Preschool Activity Calendar

November 29th-December 3rd

5 Senses

This is an optional activity calendar. If your child is interested then that is wonderful! Please encourage your child to try, by themselves. It’s not optional in Kindergarten. We are really working on writing our names. 

November focus: black/brown, rectangle, # 5, and Baa Baa Black Sheep Nursery rhyme

(PleaseALSO work on these things with your child)

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
-Read a book with your child. Record on reading log
-lowercase letter trace
Have your child practice tracing each letter (have them practice making the circles counter clockwise…EX:
Write them own their own / Read a book with your child. Record on reading log.
- Numbers
Do the attached “A Spoonful of Sets” sheet.
Extension:Use yellow, orange, brown or black for review. If they have those, use colors they may be struggling with. / -Read a book with your child. Record on reading log.
Have your child practice writing their name. It doesn’t have to be on the sheet I send home, any way will be fine. (Flour on a pan, shaving cream, etc.)
Have them name each letter as they write / -Read a book with your child. Record on reading log.
-Where is Ss?
. Ss is for senses. Have your child circle, underline, etc. the Ss’s in the attached sheet.
For S= curve left, curve Right, around & stop
.Continue working on number identification, counting, and writing 1-5, letters in their name, capital and lower, shapes, and colors. / NO HOMEWORK except filling out your child’s reading log! I am giving prizes for 6 of 7 days filled out. Let’s promote reading together!
Number Reminder:
1= one is fun, 2= around & back on a railroad track 2.2.2, 3= around a tree around a tree that’s the way we make a 3, 4= down & across & down some more that’s the waywe make a 4, 5= fat old 5 has a hat & a back & a big ole belly

Listed below is our list of GOALS for each Preschooler to meet before going to Kindergarten. Please know that these are not the only things they need to know, but this is our MAIN focus for the year. We hope you will join us in a partnership for your child’s learning!

Goals for students by the end of preschool:

  1. Identify & count numbers 1-10.
  2. Identify at least 10 letters & sounds (including those in 1st name).
  3. Identify 6 shapes ()
  4. Identify 11 colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, white, brown, gray )
  5. Write first name.

READING LOG CAN BE FOUND ONLINE (, elementary tab on top, pre-k program tab onLeft)