Application to Vary the Conditions of Master or Doctoral Degree
Candidature and/or a Postgraduate Award with Stipend


  1. Because of Commonwealth government census dates and the requirement to report student load accurately, retrospective approvals to vary your enrolment prior to a census date cannot be granted.
  2. It is the research candidate’s responsibility to lodge this form with his or her Principal Supervisor at least one month before the intended variation date. Type or print all entries clearly.

Section 1:(To be completed by the Research Candidate)

Personal Details

Student ID No: Title: Given Names:

Family Name:

Degree Details

Degree: CourseLoad:

School/Research Institute: Campus:

Current Principal Supervisor:

Current Co-supervisor(s):

Current Assistant Supervisor (where relevant):

Current Associate Supervisor (where relevant):

Scholarship Information:If you currently hold a scholarship, please tick the relevant box.
Other ► please identify:
Please note that as a scholarship holder, changes to your candidature may affect the payment of your scholarship.

Request to Vary the Conditions of Your Candidature/ Postgraduate Award with Stipend:(Tick the variation you are requesting; please provide supporting documentation.)

Extension of Scholarship

From:To:Total no. of months:

Extension of Candidature

From:To:Total no. of months:

Leave of Absence from Studies

From:To: Total no. of months:

Note:Research candidates on leave of absence are not permitted to do any research and may not receive any supervision.

Leave of Absence from Studies (GCHE)*

From: To: Total no. of months:

*(For research candidates who are concurrently completing the GCHE, a maximum of six months additional leave is allowable.)

Sick Leave

From:To:Total no. of months:

Maternity Leave

From:To:Total no. of months:

CourseLoad Change from Full-time to Part-time


CourseLoad Change from Part-time to Full-time


Outside research / field study, permission to conduct research away from the University whether
overseas or domestically

From:To:Total No. of months:

Note: Any outside research / field study occurring outside Australia requires the approval of the Dean of Research in consultation with the Associate Dean of Research and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, and will be subject to travel advisories at the time as issued by the Government.

Off-campus status, permission to conclude candidature away from the University:

From:To:Total no. of months:

Note: Off-campus status is available only when a research candidate has demonstrated to his or her supervisors, the Head of the School/Research InstituteDirector and Associate Dean Research that he or she is able to complete the writing of the final draft of the thesis without being supervised in person. Such research candidates must still continue to maintain a current enrolment, pay the relevant fees, meet with their supervisors when required and participate in School/Research Institute seminars and colloquia.

The University Research Committee recommends that all research candidates be in contact with their supervisors once a fortnight and no less than once a month.

The reasons for wishing to vary the conditions of my candidature and/or scholarship are as follows:

(Please provide as much detail as possible; additional sheets should be attached to this page if necessary. If you are applying for a period of outside research or field study away from the University, you should outline your full intentions and plans, list each area, country and/or institution you wish to visit indicating their relevance to your research project, and state your plans for maintaining adequate and regular contact with your supervisors at ACU.)

Stage reached in your research:

Signature of Research Candidate:Date: / /

►Please forward to your Principal Supervisor to complete Section 2.

Section 2:Recommendation of Principal Supervisor

Comments on academic progress:

I recommend the approval of the research candidate’s request.

I recommend the approval of the research candidate’s request with the following conditions:

I do NOT recommend the approval of the research candidate’s request for the following reasons:

Additional comments, if any:

Signature of Principal Supervisor:

Date: / /

► Please forward to your Head of School/Research Institute Director to complete Section 3.

Section 3:To be completed by the Head of School/Research Institute Director

I recommend the approval of the research candidate’s request and any special conditions recommended by the Principal Supervisor.

I do NOT recommend the approval of the research candidate’s request for the following reasons:

Additional comments (including amendments to the supervisor’s conditions or addition of further special conditions), if any:

Signature of Head of School/Research Institute Director as appropriate:

Date: / /

► Please forward to the Associate Dean Research to complete Section 4.

Section 4:To be completed by the Associate Dean Research

The Faculty has referred to the RM record and can confirm that the research candidate’s leave request complies with University regulations (where applicable).

I recommend the approval of the research candidate’s request and any special conditions recommended by the Principal Supervisor.

