Trade union of workers of transport and motorways of Kazakhstan, included in Confederation of work of Kazakhstan

The RESEARCH Project

« Trade union of workers of transport and motorways ofKazakhstan »

Authors: Ahmetov Lajla Sejsembekovna, БарановаDyne Сергеевна

The brief characteristic of the organization

The program of trade union of workers of transport and motorways of Kazakhstan is directed on achievement of an overall objective – creation of complex system of effective protective measures of the working person in conditions of the steady tendency of growth of economy was outlined in Kazakhstan, developments of private(individual) business, significant reduction of participation of the state in production management.

In promptly changing and progressing society trade unions should borrow(occupy) key positions. The trade union of workers of transport and motorways of Kazakhstan should overcome mistrust to trade unions, promote their demand in a society, as effective институциональнойto the form of protection of the labour and social and economic rights of a working part of the population.

The trade union builds the activity on the basis of consolidation of progressive trade unions, the nongovernmental organizations, other structures for achievement of objects in view.

The purposes and problems(tasks)

The overall objective of trade union of workers of transport and motorways of Kazakhstan – to consolidate efforts in joint with authority and employers of activity on strengthening improvement of position of the Kazakhstan workers through perfection of the mechanism of trade unions, constructive social dialogue and social partnership at all levels.

One of the main tasks is amplification(strengthening) of a role and influence of trade unions on accepted decisions in sphere of economy at all levels of executive authority.


Steady work

Safe working conditions

The worthy salary providing high quality of a life

Culture of manufacture

Equality of all before the law

Principles of activity

Precise positions

Constructive approach to the decision of problems

Aspiration to reasonable compromises



The account of needs(requirements) of the member organizations

The basic directions of activity

  1. Interaction with the central enforcement authorities

А) An establishment of system of mutual relations with the Government, the ministries, departments for the decision of problems(tasks) in sphere of labour attitudes(relations);

Б)Ocurrence through Confederation of Work of Kazakhstan (КТК) in structure of the Republican commission of social partnership in the field of labour attitudes(relations) according to the Law of Republic Kazakhstan « About social partnership ». Use of mechanisms of partnership for the decision of actual problems in sphere of labour, social and economic attitudes(relations), preventive maintenance and the prevention(warning) of conflicts;

В) Participation through Confederation of Work of Kazakhstan in republican advisory - advisory bodies for promotion of authorized interests.

  1. Perfection of the legislation

А) The regular analysis правоприменительнойpractice of the current legislation regulating questions labour and social and economic spheres;

Б) Development of offers for modification and additions in the current legislation, and also participation in activity of the governmental working groups by development of social - significant laws;

В) Lobbying through КТКquestions of the legislation at a level of Parliament, the Government, the ministries.

  1. Work at a local level

А) Development through a network of the member organizations of the initiatives directed on harmonization of attitudes(relations) between authority, work and the capital, preventive maintenance and the prevention(warning) of labour conflicts, use in these purposes of the mechanism tripartite the commissions, system of constant negotiations and consultations for the decision of various problems;

Б) Strengthening a role of branch trade unions, revision of attitudes(relations) between the center and branch trade unions;

В) Rendering methodical and organizational support by trade union during the conclusion of collective agreements. To provide in them balance of interests of the employer and hired workers, to achieve inclusion of questions of social support of workers due to the profit of the enterprises, and also system of guarantees in case of liquidation, reorganization and transformation of the enterprises;

Regular informing regional акиматовabout the most important questions in activity of trade union for formation of mutual understanding and support at the decision of the problems(tasks) which are put forward by the member organizations.

  1. The international activity

А) The establishment of system of business ties with the foreign organizations for integration of trade union of workers of transport and motorways of Kazakhstan into the international trade-union movement with the purpose of expansion of an opportunity of protection of the Kazakhstan workers, is especial in conditions of activity in the country of transnational campaigns, receptions of the information and data on world(global) tendencies in sphere of work, participation in formation of the international labour norms and standards;

Б) The introduction through КТКin the world Confederation of Work as the member organization;

В) Cooperation with the International center of solidarity on questions of struggle against the traffic of men, women and children as a labour, in view of that работорговляbecomes the scale phenomenon in the world and directly concerns казахстанцев.

  1. New approaches in work of trade union and its(her) member organizations

А) Maintenance of an output(exit) of trade unions from a condition of isolation from activity of other institutes of a civil society and finding of leading positions by them in a public life;

Б) Wide use, alongside with the basic sphere of trade-union activity (a working condition, a wage level, safety of work, social support of workers due to means of the employer), cooperation with the state bodies and establishments, private(individual) structures and the nongovernmental organizations giving social services for the decision of all spectrum of problems of the working person (vocational training, retraining, consultations on various legal questions, the decision of household problems, health, problems of education of children, the state social support, self-realization in a public life, etc.).

