Maths Answers

Spring Year 3

Week 1

Ø  Money

£2.55 £5.60

9p 9p

£4.79 £6.00

25p 69p

£4.45 £7.05

£5.99 £9.09

90p 20p

70p 30p

Week 2

Ø  Pairs to 100

5 + 95

15 + 85

25 + 75

35 + 65

45 + 55

Week 4

Ø  Count up or count back?

75 – 22 = 53

75 – 69 = 6

75 – 58 = 17

75 – 31 = 44

75 – 37 = 38

68 – 32 = 36

68 – 24 = 44

68 – 54 = 14

68 – 49 = 19

68 - 45 = 23

Week 5

Ø  Fill in the missing numbers

1.  394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401

2.  505, 504, 503, 502, 501, 500, 499, 498

3.  278, 378, 478, 578, 678, 778, 878, 978

4.  745, 645, 545, 445, 345, 245, 145, 45

5.  244, 254, 264, 274, 284, 294, 304, 314

6.  468, 478, 488, 498, 508, 518, 528, 538

7.  631, 621, 611, 601, 591, 581, 571, 561

8.  946, 936, 926, 916, 906, 896, 886, 876

Ø  Fill in the missing amounts

1.  £2.95, £2.96, £2.97, £2.98, £2.99, £3, £3.01, £3.02

2.  £5.05, £5.04, £5.03, £5.02, £5.01, £5, £4.99, £4.98

3.  £2.99, £3.99, £4.99, £5.99, £6.99, £7.99, £8.99, £9.99

4.  £7.45, £6.45, £5.45, £4.45, £3.45, £2.45, £1.45, 45p

5.  £2.49, £2.59, £2.69, £2.79, £2.89, £2.99, £3.09, £3.19

6.  £4.65, £4.75, £4.85, £4.95, £5.05, £5.15, £5.25, £5.35

7.  £6.30, £6.20, £6.10, £6, £5.90, £5.80, £5.70, £5.60

8.  £9.49, £9.39, £9.29, £9.19, £9.09, £8.99, £8.89, £8.79

Ø  Kilograms and grams

8000g is the same as 8kg

3000g is the same as 3kg

5000g is the same as 5kg

6000g is the same as 6kg

7000g is the same as 7 kg

500g is the same as ½ kg

1000g is the same as 1kg

1500g is the same as 1½ kg

2000g is the same as 2kg

Ø  Grams or kilograms?

Measured in grams:


Packet of crisps

Pencil pot



Measured in kilograms:





Ø  Estimating weight

Week 6

Ø  What am I?




Ø  I’m thinking of a number …

1.  15

2.  85

3.  36

4.  8

5.  4

6.  10

Week 7

Ø  Reading the time on analogue and digital clocks

Ø  Ordering times

Ø  Ordering times E

Ø  What can the sailors see in each direction?

Ellen looks north, she sees Bone Island

Ellen looks east, she sees Sharks

Ellen looks west, she sees Sam

Francis looks west, he sees Bone Island

Francis looks south, he sees Palm Island

Tony looks north, he sees Sharks

Tony looks west, he sees Seal Cove

Sam looks north, he sees Wreckers’ Rocks

Sam looks east, he sees Ellen

Sam looks south, he sees Seal Cove

Ø  Directions through the maze

Move 1 square north

Move 2 squares west

Move 3 squares south

Move 4 squares east

Move 3 squares south

Move 2 squares east

Move 5 squares north

Move 1 square west

Move 5 squares north

Move 2 squares east

Ø  Directions through the maze M

Move 1 square north

Move 2 squares west

Move 3 squares south

Move 4 squares east

Move 3 squares south

Move 2 squares east

Move 5 squares north

Move 1 square west

Move 5 squares north

Move 2 squares east

Or alternatively…

Move 1 square north

Move 2 squares west

Move 3 squares south

Move 4 squares east

Move 2 squares south

Move 4 squares west

Move 1 square south

Move 2 squares west

Move 9 squares north

Move 2 squares east

Move 1 square south

Move 5 squares east

Move 2 squares north

Move 2 squares east

Ø  Directions through the maze H

Move 1 square north

Move 2 squares west

Move 3 squares south

Move 4 squares east

Move 3 squares south

Move 2 squares east

Move 5 squares north

Move 1 square west

Move 5 squares north

Move 2 squares east

Or alternatively…

Move 1 square north

Move 2 squares west

Move 3 squares south

Move 4 squares east

Move 2 squares south

Move 4 squares west

Move 1 square south

Move 2 squares west

Move 9 squares north

Move 2 squares east

Move 1 square south

Move 5 squares east

Move 2 squares north

Move 2 squares east

Week 8

Ø  Mystery number sentences

8 x 2 = 16 16 ÷ 2 = 8

4 x 2 = 8 8 ÷ 2 = 4

3 x 10 = 30 30 ÷ 10 = 3

9 x 10 = 90 50 ÷ 5 = 10

5 x 5 = 25 36 ÷ 3 = 12

6 x 3 = 18 24 ÷ 4 = 6

4 x 10 = 40 45 ÷ 3 = 15

9 x 2 = 18 70 ÷ 10 = 7

Week 9

Ø  Finding fractions

4/12 = 1/3

3/12 = ¼

9/12 = ¾

8/12 = 4/6 = 2/3

4/16 = ¼

6/24 = ¼

12/16 = ¾

5/15 = 1/3

10/15 = 2/3

4/8 = ½

2/8 = ¼

3/9 = 1/3

6/12 = ½

4/12 = 1/3

3/12 = ¼

5/15 = 1/3

12/16 = ¾

Week 10

Ø  Describing 3D shapes

Ø  Prisms

Ø  Faces, vertices and edges of prisms

Week 11

Ø  Word problems

15p 54 children

Ø  Solving word problems

1.  91p

2.  28 children

3.  18 children

4.  10 tables

Ø  Solving word problems

1.  33p

2.  30 children

3.  20 children

4.  9 tables

Ø  Word problems with several steps

1.  74 points

2.  £16

3.  75 potatoes

4.  23 children

Ø  Word problems with several steps E

1.  50 points

2.  £15

3.  60 potatoes

4.  25 children

Ø  Logic problems

1. Sam has scored 20

Annie has scored 15

Ben has scored 40

2. Annie has scored 35

Ben has scored 20

Sam has scored 15

© Hamilton Trust Year 3 Spring Maths Answers for Weekly Plans