Fairfax Little League Board Meeting Minutes, October 14, 2015
8:30pm Thaiss Board Room

Attendees:Scott Peirce, Karen McGee, Drew Harsh, Amy Wise, Jay Haley, Jim Krahulec, Alex Lennon, Mark Davis, Darric Milligan, Tony Skinner, Marian Littleton, Tom Scott, Dave Peters, Shawn Fiebiger, Mike Pritchard, Randy Darrow

Quorum present?Yes

Meeting called to order at 8:40pm.

  1. Introduction of new Board members and positions – All Board members introduced themselves. New Board members were introduced and approved into the following positions:
  2. Amy Wise – American P/A
  3. Tony Skinner – Director of Public Relations
  4. Sean Fiebiger – Information Officer
  5. Mark Brazie – National League Director of Tball/A
  6. Mike Carchia – Director of Fall Ball
  7. Drew Harsh – American League Director of Tball/A

The following Board members were approved into new positions:

  1. Tom Scott – National League President
  2. Dave Peters – Director of Jrs/Srs/Int
  1. August Meeting minutes were approved.
  2. Execution/Treasurer Report: No report.
  3. Review of AugustAction Items
  4. Each Board member is asked to provide documentation of his/her position’s responsibilities by the end of July. Received Treasurer, Safety, Registrar, and Information Officer. Awaiting others.
  5. American League needs a new Player/Agent and Director of Tball/A. Done
  6. A decision needs to be made on what to do with the returning Marlins players. Done
  7. Scott needs to submit interleague paperwork. Done
  8. Scott will order trophies. Done
  9. All fall ball managers and coaches will need to be approved via evote due to lack of quorum. Done
  10. Scott will get Green Acres booked for the Annual Membership meeting. Done
  11. Dave will send out parent survey results to the managers. Done
  12. Need to vote on rates for next Spring. Done
  13. President’s Report
  14. 60th anniversary – no update
  15. Got Lanier guaranteed for Feb 27-28 for evaluations.
  16. Field updates – The city fixed the lights on Thaiss 1. Scott is sending an email to the city about requested projects for the winter (eg, re-do Thaiss 1 and 5). Hoping to get the floors of the dugouts at Providence 4 installed maybe next Spring. We need more parking at Thaiss. Maybe consider staggering games at Thaiss in the spring to help with parking issues.
  17. Discussion of where funds should go from the cell tower – money will start coming in around April 2016. The Board needs to have a plan about where the money will go. Suggestion was made to have 50% go to reserves and the other 50% to projects/capital campaign. Scott will get estimates for getting lights at Thaiss 2 and Providence 1.All Board members are requested to send their top 2-3 items that this money could be spent on to the secretary.
  18. Discussion of elimination of Jrs level: After lengthy discussions it was agreed that the Juniors level will be kept for the upcoming Spring assuming the numbers warrant it.
  19. Individual League Updates
  20. Fall ball updates – Lennon reported that things are going well this fall. Tournaments will start next week and should be done by the end of October.
  21. Juniors/Seniors/Intermediate: no report.
  22. National League: Tax notice was sent to Carl.
  23. American League: Got a Player Agent and a Director of Tball/A for the spring.
  24. Challenger: Juniors players had a great showing for challenger support.
  25. Functional Reports
  26. Concessions: no report. Still working on setting up 4 person committee to support the Director of Concessions.
  27. Public Relations: Karen will give Becky’s contact info to Tony.
  28. Scheduling: Mark says that he did the fall schedule by hand and received no complaints.
  29. Safety: two injuries were reported this month. Injury reports were filled out.
  30. Coaching Coordinator: jay is setting up clinics for the spring. He is also updating the Managers Guide.
  31. Fundraising/Capital Campaign: Position is vacant. Need to find a person for this role.
  32. Volunteer Coordinator: no update
  33. Sponsors: Marian requested that every Board member provide 1 new potential sponsor contact to her.
  34. Umpires: We are still in need of more adult umpires. Consider requiring Majors Managers to umpire at least one game before being allowed to manage a Majors team. Scott will talk to Brandon about contacting college students to umpire.
  35. Equipment: Equipment return will be held on Nov 7th.
  36. Registration: Registration is open for the spring. Board members are requested to register their kids to test the website.
  37. Information Officer: Randy will work with Shawn on transitioning and training. All managers may need some training on the website.
  38. Meeting adjourned at 10:10pm