Each year many children are hurt or killed through accidents that could have been avoided with a little foresight and supervision. Unfortunately we often don’t think of or notice the risk until after the event. All too often it is a simple thing or change of behaviour that could have prevented the injury.

It is natural to children to want to play and explore their environment but the environment needs to be safe. This does not mean that a child’s environment need be boring and uninteresting but rather parents be diligent in their supervision and conscious of potential risks.


Source: Kidsafe Australia

1.  Each Year approx 300 children (0-14) are killed and 60,000 are hospitalised by unintentional injuries.

2.  Injuries are the leading cause of death in Australian children aged 0-14.

3.  Injuries are the 2nd leading cause of child hospitalisation

4.  Child injury costs $1.5 billion annually

5.  90% of all child injury deaths are unintentional

6.  1 child dies every day because of injury

7.  Children under 5 are most at risk

8.  Child injury deaths commonly occur because of car crashes, being hit by a car, drowning and house fire

9.  Hospitalisation commonly occur because of falls, poisoning, scalds, choking and dog bites

10.  The most common place for a child to be injured is in their own home


·  Check all furniture is sturdy and well maintained

·  Secure book cases and other heavy furniture to the wall to prevent it falling if children climb.

·  Wipe up spills immediately

·  Secure mats and rugs to prevent tripping

·  Install safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs

·  Move furniture with sharp corners or install corner cushions

·  Secure playground equipment and install a soft surface to a depth of 200mm under all equipment

·  SUPERVISE your children while they play inside and outside the home


·  Keep kettles, teapots and hot drinks at the back of the bench or the centre of the table.

·  NEVER hold a child while drinking a hot drink.

·  Test the temperature of bath water before placing your child into it. Baby safe is 36 degrees, no hotter that 38 degrees for small children

·  Turn the temperature of your hot water system down to 50 degrees

·  Always turn cold taps on first and off last

·  Use the back burners on the stove first. Turn handles to the side.

·  Keep children out of the kitchen. Create a barrier or fence

·  Lock matches and lighters away from children

·  Complete a fire evacuation plan discuss and practice it with your family

·  Never leave candles or oil burners unattended

·  Place a guard around heaters and ovens

·  Dress your child in low fire danger nightwear


·  Lock all poisons away, up high. Ensure every room that has a poison (hair products, make up, perfume, cleaning products, car oils, potting mix, kitty litter etc) has a lockable cupboard.

·  Use child resistant caps on medicines and cleaning products. Remember these caps are child safe not child proof.

·  Always store poisons in the original container.

·  Remember plants can be poisonous too. Remove or reduce the poisonous plants in your garden. For more information visit the Kidsafe website www.kidsafe.com.au


·  Knot your plastic bags

·  Hook curtain cords out of reach. DO NOT place children’s furniture near curtains

·  Remove cords and ribbons from clothing of young children

·  Supervise children while they eat and drink. Encourage your child to sit quietly while eating/drinking.

·  Provide age appropriate toys to children. Keep toys for older children out of reach from smaller children. Have separate toy boxes for each child.

·  Do not add extra mattresses, pillows, toys, bumpers to children’s beds.


·  Supervise children at all times around any water including pools, the bath and even buckets.

·  Fences with self closing and self locking gates must be installed around all pools and spas.

·  Never leave a child in the bath alone. If the phone or the door bell rings take the child with you.

·  Empty all buckets immediately after use.

·  Keep the laundry, bathroom and toilet door closed

·  Cover fish ponds and other water features

·  Empty wading pools after each use and store upright.

·  Teach your children to swim

·  Learn CPR

These strategies and tips are a guide only. They do not replace adequate adult supervision.

Reference and for more information Contact SafeStart on 5272 4975 or email

For a complete list of Regional Parenting Service articles go to the City of Greater Geelong website www.geelongaustralia.com.au/community/family/services/article/8cbc84b53070368.aspx