Managed Metadata Project Charter

Introduction: How to Use This Tool

This tool serves as a project outline and charter to assist in the creation of managed metadata to manage enterprise content. Managed metadata is also known as “controlled vocabulary” or “taxonomy”.

A controlled vocabulary is an authorized and predefined set of descriptors or tags that can be applied to documents during creation or upload into a repository or document management system.

To use this template, simply use the heading structure to create your own controlled vocabulary and customize any text below in dark grey to fit the needs of your enterprise. Be sure to remove all introductory and example text in dark grey and convert the remaining text to BLACK prior to distribution


Identify objectives and determine specific measures to assess the overall effectiveness of the project. The objectives and measures expressed below must reflect the purpose of the project. Findability is often the primary goal of the project but there might be other reasons that Enterprises undertake a Managed Metadata project. Enterprises that have aligned with COBIT5 should refer to control objective BAI08 Manage Knowledge.

Objectives /
  • Improve the findability of existing resources for knowledge workers.
  • Make human resources processes more efficient.
  • Protect the intellectual property of the enterprise.
  • Enable confidentiality, security, and privacy of existing documents.

Measures of effectiveness /
  • Effectiveness of training initiatives.
  • Less time spent searching for documents.
  • Improved satisfaction with existing document management tools.
  • Improved compliance with regulatory mandates.
  • Improved compliance with security mandates.
  • Improved customer service.
  • Improved quality control.

Project Team

The project team should have representation from the parts of the organization that will be most affected by the initiative. For example, a project that most affects HR and Compliance processes must have representation from those departments. Ultimately, the project team must operate in conjunction with the existing SharePoint Governance Team.

Team members /
  • VP Compliance: Vicky Picard (Key Stakeholder)
  • VP Development: Joe Zeller (Key Stakeholder)
  • VP HR: Suzanne Vestal
  • IT: Walter Gossett
  • IT: Bruce Johnson

Project oversight /
  • SharePoint Governance Committee

Establish Project Parameters

Creating a controlled vocabulary involves engaging people within the enterprise to determine their needs and requirements. The project team should interview users, review existing documentation and knowledge organization tools, and ensure that any resulting tools can be incorporated into the enterprise.

# / Project Step / Examples
1 / Determine who to interview to determine what is necessary from the controlled vocabulary.Ensure that the interviews focus primarily on the actual users of the documents. /
  • Academics:
  • Dean Dutto
  • Dean DeLain
  • Dean Urtecho
  • Dean Collier
  • Dean Calvin
  • Division Chairs
  • Math & Engineering
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • Business
  • Consumer Family Studies
  • Nursing & Allied Health
  • PE
  • Language Arts
  • Fine Arts
  • Industry & Technology
  • Agriculture
  • Counseling
  • Student Services
  • Dean Ravalin
  • Director Garcia
  • Administrative Services
  • Dean Garcia
  • Dean Mittlestead
  • Dean Hollabaugh
  • Human Services
  • Dean Bratsch
  • Committees
  • College Council
  • Academic Senate
  • FEC
  • PACE
  • (College Council Sub Committees)
  • (Academic Senate Sub Committees)

2. / Create an interview guide. /
  • What are the key challenges that you face in your current role?
  • What security/compliance/findability issues do you experience?
  • What are the main types/sets of documents that you use on a regular basis?
  • What types/sets of documents do you have difficulties finding or locating?
  • What knowledge organization tools do you currently use (controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, tags, descriptors, metadata, etc.)?

3. / Conduct interviews.
4. / Gather and review pre-existing information. Consider all of the tools that people use to find documents. Include relevant process documentation. /
  • Records Management Retention Schedule
  • HR Policy Collection
  • Compliance Policy Collection
  • HR Process Flow Maps
  • Compliance Process Flow Maps
  • Descriptors for HR Documents

5. / Determine what tools are missing. The primary gap will likely be a detailed controlled vocabulary. Process documentation might also be missing. /
  • Controlled vocabulary for HR documents.

6. / Review with stakeholders.
7. / Create necessary documentation.Use Microsoft’s Detailed term set planning worksheet for guidance on creating a controlled vocabulary.
8. / Ensure that the documentation can be operationalized by existing systems. Every repository has limitations. Ensure that the suggested controlled vocabulary can be implemented.
9. / Assess usability. Follow up with the interviewees to ensure that the proposed controlled vocabulary can actually meet their needs.

Set Refresh Date

Controlled vocabularies are living documents that must be updated to reflect new requirements and needs.

Frequency of refresh /
  • Annually

Date of next refresh /
  • May 1, 2013


Info-Tech Research Group tools and template documents are provided for the free and unrestricted use of subscribers to Info-Tech Research Group services. These documents are intended to supply general information only, not specific professional or personal advice, and are not intended to be used as a substitute for any kind of professional advice. Use this document either in whole or in part as a basis and guide for document creation. To customize this document with corporate marks and titles, simply replace the Info-Tech information in the Header and Footer fields of this document.

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Info-Tech Research Group