (static and dynamic) to provide people (locals, tourists) with an updated and easy accessible (website, smart phone) set of data regarding the fauna, flora and life in their area to develop the local networking and exchanges (knowledge, concern, money)”.

2.2.Value creation

Qualify and quantify how your products or servicescreate value to the users and customers.
(Max. 5 lines)
For example: reduce operational cost from $0.9 to $0.5 / m2; increase the team efficiency by 20% from 2 hours to 1 hour 30; decrease the risk by 30%; reduce the cost of good losses from 15% to 10% with an average good value of € xxk; decrease waiting time by 25%

2.3.Socio benefits

If part of your projects’ benefits are inappropriate to be monetized, qualify and quantify when possible how your products or servicescreate socio benefits to different stakeholders (including users and customers). (Max. 5 lines)
For example: increase safety, contribute to save lives, create greater social justice, etc.

3.Stakeholders and partnerships[1]

Describe the stakeholders (beside prime and subcontractors) involved in the different stages of the project (e.g. pilot user organisations, potential customers). Describe the key interest and motivations of the stakeholders in the project and in the potential follow-on service phase. Describe any partnerships or negotiations set up during the project. (Max. 10 lines)



Describe the key outcomes such as:
  • Contracts obtained from customers, partnerships established
  • Technical innovations (main technical results, new technologies or products or servicesdeveloped, patents)
  • Extent of the markets reached (geography, market sectors) and elements of value chain covered (distributors, service providers,…)
  • Know-how and capabilities acquired

4.2.Detailed results

4.2.1. Users, products / services
3.6 / Current user base[2] to date / # / Users
3.7 / Cumulated number of products produced to date / # / Units
3.8 / Cumulated number of products or services sold to date / # / Units
3.1 / Direct sales value during project phase / €€€ / EUR
3.2 / Indirect sales value during project phase (via distributor, reseller,…) / €€€ / EUR
3.3 / Total sales (direct + indirect) / €€€ / EUR
3.4 / Total sales proportion within home country / % / %
3.4 / Total sales proportion in other European countries / % / %
3.4 / Total sales proportion outside Europe / % / %
3.5 / Countries in which sales have been generated so far / Country A, B, C, etc.
Projected value of cumulated total sales by 2020 / €€€ / EUR
3.13 / Full time employment generated within company resulting from project / # / FTE’s
3.13 / Jobs within home country / # / FTE’s
3.13 / Jobs within other European countries / # / FTE’s
3.13 / Jobs outside Europe / # / FTE’s
4.1 / Number of partnerships generated within home country / # / Partners
4.1 / Number of partnerships generated in other European countries / # / Partners
4.1 / Number of partnerships generated outside Europe / # / Partners


5.1.General description

Describe funding contributed by different participants, include in kind contributions if applicable. (Max. 5 lines)

5.2.Detailed funding

Initial cost[3] of the project / €€€ / EUR
3.11 / Value[4] of additional financial investments needed, during project phase (to develop, launch and sell the product/service) / €€€ / EUR
3.12 / Of the above costs, value that was funded by external sources[5] / €€€ / EUR
Expected value of additional investments needed after project phase
(to develop, launch and sell the product/service) / €€€ / EUR
Of the above costs, value that shall be funded by external sources / €€€ / EUR
3.9 / Estimated time to commercial return[6]in months from today / # / Months

6.Major events and media coverage

Summarise the major events where the project has been exposed to (official demo sessions, presentations in conferences). Provide collection of web links of news items in PDF format to ESA. The associated repository will be maintained by ESA.


Provide the main conclusions that can be drawn from the project, highlighting the expected perspectives for the project to reach an operational/commercial phase. (Max. 10 lines)

Internal ESA analysis

This part will be filled in by the Technical Officer only for internal analysis purposes.

5KPIs will be deducted from the project’s achievements and data for each product / services to be launched. These factors will be linked to the status of the different products / services i.e.:

−Returned: (on internal investment) -cumulative revenues generated exceed the internal funding for the ESA project;

−Commercial: revenues generated;

−Operational: operations continue after the end of ESA contract;

−Seed: other pilot projects generated;

−No follow-up: project has stopped.

Product / Service / 1. Customer WTP / 2. Technical Quality / 3. Users' acceptance / 4. Motivation for stakeholders need / 5. Selling before end of pilot stage / Result
Name of Service 1 / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item.
Name of Service 2 / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item.
Name of Service .. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item. / Choose an item.

The 5 factors are:

  1. Customer Willingness To Pay WTP: are there customers willing to pay? (evidence via formal written statement in the Full Proposal)
  2. Technical Proposal: technical aspect of the product/service, working as expected (measured via monitoring of technical status). Can be “no” if the pilot had to be put on hold to fix technical problems emerged during the utilisation of the system by the users.
  3. Users’ acceptance: users using the product/service in the pilot (measured via utilisation profile, during the full duration of the pilot stage)
  4. Motivation for stakeholders need: stakeholders' needs are fulfilled - (measured via feedback gathered at the Final Review)
  5. Selling before end of pilot stage: a commercial offer has been produced and the services are generating revenues before end of the pilot stage (measured via sales and revenues)

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[1] Any partnership set up within the value chain. This could be commercial, technical, distribution, etc.

[2] Number of people that regularly use the product or service

[3] Entire project cost = ESA funding + full consortium funding

[4]Estimated value of extra work, investments, manpower costs

[5] E.g. Bank loan, cash in exchange for equity e.g. from angel investor, capital increase of shareholders, etc.

[6] The moment cumulated gross margin (= revenue – cost of sales) exceeds the consortiums investment