Kit List – Germany 2017


EHIC card

Medication – fully labelled with directions of administration

Travel sickness medication if needed

Pillow and blanket for overnight sleeping on the coach

You will need to send approx:

20 Euros for buying breakfast & lunch whilst travelling on Monday

10 Euros for an evening meal on the Friday travelling home

15 Euros for entrance fees for the planned activities

No more than 45 Euros for spending money/buying gifts etc…

Total 90 Euros

Clothes for the 5 days plus spare, taking into account various weather conditions!

Nightwear, plus spare

Underwear/socks, plus spare

Suitable shoes, plus spare

Waterproof jacket


Plastic bag for wet and/or dirty clothes

Toiletries (shampoo, shower gel, hair brush etc…)

Sun cream / sun hat

Items to keep your child entertained during the journey with the understanding that they will keep these items safe. For example, travel games, cards, comics/magazines, books etc… We don’t recommend sending your child with any electronic devices, however if you do choose to, school will not take responsibility for the safe keeping of these items and they are sent at your own risk.

Departure from school

Please arrive no later than 8.45pm on Sunday 15th October. We will depart from school at 9pm sharp. You will need to hand over the passport, EHIC card and any medication to the designated group leader for your child. This is to ensure a smooth journey to Germany with no complications.


Main luggage will be kept on the coach until we arrive at the hotel, therefore all hand-luggage including passports, medication etc… will be kept with us.

East student will be given a brightly coloured backpack so that they can be easily seen by staff members. Attached to the bag will be contact details if lost, along with a card with the allocated staff members name and photo.

Hotel details

For the duration of the visit we will be staying at

JH Triberg

Rohrbacherstrasse 35




Tel: +49 7722 4110
Fax: +49 7722 6662

Students will be sleeping in shared rooms with their friends. All rooms will be located near to each other, including those of staff members.

Ferry Travel

We will travel by DFDS Ferry crossing from Dover to Dunkirk

Outward journey – depart Dover at 4.00am on Monday 16th October

Homeward journey – depart Dunkirk at 4.00pm on Friday 20th October