Project partner finding form for the partnerships in Comenius and eTwinning

Please provide detailed information about your school on this form.

Contact information
Name of the school: / Budenz József Alapítványi Gimnázium
Country, town: / Budapest
Name and e-mail of contact person: / Benedek Mányi

School website: /
Information about your school
Number of pupils: / 70
Number of teachers: / 15
Regional characteristics: / City  Suburb  Rural area 
Age of pupils at school: / Youngest: 14 Oldest: 20
Type of school: Public Private  / Pre-primary school 
Primary School 
Secondary School 
Technical and Vocational School 
School for pupils with special education needs 
Other: ______
Languages taught in your school: / English, German, Spanish, French
Previous experience with international school programmes: / Yes  No 
Project information
Type of project: / Multilateral  Bilateral 
Age of pupils in the project: / 15-18
Possible title of project: / Ageing And Declining Europe
Working language of the project: / English
General aim of the project: / The population of most European countries is ageing and declining. The reasons that led to this phenomenon may vary from one country to another, but what’s behind these facts? How do the young in each country see it?How does today’s social and political situation in each country affect their interest in starting a family and having children? What do 16-18-year-old European citizens think about these issues and how do they relate to them?What typical and specific differences can be seen throughout Europe and why? Have the traditional gender roles really changed in modern families? If they have, in what way? How much impact do fashionable lifestyles - such as single, yuppie, grown-ups still living with their parents, etc. - have on the decreasing number of births?
Although hundreds of similar questions may arise and we might not be able to answer all of them in the course of this project, the general aim here is to make young Europeans aware of these existing problems and to tryto search for some effective strategies to reverse this process.
Subject areas, topics, curriculum areas: / Social geography, history, sociology
Planned outcomes of the project: / A specially designed blog and a Facebook page would not only be used for communication among the partners and sharing things (pictures, videos, interviews,etc.) online but they would also ensure the afterlife of the project reaching thousands of European citizens.
Any additional information you would like to provide: / To make this project work we would need at least three serious partners.
Information about the schoolI am looking for:
Type of school: Public  Private  / Pre-primary school 
Primary School 
Secondary School 
Technical and Vocational School 
School for pupils with special education needs 
Other: ______
Age of pupils in the project: / 15-18
Languages learned by pupils in the project (if it is important): / English
Regional characteristics (if it is important): / City  Suburb  Rural area 
Country preferences (if any):