Respect, Responsibility, Learning, Achievement
Kipling School
“You are the future! Believe it, achieve it!”
Box 730
Kipling, Saskatchewan
S0G 2S0
Telephone: 736-2464 Fax: 736-2452
School Handbook
Table of Contents
Vision/Mission Statements and School Values…………………………………………………………………………3
School Directory……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4-6
Section A: Daily School Operations
Arrival Times and Bell Schedules……………………………………………………………………………………………….7
School Visitors ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Attendance Policy……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....8-9
Fire Procedures ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10
Lock Down Procedures…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11
Fees …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12
Computer Room and Internet Use……………………………………………………………………………………………12
Peanut Free Facility………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12
Inclement Weather Policy……………………………………………………………………………………………………….14
Extra-Curricular Activities………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
Extra-Curricular and Field Trip Travel……………………………………………………………………………………….15
Reporting Periods and Interviews…………………………………………………………………………………………....16
Accident Insurance…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16
Section B: General Guidelines for Students
General School Rules, Classroom Rules……………………………………………………………………………………17
Student Suspensions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18
Dress Code Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18
Cell Phone Policy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
School Telephone Usage………………………………………………………………………………………………………….20
Inappropriate Language Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………………20
Detention Room Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21
Smoking Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22
Open Campus Policy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22
Student Lockers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….23
Entering and Exiting the School………………………………………………………………………………………………..23
Accidental or Willful Property Damage…………………………………………………………………………………….24
Gym Rules………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..24
Physical Interaction (Horse Play) Policy……………………………………………………………………………………25
Section C: Academic Guidelines
Credit Requirements for Secondary Level Completion……………………………………………………………..26
Graduation Requirements………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26
Course Loads………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... 27
Course (Regular) Offered at Kipling School……………………………………………………………………………...27
Kipling School Assignment Policy……………………………………………………………………………………………..28
Driver Training……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..28
Distance Learning…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….29
Promotion Policy of Kipling School………………………………………………………………………………………..…30
Secondary Final Assessments…………………………………………………………………………………………………..31
Awards Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..32
Kipling School Vision
To provide a safe and enjoyable place to encourage our school community to be successful and productive members of society.
Provide an environment and opportunity for everyone to achieve their personal best.
“You are the future! Believe it, achieve it!”
Our Shared Values
Respect- We value a culture of mutual respect by valuing ourselves and others and by honoring the world around us.
Responsibility- We value a culture where everyone performs their role to the best of their ability in a manner that maintains a positive educational environment.
Learning- We value a culture that encourages learning and allows students to develop into lifelong learners.
Achievement- We value a culture that strives to reach our personal best and celebrates individual growth.
School Directory
School Administration:
Mr. Dave BircherPrincipal
Mr. Garth ShoemakerVice-principal
Mrs. Sharon PotterAdministrative Assistant
Mrs. Marilyn ShackletonAdministrative Assistant
Elementary Classroom Teachers:
Mrs. Vanessa KishKindergarten/Pre-Kindergarten
Mrs. Kim ZepickGrade One
Miss Kayla LamportGrade Two
Mrs. Janna BrightGrade Three
Mrs. Krysta GrieveGrade Four
Mr. Trevor ParleyGrade Four/Five
Ms. Sherri SingerGrade Six
Mrs. Monica Olson
Mr. Dave Bircher
Mr. Michael DeckerStudent Services
Miss Jalissa GrantStudent Services
Middle Years/High School Teachers:
