Investment Schools Community Meeting Notes

Luis Munoz Marin

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

People: The adults who work in your scholar’s Investment School

1.  How would you like adults from the school to communicate with you about your scholar?

§  Phone

§  Texts from teachers

§  Parents to talk with kids’ teachers after and before school

§  More flexibility from teachers because many times parents are working

§  More flexibility to meet face to face. Sometimes when an issue is very important needs to be dealt with right away and teachers are not available.

§  Robocalls in both English and Spanish

§  No last minute communication, communications needs to be sent out consistently and far in advance for things parents need to attend.

2.  Describe the personality of the kind of teacher and principal who would be most helpful for your scholar and your family. What should they be able to do?

§  Teacher who will be at school every day to ensure student gets education every day. Oftentimes, teachers work half days and are late.

§  Be compassionate and not agitated or strict

§  Be flexible because not all students are the same

§  School is basically Spanish. There is a need for bilingual teachers. Perhaps one bilingual and one English speaking teacher per grade.

§  Teachers that are teaching a certain subject should be prepared and certified in that subject – a science teacher shouldn’t be teaching math or English

§  Special needs students should have an aide with them. Some aides sit in classrooms and don’t do anything. They should be working directly with students.

3.  Some of all staff members of each Investment School will re-interview for their positions. Who should be part of the committee to select new hires?

§  Parents

§  Principal

§  SPO members

§  Students

4.  When staff members are selected, they must sign a Letter of Commitment to the school. What are some of the terms that they should agree to?

§  Present at school everyday

§  Make progress - test scores and GPAs should improve.

§  Kids should show some level of improvement and teachers should give homework

§  Time commitments

§  Teachers should be able to address students who are behind and communicate with the parent

§  Homework should be grade appropriate

§  Must be a team player, shouldn’t be about getting ahead

§  Should follow up on homework

§  See more quality in classroom where teacher equally focuses on students who are having difficulty learning as well as those doing good

Time: Making the most of every minute in an Investment School

5.  Some Investment Schools will lengthen the school day for everyone, and in others there will be opportunities for scholars to take part in extended learning time. What should this extra time be used for? (i.e. work time on computers, extra instruction in reading or math, small group or individual tutoring, book club, etc.)

§  Preparation for high school

§  Teaching life skills

§  Computer training – MS Excel and Word, technology and internet

§  Teach older kids about summer jobs

§  Sync classroom teaching and tutoring

§  Language classes

6.  If your scholar could spend more time at school, when would work best for your family? Staying later in the afternoon? Starting earlier in the morning? Coming to school once a month on Saturday? Keeping school hours the same but taking shorter school vacations?

§  Extended school day – an hour added to end of day; kids have too much time on their hands and no homework

§  Wants transportation provided

Money: Making the most of every dollar at an Investment School

7.  How can the visible appearance of the school building be improved? What would make it feel more clean, more safe, more welcoming?

§  Update bathrooms with new stalls, doors, etc.

§  Complete remodeling

§  Would like kids to volunteer to beautify the school and it should be on a school day so everyone participates.

§  Need more janitors to clean the school – need more janitors.

§  School painted, all the classrooms and walls, new image on the exterior, school looks like a jail, school has no shape

§  Need more entrances and more crossing guards

§  Windows need to be repaired

§  Need handicapped entrances, only one now