STATE Political action committees


Steve Lund

On 5/30/05, I sent a request out on the Forum list serve for information about State PAC’s. I asked them to let me know if they have a State PAC and if they did what was the legal name for the PAC. I also ask if they were able to receive contributions from non association members and from non residents. To-date I have received 17 responses.

Responding States: TX, GA, OH, PA, VT, KY, IL, MA, IN, CA, CO, WI, MI, ME, FL, NC, NY(Association of Health Care Providers)

Positive responses (12)

TX - Texas Association for Home Care Texas Home Care Defense Fund

(a bit long, I know)

We cannot accept money from outside our membership

Also, we cannot accept corporate donations==all contributions must be personal

GA - Our PAC was not active when we were a thriving association!

OH - We have a state PAC called OCHC-PAC and yes non-resident contributors are allowed. We have members who live over the state lines and they have written personal checks and the Sec. of State's office has never kicked those back to us.

PA - We have a PAC in Pennsylvania – it’s called HomePAC. I do not believe there is any restriction on out-of-state donors.

IN - IAHHC has a PAC with over $6000 in it now. We give after the session so I will be distributing the money. The PAC is Hoosiers Helping Home and Hospice Care (HHHHC) and we do take out of state donations since we have out of state IAHHC members.

CA - We have a state PAC and anyone can contribute except 501 (c) 3s.

CO - Our PAC is called the Colorado Home Care PAC; we do accept out of state contributions.

WI - We have a PAC but we keep it in moth balls. In the past, when we had it trying to run, it produced no contributions and a lot of regulatory and PR headaches. I'll have to check on whether it can accept nonresident contributions.

MI - Steve: Our PAC is called MHHA-PAC (Michigan Home Health Association-Political Action Committee). Non-residents can belong to our PAC if they are members of MHHA.

FL - We have a PAC and, I believe, can accept non-resident contributions.

NC - Yes we have a North CarolinaPAC..(CAREPAC) is the legal name…and lord yes, we’ll gladly accept any and all contributions. Anything to help us restore drastic Medicaid cuts!

NY - We have a State PAC. I manage the day-to-day operations of the PAC, which is calle:

Health Care Providers Political Action Committee (HCP PAC)

Same address as below.

NYS Law does not preclude out of state contributors; only that we must report the name and address of contributors.

Other limits in NY:

corporations may make up to $5,000 in political contributions in a calendar year, including to PACs;

individuals may contribute up to $150,000 in a calendar year.

New YorkState Association of Health Care Providers, Inc.

Negative Responses (5):

MA - No state or federal PACs in Massachusetts

VT - Vermont doesn't have a PAC and is not interested. Peter Cobb

KY - We don't have a state PAC.... periodically consider it, but Kentucky has such a detailed legislative lobbying restriction and reporting mechanism.... and have had for a decade... after some major scandals... many groups gave up their PACs ... We haven't been too hampered without it.

IL - Not in Illinois, and at this point we have no intention of having one.

ME - Maine does not have a PAC. We have publicly funded campaigns. Originally only a small percentage of the folks took advantage of the public funds, but now nearly 90% run publicly funded races (no PAC money).