Mrs. Pat Highmoor
Ms. Rhonda Balogh
Mrs. Kara Taylor
Mr. Rhett Larsen
Mr. Jason Kovach
Mrs. Kara Taylor
Ms. Ashley Dew
Mrs. June Dash
Ms. Rhonda Balogh
Mrs. Melissa Gesell
Mrs. Sarah Kirkness
Mr. Garth Shoemaker
Mrs. Bonnie Jean Dash
Miss Mariah PerkinsStudent Services
Library Staff
Mrs. Candice DeiterTeacher-Librarian
Mrs. Desi HarcourtLibrarian Technician
Educational Assistants:
Mrs. Shirley TothMrs. Melissa Kovach
Ms. Raelynn FargoMrs. Jennifer Doell
Mrs. Debbie DokaMrs. Karla Roppel
Mrs. Tracy SproatMrs. Frances Petersen
Miss Dana Sproat
Ms. Audrey Ennis
Mr. David Schwebius
Bus Drivers:
Mrs. Kerrie SmalleyMr. Edward Mullie
Mr. Dwight LarsenMrs. Stacey Miskiman
Mr. Danny SzaboMr. Kevin Cheyne
Mr. Wayne StrubleMr. Larry Hack
Mr. Ken Doucette
PVSD Support:
Ms. Sandy LaturnasSpeech Language Pathologist
Child and Family Support Worker
Educational Psychologist
Mr. Murray HorsmanDriver Training Instructor
Occupational Therapist
ELA Consultant
Prairie Valley School Division
Director of Education/Chief Executive Officer:
Mr. Ben Grebinski, Director of Education
Prairie Valley School Division
Box 1937, 3080 Albert Street North
Regina, SaskatchewanS4P 3E1
Office phone: 1-877-266-1666
Fax number: 306-543-1771
Deputy Director: Instruction & School OperationsMr. Mike Embury
Superintendent of Education: School OperationsMr. Derek Smith
Superintendent of Education: School OperationsMrs. Patty Brady
Superintendent of Education- Learning Support:Mrs. Lorrie Anne Harkness
Superintendent of Project Management:Mr. Lyle Stecyk
Deputy Director Division Services- CFO:Mrs. Naomi Mellor
Supervisor of Transportation: Mrs. Cindy Laturnas
School Board TrusteeMrs. Terry Berglund
Kipling School Community Council Members (SCC)
(Parent Representative): Chairperson
Gordon Bates- (Community Representative): Treasurer
Tennille Fischer (Parent Representative): Secretary
Colleen Kish (Parent Representative): Vice-chairperson
Katherine Lowenberger (Parent Representative)
Lizell Montaron (Parent Representative)
Dave Bircher (School Administrator Representative)
Garth Shoemaker (School Administrator Representative)
Janna Bright (Staff Representative)
TBD (Student Representative)
TBD (Student Representative)
Section A: Daily School Operations
Arrival Time
Students should arrive at school no earlier than 8:30 a.m. and no later than 8:40 a.m. on regular school days. Prior to 8:30 a.m., the school does not provide adequate supervision to ensure student safety.
PERIOD 1- 8:45-9:47 a.m. / 8:45-9:47 a.m.
PERIOD 2- 9:50-10:52 a.m. / 9:47-10:49 a.m.
RECESS- 10:52-11:02 a.m. / 10:49-11:02 a.m.
PERIOD 3- 11:02-12:04 p.m. 11:02-12:04 p.m.
NOON HOUR 12:04-1:04 p.m.
PERIOD 4- 1:07-2:09 p.m. 1:07-2:09 p.m.
RECESS 2:09-2:22 p.m.
PERIOD 5 2:22-3:24 p.m. / 2:22-3:24 p.m.
Playground supervision is only provided by staff for 15 minutes after the dismissal bell. Students that remain to play on school equipment after 3:40 p.m. are not supervised.
School Visitors
Any visitors, including parents and former students, must report to the general office upon entering the school.
Attendance Policy
(June 2012)
Based on the principles outlined in the Prairie Valley School Division Administrative Procedure on Student Attendance AP-3040, Kipling School expects that all individuals are punctual for school and classes and that all absenteeism is accounted for by parents and monitored by the school.
Expectations of Students:
- Students are expected to go immediately to their classrooms when the bell rings. Students that arrive more than two minutes after the bell are considered late.
- Students that are late will be sent to the office by the classroom teacher to report that they are late. This will be done at a time determined by the teacher.
- Students that know they are going to miss classes due to a prior commitment are expected to inform the subject teacher(s) and make arrangements to complete any missed school work.
Expectations of Parents/Guardians:
- Parents or guardians are expected to inform the school (email, phone call, signed note, etc.) any time their child will be late for school or absent from school for unavoidable reasons. Absentees and lates not confirmed by the parents or guardian will be reported as unexcused.
- When requested, meet with staff/administration to determine an appropriate plan of action to correct chronic absenteeism/unexcused late attendance.
Expectations of School/Staff:
- Staff members are expected to report the attendance of their assigned students as soon as possible after the start of the class.
