Canton Board of Education

Regular Meeting

August 21, 2008 7:00 p.m. Canton Community Center – Room B

Board Members: Also Present:

Susan Crowe Present Kevin D. Case, Superintendent

Lou Daniels Present Lynn McMullin, Assistant Superintendent

Leslee Hill Absent Jerry Domanico, Business Manager

Beth Kandrysawtz Present

Carlene Rhea Present

Sue Saidel Present

Kyra Sheehan Present

Jonathan Webb Present

Patti White Present

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Victoria Ocenrider and Steven Rorick asked the Board and Superintendent Case questions regarding the acknowledgement form in the student handbooks. She questioned that if it was not returned signed, would the students be able to attend and participate in school activities.

Superintendent Case commented that the form is acknowledgement of receipt of policy, not necessary in agreement with such policy. He also did comment that all students and staff are expected to follow adopted Board policy.

Lisa Villa commented on the legality of the signatory page of the student handbook.

Glen Barger questioned where parking funds were spent.

Maryann Burbank questioned if provisions were made if students could not afford the $100 parking fee.


Policy #5145.122(1) – Use of Dogs to Search Property

There was an extensive discussion regarding Board Policy #5145.122(a) and the activities involved in the search that was conducted in the morning of June 5, 2008.

Superintendent Case stated that the search was conducted to ensure a healthy and safe environment for all students and that it was just one effort to keep students from using and brining illegal substances on to school property. He clearly outlined the process that was followed on June 5th.

Several parents questioned the Board and Superintendent Case on the Policy. Some parents felt that it was a violation of students’ rights and strongly disagreed with the adopted Board Policy.

There was an extensive discussion regarding Policy #5145.122(1).

Ms. Villa made an inquiry as to who initiated the use of the dog search?

Board Chair Lou Daniels thanked the parents and students for their comments. He then asked the members of the Policy Subcommittee to review the existing policy and provide a recommendation, if any, to the Board at a meeting in December 2008.

Assistant Superintendent Report

Lynn McMullin provided the Board with detailed information on the recently released CMT and CAPT scores for the Canton Schools. Ms. McMullin provided thorough comparison data on the scores with previous years and with schools in the same DRG. Board members asked particular questions on the scores. Ms. McMullin provided explanation. Lastly, Ms. McMullin shared with the Board the guidelines and direction staff will use for preparation and administration of the CMT and CAPT tests for this school year.

Business Manager’s Report

Chair Daniels informed the Board that Jerry Domanico was recently elected as a director of CASBO.

Mr. Domanico presented and briefly reviewed the financial statement (unaudited) for the fiscal year 2007-2008, and the financial statement for the period ending July 2008.

MOTION: That the Canton Board of accept the financial report for fiscal year 2007-2008 (unaudited) as presented.

Sheehan/Kandrysawtz U

MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education accept the financial report for the period ending July 2008 as presented.

Kandrysawtz/Sheehan U

The financial statements will be mailed to the Board of Finance members on Friday, August 22nd.

Mr. Domanico distributed an accounting statement of the High School parking fees fund.

There was a discussion on expending money from the parking fee fund account.

MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education approve expending no more than $3,000 from the parking fees account for equipment necessary to maintain the High School/Middle School grounds.

White/Kandrysawtz U

Superintendent Report

Mr. Case informed the Board of the new certified hires. He further informed them that no certified and qualified teacher was found to teach Latin. The students who signed up for Latin were given the opportunity to take Spanish.

Mr. Case provided the Board with updated enrollment figures; an update on the Canton Alternative Academy; his attendance at the Commission of Education’s Annual Back to School Meeting; the activities of the recently held Chamber of Commerce meeting; and the new teacher orientation.

Superintendent Case also informed the Board of the picnic at Cherry Brook Primary School and the BBQ at Canton Intermediate School.

Chair Report

Chair Daniels spoke with the Board regarding Canton hosting a “small town” meeting for our surrounding DRG towns to discuss education and the struggles to maintain excellence. Board member Leslee Hill with organize the October meeting with the assistance of Sue Saidel.

Mr. Daniels informed Board members of the Excellence in Education dinner to be held

October 16, 2008 at LaTrottoria. Further information will be forthcoming.

Mr. Daniels also asked Board members to participate in the upcoming CABE convention.

Mr. Daniels will be contacting Board members to setup individual meetings.

Committee Reports

Later Start Time Committee – Superintendent Case briefly spoke on the recently held meeting. Survey results were reviewed. Further meetings have been scheduled for September 10th and September 24th. A recommendation will be brought to the full Board at the October 14th meeting.

Facilities & Grounds – Chairperson White informed the Board that the project on West Field is moving forward. A space meeting will be held on Thursday, August 28th.

Community of Concern – Sue Saidel informed Board members that all upcoming Community of Concern programs are on the master calendar. She said that CASAC was involved in many pro-active programs. It was also decided after a full Board discussion that the Community of Concern booklets would be given out at the Open House 3rd Graders and for 7 & 8 Graders.



MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education adopt the minutes of the meeting of June 26, 2008.

Kandrysawtz/Rhea U

Leaves & Resignations

MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education approve the leave request of Kelly O’Dell until August 27, 2009.

Kandrysawtz/Rhea U

MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education accept with regret the retirement notification of Monica Rosenberg effective July 30, 2008.


MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education accept the donations from Webster Bank and the Canton Lions Club for the purchase of Canton Middle School tee shirts.

Webb/Kandrysawtz U

MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education accept the donation from Webster Bank for the purchase of tee shirts for Canton Intermediate School.

Kandrysawtz/White U

MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education adjourn at 10:00 p.m.

Webb/White U

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Eisner-Saidel
