Reducing our dangers:

Diseases and Germs.

Knowing our Dangers
Deciding What to Do
Reducing our Dangers
Learning to Respond
Practicing and Improving
Sharing and Taking Action / Subjects:
Language Arts
Science and Mathematics
Social Studies, History, Geography
Fine Arts & Performing Arts
Life Skills
Afterschool Clubs / Year Level:
Early Childhood
Early Primary
Late Primary
Early Secondary
Late Secondary


To know how germs are spread and how this can make children very sick. To know how these can be prevented through regular hand-washing.

Learning Objectives

§  To know that some sickness can be prevented by good hygiene.

§  To understand why they need to wash their hands and the frequency with which they should do so


Before your class make sure that you have the following prepared for the starter activity! Test on your colleagues or friends to make sure you can wash the glitter or flour away easily!


1.  You will need to have prepared your glitter/flour, bowl of water, soap and towel outside (See teachers resource). Take your class outside and carry out the hand-shaking experiment to show how germs can be spread. (10 mins).

2.  Back in the classroom, students fill in sentences about hand hygiene using the words. (5 mins)

3.  After students have filled in the blanks on this worksheet and made a new verse you need to carefully go through each of the following. This is a good time for students to ask questions and they should be actively encouraged in doing so. Read through each one carefully and explain why each are good rules to follow! (10 mins).

4.  Slowly go through the following rules for hand washing. Explain that at a minimum, they should wash their hands:

ü  Before, during, and after food preparation.

ü  Before they eat.

ü  After using the bathroom.

ü  After touching animals or their waste.

ü  After playing outside.

ü  After being around someone who is sick.

ü  After coughing or blowing their noses.

Note that it is important to go through slowly, allowing time for students to write around the germs picture on their worksheet. Allow time for students to add these. (15 mins)

5.  Read out narrative about how to wash hands correctly, miming the actions as you read, encouraging students to follow your lead (5 mins)

6.  Students to read through and sing the hand-washing rhyme. Practice and lean and have students doing actions to the rhyme too (5-10 mins)


Using resource 8b, students fill in the word gaps and draw germs being destroyed on the soap!
(10 mins)

Source(s): Justin Sharpe