- Ensure that all instances of non-attendance are investigated with a focus on intervention and prevention. Administration is expected to monitor absences on a monthly basis to ensure timely, early intervention supports and services.
- Staff members that prevent students from getting to their classes on time (hold back students to complete exams, etc.) are expected to notify the teacher of the next class (page or send a note with the student) that the student will be late.
- The office staff will record all excused absenteeism and lates in the school recording system and notify the administration of students who have exceeded school policy limits on unexcused absences and lates.
- The yellow team and the local attendance counselor will be involved with any situations that involve chronic absenteeism or lack of punctuality.
Consequences for Unexcused Late Attendance:
- If a student is late the first time, their attendance is recorded in SIRS and a warning is issued by the staff member that they will have to attend “detention room” if the behavior continues.
- If students are late on the second occasion, their attendance is recorded and the student is informed by the staff member that they will have to serve a detention in the “detention room”.
- If the student is late on the third occasion, their attendance is recorded and they are assigned to the detention room by a staff member. A letter is sent home to the parents indicating the problem and the next steps in the policy and a referral is sent to the yellow team.
- If a student is late on the fourth occasion, their attendance is recorded. The office will be notified and the student will be issued a one day in-school suspension. A letter will be sent to the parents notifying them of the situation, potential next steps and an opportunity to meet with the yellow team to discuss possible solutions to the lack of punctuality.
- If the student is late on the fifth occasion, a yellow team/parent meeting will be held to address the issue.
Definition of Chronic Absence:
Chronic absence refers to students missing an extended period of school considering both excused and unexcused absences. Chronic absence is defined as missing 10% or more of the school year (equivalent to 18 days of a 180 day school year).
Consequences for Chronic Absence:
- If a student has missed 3% (5 absences/periods)of their school year or senior classes, an office generated message will be sent home indicating the school’s concern, statement that the student has reached the 3% level and potential next steps if the absences continue.
- If a student has missed 5% (10 absences/periods) of their school year, contact by phone with the parents will take place to identify the reasons for the absences, determine possible solutions, and outline future steps.
- If a student has missed 8% (15 absences/periods) of their school year, a formal letter will be mailed indicating that their child is very close to be identified as having chronic absence and a formal meeting involving the parents, student and yellow team members is requested to develop a formal plan to correct the problem.
- If a student has missed 10% (20 absences/periods) of their school year, the student will be referred to the PVSD local attendance counselor to deal with the situation.
Fire Procedures
- To better prepare students for an actual fire, fire drills will take place during the school year.
- All fire drills must be treated as though an emergency is occurring. This will help prepare staff and students to evacuate the building in a quiet, safe and orderly manner.
- When the alarm rings, students should stand and wait while the teacher checks the escape route. Student will not be given time to put on extra clothes or to gather personal belongings.
- When the teacher gives the okay, students will move, single file, through their posted and practiced escape route. The first students through should hold open the door until his/her class and subsequent classes pass through.
- Students should walk quickly and quietly without running, pushing or delaying.
- Elementary students will form rows according to home rooms in the playground east of the school. Middle level and high school students will form rows in the area on the west side of the school.
- All students will stand quietly and orderly while the home room/subject teacher takes attendance. If the evacuation has been a drill, the “all clear” sound of (two quick bell rings) will follow and students will return to class. If there has been an emergency, students and teachers will stand together waiting for further instructions.
- No one (teachers, support staff or students) will be allowed back into the building following an evacuation until the “all clear” sounds.
- If there is not a teacher in the classroom when the fire alarm rings, leave in an orderly fashion along the designated route, as if there were a teacher present.
- Home room teachers closest to the washrooms are responsible for checking the bathrooms to confirm all students have been evacuated.
Lock Down Procedures
Kipling School has an established lock down procedure for staff and students. When a school lock down plan is activated, its purpose is to protect as many people as possible from imminent danger inside the school and to alert anyone outside to immediately leave the school danger area.
In the case of an emergency requiring LOCK DOWN, the following initial procedure will take place;
1. The Principal (or designate) will announce over the PA system that the school is in LOCK DOWN: “Attention all staff- we are in LOCK DOWN, I repeat, we are in LOCK DOWN”.
