Please Note: To be qualified for an Internship for Credit you must be a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above. Verify your GPA with the Registrar before applying. Only two course credits from Internships may count toward the completion of graduation requirements. All Franklin & Marshall College internships-for-credit are graded on a Pass/No Pass basis.


Name ______Class Year ______College House ______

Phone ______E-Mail ______Student ID ______

Major(s) ______Minor (if any) ______

Are you an International Student? (circle) Yes No

How was this internship found? ______

Internship Course Credit (0.5 for 48 to 95 hours, 1 for 96 or more hours) ______

Course ID: IFC______Semester______Year ______

(299/399/499 – See FAQs for more information) (Fall/Spring/Summer)

Student’s Signature ______Date ______


Internship Supervisor’s Name (please print) ______

Internship Supervisor’s Signature ______Date ______

Supervisor’s Title ______

Organization Name ______

Address ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Phone ______E-Mail ______

Title of Internship______

Hours per week intern is expected at internship site ______Duration of internship ______


The faculty sponsor and student must develop an eductional plan to submit with this application. The educational plan should include a description of the proposed project or paper that the student will complete by the end of the internship and a suggested bibliography of related readings. The proposed work should go beyond any assignments completed for the sponsoring employer.

The faculty sponsor and the student have agreed to consult as follows during the course of the internship:

Frequency (circle): Weekly Every other week Monthly Other ______

Method (circle): In person Via telephone Via e-mail Other ______

Faculty Sponsor (please print): ______

Faculty Sponsor’s Signature ______Date ______

Department ______

______I, as the Faculty Sponsor, certify that I have read and approve of the Education Plan for this Internship for Credit. (please initial)

Sponsor’s Department Chair (please print) ______

Sponsor’s Department Chair’s Signature ______Date ______

Department ______

Academic Adviser (please print): ______

Academic Adviser’s Signature ______Date ______

Department ______


If you are an international student, please note the following information:

All F-1 international students who have secured an Internship for Credit (IFC) should contact Dean Haring about obtaining Curricular Practical Training (CPT), which is employment authorization for work experience directly related to one's major: .

It will be imperative that F-1 students not begin interning until the internship has been authorized for the specific desired dates. In order to authorize CPT, Dean Haring will need a copy of the completed IFC application, as well as proof of registration for the internship course. During the summer Dean Haring will also need proof of payment for this course.


The following required information has been completed:

______Employer Section including the signature of the Internship Supervisor

______Faculty Section including the signatures of the Faculty Sponsor, Sponsor’s Department Chair, and

Academic Adviser

______Student’s signatures (Student and Faculty Sections)

______Educational Plan and job description attached to the application


Updated 05/2017