DPG AIDS critical issues for DPG Health meeting

February 2016

  1. TACAIDS Lead retiring

Dr FatmaMrisho, the Chairperson of TACAIDS is about to retire in February 2016. At the same time Dr Mrisho is grieving the loss of her son.

  1. Engagement with parliamentarians

DPG-AIDS is about to strengthen engagement with the parliamentary groups on HIV.

  1. New Policy

Tanzania Food and Drugs Authorityis imposing a new 0.5% fee on donated medicines for quality testing.

  1. Status of key documents on HIV/AIDS:
  2. GF OIG audit – draft report announced not public and thus not shared for wider stakeholder comments; final release expected any time
  3. Investment Case on HIV –discussion on developing an adolescent IC model; launch of full IC aroundApril-May 2016.
  4. Regional 5-year strategic plans on HIV/AIDS – at final stages; launch TBC
  5. National Condom Strategy – finalised, to be launched (date TBC)
  6. Gender Operational Plan for the HIV and AIDS Response in Mainland Tanzania 2015-2018 – validation meeting in Dec, finalisation in process
  7. Prevention Operational Plan for 2 years – initial stage; commenting inception report
  8. Legal Environment Assessment in response to HIV/AIDS – launched at the end of Jan 2016
  1. Key past national/regional/international events (January-February)
  2. 13 Jan: Meeting of the Programme Management Committee on HIV to discuss results achieved under the HIV outcome during the UNDAP I and planned objectives, strategic interventions and projects of the HIV Programme Working Group under the UNDAP II.
  3. 17 Feb: PEPFAR Quarter 1 data to be shared with external stakeholders
  4. 19-22 Jan: Regional DREAMS meeting in Dar es Salaam
  5. 20-21 Jan: 2nd ZNASP III planning meeting to develop a zero draft
  6. 20-21 Jan: P4H Domestic Resource Mobilization meeting in Dar es Salaam
  7. 28 Jan 2016: Coordination meeting on MSD and other supply chain interventions.
  8. 1 Feb: TACAIDS Dissemination and Knowledge Sharing Meeting on the End assessment of MabintiTushikeHatamu (Girls Let’s be Leaders). Contact Mary Machibya:
  1. Key upcoming events in February
  2. 5 Feb: UN and partners’ (ZAC, ZIHTLP, etc.) meeting to finalise HIV work plan for UN support in 2016-2017.
  3. 9 Feb: Next DPG-AIDS meeting
  4. 10 Feb: National stakeholder consultation to develop a national position on drugs before the UNGASS on drugs in April 2016; contact
  5. 11/12 Feb: Social Protection Plus Design Workshop, venue to be confirmed (individual invitations have been sent); contact Mary
  6. 16 Feb: Training of young people and youth organisations on Global Fund, including election of 2 youth observers for TNCM
  7. 17-18 Feb: TNCM new member orientation and quarterly meeting
  8. 26 Feb: Next PEPFAR civil society forum. Contact Joshua Levens:
  1. Updates from HIV related Technical Working Groups
  2. 9 Dec: Meeting of the Adolescents and Young Adults Stakeholders (AYAS) Group meeting on SRH / Life skills education in primary and secondary schools and out of school resources in Tanzania. Review of SRH Education Policies, Guidelines, and Resources in the Tanzanian Education Sector available upon request.
  3. 11 Dec: HIV Testing TWG meeting. HIV testing roadmap is being finalised.
  4. 10 Dec: Meeting of the Programme Working Group on HIV in Zanzibar that discussed e.g. the 2015 mid-term review.