2. At this point staff and students will begin implementing the LOCK DOWN procedures as practiced.
3. A call will be placed to the RCMP by the principal with the information outlining the situation. When the RCMP arrives, the responsibility for the next steps is turned over to the RCMP.
Student’s Responsibilities:
1)Follow the LOCK DOWN Procedures as practiced.
2)Listen and follow all instructions given by staff and the RCMP.
3)Students should put their cell phones on silent and to not make unnecessary calls.
Parent’s Responsibilities:
1)Keep cell phone lines clear for use by emergency responders. Do not phone students as this could also draw attention to the locations of students within the school inadvertently revealing this to the attackers.
2)Parents arriving at the school during a lock down will be asked or should go to one of the designated parent staging areas;
Primary- Kipling High School Athletic Field or
Secondary- Kipling Arena
At these areas, parents will gather for information from police/school communications personnel.
1. Students are responsible for any lost or damaged books (textbooks and library books) and/or assigned school property. This means the full cost of replacement will be charged.
2. Industrial Arts and Home Economics students will pay for the full cost of individual projects which they take home.
3. Fees for non-compulsory activities or academic classes may be charged at cost level.
Computer Room and Internet Use
Computer Internet access is provided in all the schools of the Prairie Valley School Division. Computer Internet use is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of that privilege and other possible disciplinary measures. Food or drink is not allowed in the Kipling School Computer Labs. In addition, all students and their parents/guardians are expected to sign an Information Technology Acceptable Use Form if they wish to have access to the internet.
Internet Usage Cancelled
- Visiting sites that are obscene, suggestive, threatening or those that promote hate, discrimination, sexism, violence, racism, or illegal activity.
- Downloading files without permission.
- Playing games over the internet without permission.
- Sharing passwords.
- Email/chat inappropriate to educational purposes.
- Revealing own or others’ personal address/phone number.
- Vandalism/sabotaging network or any computer.
- Using abusive, vulgar or threatening language in communications.
- Illegal activity.
- Violating copyright.
NUT Free Facility
Kipling School and buses strive to be a peanut and nut free areas. Other products like “Wow” butter should not be brought to school as it is very difficult to differentiate. Nut residue could be left behind if used in a specific area and if someone is allergic to nuts that residue can be enough to put the person’s life in danger. Please keep this in mind when using the school for outside events; we value our children’s safety.
Bus Conduct
Kipling High School Values: Respect, Responsibility, Learning, Achievement
In order to ensure an effective bus trip, students are required to comply with several procedures.
- Be ready to board the bus on time. Bus drivers are only required to wait 2 minutes.
- Show respect to the driver, and understand that the driver is the person in charge at all times.
- Sit in the seat assigned to you (if the driver chooses to assign seating).
- Observe the instructions given by the driver when boarding and exiting the bus.
- Never attempt to board or exit the bus while it is in motion.
- Stay seated while the bus is moving.
- Refrain from using profanity.
- Do not stick hands/arms out of the windows.
- Do not use tobacco products, alcohol or non-medical drugs while on the bus.
Parental Responsibilities Regarding Bussing
Prairie Valley School Division expects that parents/guardians will:
- Inform the driver if their child/children will not require bus service.
- Have their child/children ready to board the bus at the appointed pick up time.(Buses are only expected to wait 2 minutes).
- Have a contingency plan in place for their child/children if they miss the bus. (see #5)
- Ensure their child/children wear warm clothing during the winter months.
- Arrange emergency billets for their child/children in case the normal operation of buses is suspended because of severe weather conditions, and ensure this information is given to the bus driver and to the school secretary.
- Promote good bus conduct by their child/children.
- Get authorization from the school/bus driver for any guests going to ride the bus with your child or for your child to ride another bus. To get authorization, the guest rider’s parent must contact the school office to get approval before any guests can be transported.
Consequences for Bus Misbehaviour
Students who misbehave on the bus must face the consequences of their actions:
- They may be required to sit in different seats or by themselves.
- They may be suspended from bus transportation for a period of time. Parents then have to drive these students to school at their own expense.
Inclement Weather Policy
When weather conditions warrant it, the director or designate and the supervisor of transportation make the decision to cancel bus service for the entire PVSD. If buses do not run, the school will still be open. Staff will be at school and we want the students to come if they can. We recognize that this is a parent decision based on cars starting, safety, etc.