В) Introduction in practice of work of trade union and the member organizations drawing up of separate projects on directions of activity with concrete design problems(tasks), terms of execution(performance) and indicators of success. Making parts of management of such projects should become their monitoring and an estimation;

Г) Development of alternative forms and methods of the sanction of labour conflicts;

Д) The organization of system training leaders and active workers of the member organizations to new forms of work, social, information technologies, legal, economic knowledge. Introduction during a life of the European principle « Formation(Education) during all life ».

The trade union of workers of transport and motorways of Kazakhstan consistently directs the activity on association of all organized workers of the country to uniform force – the Uniform trade-union center – for creation of effective system of protection of the Person of work.

The headquarters is located in Almaty. Number of the personnel in Almaty – three persons. The others on an elective free-of-charge post. Branches are available in all 16 regions of the country. In Astana – capital of Kazakhstan the representative in КТКworks.

In the beginning of work in 2002 there were some bright PR-actions on storing new trade union. For today эпизодичные, but serious enough performances(statements) of the leader of trade union at all levels.

Many leaders of power structures communicate with trade union and НПО, businessmen and simply hired workers. The leader has authority on a society, are able to speak, write, act with bright, incendiary speeches to TV or open public.

The basic problems is that there is a split in all branch, two republican trade unions are created. Loss of members of trade unions is marked. How many for today of members of trade union it is difficult enough to tell. Censuses are not present. There is no mass character, there are no constant sources of financing, there is no constant, persistent work with hired workers.

The description of the trade-union organization

The table № 1

Trade union of transport and motorways

№ / The name / For January, 1, 1995. / For January, 1, 2000.
1 / Number of the primary organizations / 756 / 216
2 / Number of members of trade union / 131279 / 42200
3 / % scope профчленством / 98,5 / 86,0

According to the book « Federation of trade unions of Republic Kazakhstan on a threshold of XXI century » (Astana, 2000. – 150 with./146/)

The table № 2

Number of members in a branch trade union for January, 1, 2005 in ФПРК

(the given trade union is created after exception from ФПРКtrade union of workers of transport and motorways from November, 23, 2001)

№ / The name of trade union / For January, 1, 2004. / For January, 1, 2005.
1 / Motor transport and the road enterprises / 20230

According to the book « Federation of trade unions of Republic Kazakhstan. 2000-2005. XX congress » (Astana, 2005. – 188 with./171/).

Thus, there was a loss of members of trade union in transport and road sphere. For last five years of XX century reduction of membership in three with superfluous time. In five years of the first century of a new century in structure FPRK there was almost half of members of trade union, and the rest were divided(shared) into some parts. Some members of trade union have left these numbers(lines), some trade-union organizations have simply broken up, the part has come in other organizations and the small part has remained in present structure of the described organization. Re-registrations did not occur. What quantity(amount) actually is present members of trade union knows nobody. Everyone operates with own figures which have been not confirmed documentary. On the rough data of a management(manual) trade union there was one third of members, however, most likely is the overestimated figure.

Interview with Соломиным, vice-president КТК.

The period after 2002. By this time in the country organizational development of trade unions of new type when workers, proprietors of the enterprises, representatives of authorities should be released(exempted) from former stereotypes about a role of trade unions as social - cultural and community departments has already been claimed. Forms and methods of activity of traditional trade unions should become market, and employers - to become the Party(Side) for trade unions at the conclusion of collective agreements in interests of workers.

In the country by this time two republican trade-union centers operate: КСПК, Council of Federation of trade unions (СФПК) and the third - created family the branch trade unions which have left structure SFPK, but yet Kazakhstan trade-union center (КПЦ) not recognized as authority (Mashkenova M.R. created by group and existed about one year – a comment of authors)

For 2002 constructive enough cooperation was outlined in interests of members of trade unions between КСПК, КПЦand the primary organizations which are included in СФПК. To find the general(common) interests with management(manual) СФПКit was not represented possible(probable) for the reason, that it is burdened by problems of the property which is appropriated(given) by them as the inheritance from management of means of the state social insurance since 1933. But the primary trade-union organizations aspire to effective work in new conditions, and it allows КСПКto cooperate with them.

In 2003 there is a split in independent trade unions of the country. The permanent head of independent trade unions retires and starts to prepare for the uniform trade-union center in the country under the slogan « Together we more strongly ». The new stage of trade-union construction begins.

In May, 2003 the organizing committee « Uniform профцентрKazakhstan » is created led by chairman L.Solominym, preparation for congress is started. In the beginning of 2004 co-chairmen of organizing committee are elected by S.Abdrahmanov, L.Solomin, M.Mashkenov. In March, 2004 at constituent congress the first stage of creation uniform профцентраis realized, the Confederation of Work of Kazakhstan is formed. It(she) included branch and regional trade unions Kazakhstanпрофцентра, the majority of trade-union associations КСПК, Confederation of the nongovernmental organizations of Kazakhstan and the separate trade-union organizations which were not entering earlier in one trade-union center.

КТКit is recognized as authority and social partners, is a member of the Republican tripartite commission. President КТКhas won elections to Mazhilis of Parliament RK, is elected by chairman of committee on the international affairs, defense and safety of Mazhilis of Parliament, a member of national Advice(Council) at President РК.