I do NOT recommend the approval of the research candidate’s request for the following reasons:

Additional comments (including amendments to the Principal Supervisor’s conditions or addition of further special conditions), if any:

Signature of Associate Dean Research:

Date: / /

►Please return this form to Graduate Research ().

Process completed by:
Date confirmation sent to Scholarships Officer regarding change of status: //
For outside research/field study outside Australia
Date sent to Dean of Research for approval: //


Australian Catholic University is committed to ensuring the privacy of all information it collects. Personal information supplied to the University will only be used for administrative and educational purposes of the institution. Personal information collected by the University will only be disclosed to third parties with the written consent of the person concerned, unless otherwise prescribed by law. For further information, please see the University’s Statement on Privacy

Instructions to Applicants Wishing to Vary the Conditions of
their Candidature and/or a Postgraduate Award with Stipend

  1. General Instructions

It is the research candidate’s responsibility to take this form to his or her Principal Supervisor at least one month before the requested variation date.

  1. Leave or Suspension of Candidature and/or a Postgraduate Award with Stipend

A Postgraduate Award with Stipend may be suspended or have a leave period for up to 12 months within the tenure of the award.

If candidature is changed from full-time to part-time, a Postgraduate Award with Stipend must normally be stopped. Please note that periods of part-time study undertaken towards the degree during suspension of anAward will be deducted pro-rata from the tenure of the award.

Where candidature and/or a Postgraduate Award with Stipendhas been suspended or had a period of leave, please note your resumption date and new expiry date. When you resume your studies, you will need to complete a Resumption of Candidature/Postgraduate Award with Stipend form. You will not normally receive a reminder.

  1. Change of Course Load

If candidature is changed from full-time to part-time, a Postgraduate Award with Stipend must normally be stopped.

Candidates who apply to change their courseload to part-time for only a limited period, will need to apply to convert back to full-time candidature at the end of the specified period.

  1. Sick Leave or Maternity Leave

Please attach a certificate, signed and dated by a medical practitioner specifying the nature of the condition and its likely duration.

Your candidature (and Postgraduate Award with Stipend, if applicable) will be amended accordingly.

  1. Extension of Candidature or Postgraduate Award with Stipend

The University may approve an extension to the expiry date of candidature or the tenure of a Postgraduate Award with Stipend. An extension to the tenure of a Postgraduate Award with Stipend will only be considered for doctoral studiesand for a maximum period of six months where the grounds for extension are related to study and are beyond the control of the research candidate.

  1. Outside Research / Field Study or Off-Campus Status

If you are applying for a period of outside research / field study away from the University, you should outline your full intentions and plans, list each area, country and/or institution you wish to visit indicating their relevance to your research project, and state your plans for maintaining adequate and regular contact with your supervisors at ACU.

Off-campus status is available only when a candidate has demonstrated to his or her Principal Supervisor, the Head of School/Research Institute Directorand the Associate Dean Research that he or she is able to complete the writing of the final draft of the thesis without being supervised in person. Such research candidates must still continue to maintain a current enrolment, pay the relevant fees, attend postgraduate seminars and colloquia, and meet with their supervisors as and when required.

Any fieldwork occurring outside Australia requires the approval of the Dean of Research in consultation with the Associate Dean Research and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, and will be subject to travel advisories at the time as issued by the Government.

  1. Resumption after a Period of Leave

The due date for resumption of candidature and / or a Postgraduate Award with Stipend should be noted carefully. A reminder will not normally be sent.

Candidates resuming candidature and/or a Postgraduate Award with Stipend after a period of leave must complete a Resumption of Candidature and/or Postgraduate Award with Stipend form, available from the Graduate Research website.

Candidates must resume candidature within 30 days of the due resumption date. If this requirement is not met the candidature will lapse automatically and the Postgraduate Award with Stipend will terminate.

Candidates seeking resumption of candidature after the candidature has lapsed must re-apply for admission to candidature under the terms and conditions prevailing at the time of application.

Any candidate who cannot resume on the due date, with the necessary commitment to work for the degree, should discuss the situation with his or her Principal Supervisor and seek further advice from Graduate Research.

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