Falmouth Yoga Space

Teacher training 200 + hour teacher training with Keren Cooksey


•  Your course will be run one weekend per month over 10 months starting in January 2018, 10 weekends in total Fri-Sun

•  Weekend hours Friday 7.30-9pm, Saturday 10.30am-6pm and Sunday 9am-5pm

•  As well as study modules, you must complete 10 beginner’s classes, 10 general classes,10 advanced classes with Keren, five class assists with Keren, five class observations with Keren, one kirtan and five practice teaching classes (to be arranged under guidance)

•  For the duration of the course you are able to buy a ten class pass for £40, allowing you to go to any class at the studio for £4. Alternatively, you can purchase a monthly unlimited pass for £60 allowing you to go to as many classes as you like, for example if you attend 4 classes per week this would equate to £3.75 per class.

•  The course will include two final exams, one practical and one theory and homework which will be given at the end of each study module

•  The course in total is 188 contact hours and 15 non contact hours

Modules will cover :

Techniques Training/Practice (total 120 hours) 120 contact hours, all withexperienced Registered Yoga Teacher.

Training in the techniques and practice of: Asanas, pranayamas, meditation, main principles, kriyas, chanting, mantra.

Teaching Methodology (total 20 hours) 10 contact hours, all with experienced Registered Yoga Teacher.
Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, and the student's process of learning,business skills, setting up classes.

Anatomy Studies for Yoga Teachers - Principles and Applications (total 16 hours) all contact hours.

Fitness knowledge components of physical fitness, bones, joints & common injuries, muscles and their actions, kinesiology of yoga asana, contraindications, movement patterns.

Practicum/Teaching (total 23 hours) 18 contact hours with Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher.

Teaching and assisting students in a class environment as well as observing and assisting in classes taught by others.

Yoga Philosophy/Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers (24 hours) all contact hours
Includes the study of yoga philosophies, yoga lifestyle, and ethics for yoga teachers, yogic lifestyle.

Please note, the below module outline is a guide only and subject matters may be switched between months to accommodate visiting teachers or learning pace of the group.


Week 1 - 26-28 Jan

Friday evening SATSANG (class at 6pm optional)

Saturday morning – What is yoga, meaning of yoga, 8 limbs of yoga, different types of yoga, what is vinyasa yoga

Saturday afternoon – surya namaskar – alignment, breath and how to teach the flow in three different formats. Includes practice teaching.

Sunday morning – pranayama – what is pranayama, looking closely at ujjai, nadi shodana, brahmari, sitali, dirga pranayama and kapalabhati –the benefits, the contraindications, when to use them and how to teach them.

Sunday afternoon – the subtle body – the koshas, introduction to the chakras

Week 2 - 23-25 Feb

Friday evening class, mantra, satsang

Saturday morning – muladhara, exploring a basic warm-up sequence, including pranayama and asana. Practice teaching.

Saturday afternoon – the Bhagavad Gita – it’s teachings, how we can incorporate into our teachings

Sunday morning

Sunday morning – standing poses, alignment, anatomy of standing poses, verbal adjustments and practice teaching

Sunday afternoon – Sanskrit studies with Josh Michaell

Week 3 – 23-25 March

Friday evening– class, mantra, satsang

Saturday morning – Chakra’s in detail – svadisthana and manipura (theory session)

Saturday afternoon – postures for the lower chakras.

Sunday morning – sequencing for first three chakras. Practice teaching.

Sunday afternoon – Central and neutralising poses, alignment and adjustments

Week 4 – 27-29 April

Friday evening– class, mantra, satsang

Saturday morning – chakra’s in detail – anahata, visshuda, ajna and sahahara

Saturday afternoon – postures for higher chakras

Sunday morning - sequencing for higher chakras – practice teaching

Sunday afternoon – balancing poses, alignment and adjustments

Week 5 – 18-20 May

Friday evening - class, mantra, satsang

Saturday morning - Bhakti yoga

Saturday afternoon – Myths and sequencing

Sunday morning – special populations – pre natal, mums n bubs and kids yoga

Sunday afternoon – ayurveda and nutrition including practical assessment on prescribing a food and yoga program for a specific ayurvedic type

Week 6 – 22-24 June

Friday evening– class, mantra, satsang

Saturday morning – anatomy and alignment with Amanda Brown

Saturday afternoon – anatomy and alignment

Sunday morning – anatomy and alignment

Sunday afternoon – anatomy and alignment


No Saturday this month – optional workshops with visiting teacher

Sunday morning – TBC

Sunday afternoon – TBC

Week 8 – 17-19 August

Friday evening– class, mantra, satsang

Saturday morning – Revolved and backbending poses - alignment, anatomy, verbal adjustments and practice teaching

Saturday afternoon – backbending - alignment, anatomy, verbal adjustments and practice teaching

Sunday morning –yoga sutra’s book 1, theory and discussion

Sunday afternoon – hips and forward folds - alignment, anatomy, verbal adjustments and practice teaching

Week 9 – 21-23 September

Friday evening– class, mantra, satsang

Saturday morning – yoga sutra’s book 2, theory and discussion

Saturday afternoon - Special populations – how to include those with illness/injury into your general class, yoga as a form of therapy, teaching a private session - theory, lesson planning and practice teaching

Sunday morning – hands on assists and adjustments – revisiting the key poses

Sunday afternoon – restorative yoga with Amanda Brown

Week 10 – 26-28 October

Friday evening– class, mantra, satsang

Saturday morning - the art of teaching with confidence, business planning, yoga teacher ethics, question and answer time

Saturday afternoon – physical exam - students to teach a twenty minute segment of a sequenced class

Sunday morning – theory exam - four hour written exam revising each key module

Sunday afternoon – celebration!

Suggested reading List (further homework will be given from this reading list)

Light on Yoga – Iyengar

Jivamukti Yoga – Sharon Gannon and David Life

The Heart of Yoga – Desikachar

Bhagavad Gita – Eknath Easwaran edition

Yoga Sutras – Satchidananda edition

Healing Mantras – Thomas Ashley-Farrand