ECE 579sComputer and Network SecuritySpring 2017

Assignment # 2

Due: March 2, 2017

For this assignment your attack access point (AP) will be up and running with the new configuration in the Vernam Lab (AK-212A) on Wednesday (September 24). The WI-FI network should be reachable from the 2nd floor corridor.

This time the AP will be WPA2, with ECE579s as the BSSID. Currently one machine is setup which intermittently queries the AP. This link is your target! You are asked to use aircrack-ng to attack the communication link and recover the pre-shared key in order to hijack a network connection.

Please use the following links, available on the class web page, to help you use aircrack-ng:

Please Note:

  1. This is a continuation of the work you did in Assignment #1, please use the same working environment.

a)Recommended using a Live Kali USB (new version of Backtrack).

b)Do not wait till the last min, this WILL take some time.

  1. This attack is dictionary based, Aircrack-ng already includes a dictionary list.

a)To extract the dictionary list to your desktop execute the following command:

gunzip -c /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz > ./Desktop/rockyou.txt

b)The password chosen is included in this dictionary list.

  1. The main difference in this assignment is that you will be doing an injection attack.

a)Depending on your wireless card you may get the following error

mon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel ...

b)If you run into this error you need to patch your wireless card. Please locate your wireless card model number, to help resolve this issue.

  1. The AP is not connected to the WPI network in any way so you will not be able to gain Internet access even after you have recovered the key and associated your machine with the AP.

When you are done, you may turn in your session (command line dump including the recovered key) as your homework solution. Make sure you write your name on it.