English, evaluation of English Language Textbooks

Evaluation of English Language Textbooks and some additional material

SCOOP, 6 th grade

Layout and design

X We think that the combination of drawings; photographs and use of colours makes the textbook less boring and in that way also motivating. Good pictures stimulate the imagination and add dimensions to the texts. The workbook on the other hand contains only black and white pictures. We find this kind of boring. That goes for the teacher’s book as well. We think that colours in these books would create a larger appetite for being creative.


The textbooks material is relevant for the pupils. We think the pupils will be able to identify with the books characters because they are at the same age. The characters also appear in similar situations, spare time activities and interests. In that way the children can picture the situations, and identify with the characters. Therefore we think the texts are motivating and relevant for the age group.

We like that the authors gives the pupils dribs and drabs of fairytales, magic and fantasy. As we know fantasy is very essential in young minds, and kids are creatures who loves to imagine things beyond what’s real. They have a fascinating imagination. Everything can happen! This makes the book exiting.


The workbook has a variety of exercises that fits the themes in the textbook. It also contains activities that are meant for reading, writing, listening and speaking. Our opinion is that it could have been more communicative activities, but again it is up to the teacher how to do the exercises. If you are a creative teacher, there sure are several ways to use the workbook. But it is in fact a majority of reading and writing activities. In the textbook you can find a good variety of the three skills; speaking, listening and reading. But again it is sort of up to the teacher.


The textbook has a good balance of texts, dialogues and it presents songs, poetry and rhymes. It even has a “joking corner”. The aspects of the English – speaking world that the pupils are introduced to are school, friends and family, games and sports. It also touches geography. It looks like the book has a focus on everyday life in the English speaking parts of the world. The books seem to follow the guidelines of the national curriculum.


The workbook has pronunciation and grammar points in the end of some of the units. We think that the pronunciation points are well explained with a lot of examples. It also compares the phonemic symbol with a Norwegian sound. The book also explains how to articulate. Tongue twisters are to find if you want the pupils to practice the sound. To say something about how the grammar points are presented it is connected to the texts in the textbook, and the pupils get to work with one thing (rule) at the time.

Teacher’s book

Regarding the teacher’s book the introduction is presented in Norwegian. Why? The page by page notes are in English though. It contains key to exercises that you find in the workbook, and an easier version of 6 of the texts from the textbook. The book gives ideas how to follow up the units, grammar – and pronunciation points in workbook. The grammar part is also explained in Norwegian. This might be helpful for some teachers. The book suggests how the pupils can work with the texts. It maybe could have been more variation and suggestion. You can also find ideas to theme – and project work. The book presents several teaching points and methods.

MY FIRST SCOOP, 3. – 4. th grade

Layout and design

The textbook has a lot of nice drawings and pictures. All the illustrations are coloured and they sort of expands some of the texts. The texts are connected to the illustrations, and each glossary has a picture that shows the meaning of the words (picture dictionary). The layout gives us the impression that it is enjoyable and that it creates an appetite for learning English. The workbook is in black and white, but gives the pupils the opportunity to tint some of the pictures themselves.


We think the textbook promotes the active pupil, and that it encourages communication in a good way. It is up to the teacher to decide if the pupils should work in pairs or in groups. It is not particular suitable for individual work. We think that is ok at this level. The workbook also is varied, and it has a lot of nice activities that are suitable for communication, and it also gives the pupils a chance to work alone. The activity are coloured by games and fun. They both give us a good impression.


The textbook presents a lot of rhymes, songs and poems. This is a good thing. Rhymes, songs, poems, games and song activities are central for years two, three and four (Munden and Myhre 2002:46). This is a fun way to learn and it is much easier to remember language with rhythm and rhyme. Children are good imitators and the rhymes often reflect the rhythmical pattern of the English language. The books seem to follow the guidelines of the national curriculum.


There are a few language points that are presented, but this does not make the majority subject at all. Therefore this is not very relevant to say so much about. However, the few points that the books contains, are presented in a good and concrete way.

Teacher’s book

The Introduction is in Norwegian. Why? The book presents several teaching points and methods. It contains a lot of ideas and worksheets that can be copied. It also has a key to exercises.



Munden, Juliet and Myhre, Astrid: Twinkle, Twinkle, Høyskoleforlaget AS, 2002

Mona Midtsund Side 1 av 3 February - 05

Annette R. Schømer