After School Care Schedule & Booking Form - Autumn2017

Time/Day / Session 1A
3.30 - 4.30 / Session 1B
3.30 – 4.30 / Session 2
4.30 – 5.30
Monday / Sports / Board Games / Film Night
Tuesday / Multi-sports / Construction / After School Care
Wednesday / Art & Craft with Ambia / Choir (KS2 only) / Cooking
Thursday / Multi-sports / Story Time / After School Care
Friday / Dance / Homework (EYFS & KS1) / Film Night
Homework (KS2)

Child’s name______Year Group (2017/18)______

Parent’s contact number/s______Amount paid______


Stepney GreencoatAfter School Care – Autumn 2017

What’s on offer?

Sports: This will be provided by an external sports coach and will consist of either traditional sports (cricket, rugby, hockey, volleyball, basketball or badminton); non-traditional sports (handball, tennis, fencing, golf); creative sports (dance, street fit, zumba) or replication sports (judo, inline skating, karate, kick-boxing). The programme is yet to be confirmed.

Multi-sports: Come and play a range of different games that will develop a variety of skills. This will be provided by Claudine our P.E. coach.

Dance: This class is run by experienced dancers from ‘Lets’ All Dance’ and is one of our most popular clubs. Places are limited so please book early!

Choir: Our brand new singing teacher will be taking choir where the children will be singing hymns new and old, as well as modern songs from Disney films and chart hits.

Story Time Club: Does your child love reading? Would you like them to read more?This club will give the children an opportunity to read and listen to various stories from books, comics and magazines and even get a chance to write their own.

Art & Craft with Ambia:We have a new leader for our arts and crafts club this term. Ambia will be delivering an exciting range of arts and crafts activities so your child will have something new to bring home and show you every week.

Construction:Come along and experiment with a range of building equipment, such as Lego, Duplo, soft bricks and various recycled materials to build a range of different and imaginative objects and scenes each week.

Cooking:Learn to cook simple, healthy and nutritious food and snacks.

Board Games: Pit your wits against your friends when you play a wide range of exciting board games to suit all ages.

Homework:Get some help with homework! This will now be in two separate groups (EYFS/KS1 and KS2), but held on the same afternoon.

Film Night: This is such a popular club that we are now running it on two evenings a week. Films suitable for all ages will be shown and popcorn will be served on Fridays!