Wednesday August 13, 2014

8:30 a.m.

PRESENT: Chair: Councillor Ian Chard

Valerie Cron

Cathy Bishop

Ernst Hoffseummer

Kate Burns

Jeff Sheridan, Elgin Business Resource Centre

Resource:Kim Grogan, Treasurer

Donna Clermont (8:30 to 8:50)

Absent:Jack VanderKooy


  • The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.
  • Minutes of June 11, 2014 were reviewed and approved. (moved by Cathy, seconded by Valerie; CARRIED)
  • Donna discussed changes to Provincial Policy Statement, broadening of permitted uses-farm diversified uses and the Township’s official plan and zoning by-law including home based business/industry.Discussions returned to enforcement which is complaint based.
  • Ian confirmed that Integrated Marketing and Communication students are available from Fanshawe College to develop a Marketing Plan for Southwold. 8 or 9 groups of 4-5 students will presenting Marketing Plans for the Township.
  • Ernst reported on the Front Yards in Bloom program in Edmonton as well as the Oakville Blooms program. Judging criteria includes general, natural edible and public space categories. Community involvement in cleaning up areas, sponsorships, adopt-a-creek and adopt-a-street were discussed. Ernst also reported on Flower Festivals taking place in Europe.
  • Valerie reported on the Community in Blooms program, committed local area residents and ways to encourage community participation though awards, a road rally, potential supplier discounts, and beautification themes. Valerie would like to be included as a delegation on a future meeting of every committee of Council. Betsy McClure from KCCA will be asked to attend the next EDC meeting to discuss forestry programs.
  • The topic of roadside weeds was discussed again and the need for increased roadside mowing, spraying and control of noxious weeds on Township property.

The Economic Development Committee recommends Council approve increased roadside spraying and mowing, including noxious weed control on Township property in accordance with the Township’s noxious weeds by-law, in the 2015 Budget deliberations. (moved by Ernst, seconded by Valerie;CARRIED).

  • Kim provided information on the Sustainability plan update for 2014, to be presented to Council on October 6, 2014.
  • Kate Burns reviewed the Elgin County EDC update, Human resources changes and Strategic Plan engagement. Also discussed were Tourism initiatives, downtown revitalization/renewal programs and the County wide Community Improvement Plan. Kate indicated that a template for rural downtown revitalization /renewal would be available for local area application in the future, based on Springfield’s revitalization/renewal plan.
  • Jeff Sheridan, Elgin Business Resource Centre, was introduced to the group as the staff member operating out of the Dutton Office. Jeff discussed EBRC working with area home industry and home businesses, the Innovation Centre for Entrepreneurs (ICE), and networking with the County EDC to market area business opportunities.
  • Meeting adjourned at 10:00a.m.
  • Next meeting: Wednesday October 1, 2014, 8:30 a.m. at Municipal Offices.

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