
Family and Child Welfare Training Project

Project Report

[to be completed for all trainings in which FCWTP manages the planning, coordination, speaker selection, registration, payment, and/or evaluation of training.]


[Description of how the training/topic was chosen, funding sources, parties involved in the planning process, etc.]

Presenter Selection

[Brief description of the trainer(s) and how the trainer(s) were selected]

Training Description

[Description of the training(s), including the number of trainings offered, the target audience(s), title, length of course, and learning objectives.]

[Attach an agenda, and a copy of all materials presented at the training.]


Training Name / Date/Time / Location

Participation Limitation

[Indicate whether/how trainings are limited, in terms of class size or audiences. For example, “Due to the nature of the trainings, each training session was limited to 25 participants.”]


[Describe the registration process, including how target audience was notified of the training, how participants were registered and who maintained the registration (e.g. CYFD or NMSU, etc.), whether participant section was targeted or “first come, first served”, whether there was a waiting list, how participant approval was gained (e.g. confirmation emails with supervisor approval). Complete the table below.]

[Attach a flyer and/or Save the Date, if applicable. Attach list of attendees and/or completed dailysign-in sheets.]

Training Name / Number Pre-Registered / Walk-in Registrations / Number Attended


[Whether Social Work Continuing Education Hours (CEUs) were provided and how certificates were distributed. List the training titles and the number of CEUs offered for each]


[Include the total cost spent on the training project(s) and the types of expenses (e.g. trainer time, materials, travel, rental space, refreshments, etc.). Indicated whether the total is based on internal accounting records, whether it reflects actual billing to CYFD, and whether it includes salaries.]

[List or attach budget breakdown.]


[Describe the evaluation process, including who managed the process (CYFD, NMSU, other entity), and how evaluations were distributed/collected.]

[Attach a summary report of the results.]


#[type of participant] and#[type of participant] received skill-based training on specialized topics in [training topic(s)].The overall evaluation score(s) for this training are…

Next steps for this training are to…

Some future considerations for this training are…

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