The analysis of activity КТКwhich included trade union of workers of transport and motorways.

At sight КТК, an average level of scope of working people membership in trade unions in Kazakhstan makes about 8, 3 percent(interests). (In Kazakhstan there is no research in ФПРКand КТК, showing valid position of trade unions of the country – a comment of authors)

The Kazakhstan workers for themselves count a priority presence of a permanent job, but not security on a labour market. Such situation today is favourable both foreign, and to domestic businessmen as they can use a cheap labour. And growth of economy in these conditions does not entail proportional growth of well-being of the population.

At the same time, for effective activity of trade unions in Kazakhstan the necessary legislative base is generated, and she(it) allows trade unions to participate in formation of a social and economic policy(politics) of the state, actively to protect labour and social and economic rights of people, interests of labour collectives.

In conditions of reforms many trade-union organizations appeared unable to protect the most elementary labour rights of the members, and their heads appeared insolvent. In these collectives, during the complex(difficult) periods for economy of the state, sharp social conflicts, spontaneous performances(statements) of workers to extreme forms of display of the protest, such, as strikes, hunger-strikes, the pedestrian marches, meetings began to arise...

In this situation the life has put forward from the environment of working leaders of the new formation, capable to protect rights of the comrades on work. And they began to be united on completely new principles. So the Confederation of free trade unions of Kazakhstan(КСПК) has been formed. This event has begun secession of monolithic trade unions - Almaty regional association of trade unions, and then seven republican branch trade unions and some the regional and separate trade-union organizations of the country (an aggregate number more than 200 thousand members of trade unions), including trade union of workers of transport and motorways of Kazakhstan.

The aggregate number of members of trade unions of the subjects who are included in Confederation of work of Kazakhstan, made for a moment its(her) creations about 400 thousand person. Have headed КТКpresident Serik Abdrahmanov – the deputy of Mazhilis of Parliament RK, vice-president culm L.Z. – the leader of independent trade-union movement of Kazakhstan and the Secretary general Murat Машкенов- the leader of branch trade union of workers of motor transport and motorways of Kazakhstan. The structure of coordination Advice(Council) KTK included heads of some republican branch trade unions, regional associations, and also leaders of separate trade unions.

The confederation of work of Kazakhstan on a way to creation of the uniform trade-union center of the country also realizes the new model of actions adequate(answering) to time, a situation, hopes and expectations of people of work.

The confederation was part of the national tripartite commission of social partnership and already in the first months of the activity was recognized in a society and in the corridors of power, and its(her) number has increased up to 500 thousand members.

The trade union of workers of transport and motorways during first half of 2005 has acted with a number(line) of clauses(articles) and a various sort of publications in the central mass-media of Kazakhstan devoted to a theme of association, the project of the Labour Code and on other themes.

However their small number plays the big role in separation. In our opinion, unknown sources of incomes in КТКand large number of members of the trade unions confirmed ostensibly, having inert in the majority weight of people, and closeness of financial sources in КТКplay a negative role.

Positive qualities in trade union are their mobility, efficiency, skill to study, win, constant readiness to work and be ahead, conviction, skill to use press to participate in political processes of a society, a number(line) of other moments.

nevertheless, stresses, attacks, misunderstanding, threat of loss of work, have played the business and till now influence development and promotion of trade unions of the country.

Interview to Mashkenovym M.R., chairman of branch trade union of transport and motorways

Trade unions, dynamics(changes) of development

During Soviet times we did not have present(true) trade unions because the state was the uniform employer and there is nobody was to trade unions to negotiate on questions of working conditions, payments. The state allocated(removed) to trade unions a role of structure in the state system of social protection due to means of the state social insurance. These obligatory deductions made all enterprises, the organizations.

Old trade unions never carried out, they simply were not capable to carry out protective functions. Focused on communistic values, they could not appear and in avant guarde of promotion of new economy and new forms of protection of hired workers. For many years of activity of such trade unions at the population the opinion has taken roots, that the trade union is a payment of hospital sheets, permits, a potato and an onions(a bow) for the winter, cultural actions. Everyone were members of trade unions as this process occured automatically. Anybody also did not reflect on an opportunity something to change. In fact if the person suddenly could appear not in trade union then there came the material sanction – 50 % of payment of the sick-list. And from illnesses nobody is insured.

And, despite of it, under influence of free trade unions for last 15 years already many including the state officials have realized, that the civilized trade union is the organization created by hired workers for upholding of their rights. I should result a recent example совковогоthe approach in trade unions. In news "Хабара" the plot about strike of builders on one of objects in Astana has been shown. Workers have not received wages for some months. And the journalist inquires: « Where trade unions look? »

And what it is trade unions should come running to protect defenceless? Times « general protection of all against all » have passed. Each worker now has option: to be the single in mutual relations with the employer or to initiate creation of trade union on the manufacture. Or to enter already existing trade union to which you can entrust protection of the rights.