Thesis topics from 2003 to 2006.

Below is a list of students, the namesof their supervisors and the titles of the theses. The list reflects the variety of topics that the students have worked on in recent years.


1. Alvin Chan (Supervisor: Peter Robertson)

Land Reforms in Zimbabwe

2. Jimmy Chen (Supervisor: Garry Barrett)

Male-Female Income Differences in the Legal Profession

3. Jon Eggins (Supervisor: Hazel Bateman/Robert Hill)

Evaluating Portfolio Weighting Strategies of Fund Managers

4. EdenHatzvi (Supervisor: Glen Otto)

Excess Returns In The Housing Market

5. David Jennings (Supervisor: Glen Otto)

Wealth Channels of Monetary policy

6. Rebecca McCallum (Supervisor: ArghyaGhosh)

Competition and the Environment

7. VinetaSalale (Supervisor: DenzilFiebig)

Modelling Choice: Private Health Insurance in Australia

8. Andrew Sudol (Supervisor: Kieron Meagher)

Political Competition in a Federal System

9. Tiffany Ward (Supervisor: Kieron Meagher)

Decentralization and Delegation

10. Daniela Wegner (Supervisor: Denise Doiron)

The Impact of Employment on an Individual’s Health

11. Gary Young (Supervisor: Robert Kohn and Emiliano Valdez)

Modelling Motor Insurance Claims

12. Anna Zhu (Supervisor: DenzilFiebig)

The Effect of Maternal Employment on Child Obesity in Australia


1. Eugene Baidjurak (Supervisor: Paolo Giordani)

“Australian Macroeconomic News & the Yield Curve: Recent Evidence from the Treasury Debt Market”

2. Rochelle Belkar (Supervisor: Denise Doiron)

“The Wealth Distribution of Migrant and Australian-born Households”

3. Waranya (Pim) Chanthapun (Supervisors: Lance Fisher & Glenn Otto)

“Sources of Fluctuations in the Real AUD/US Exchange Rate”

4. Jared Cohen (Supervisors: Donghui Li & RachidaOuysse)

“The Effects of M & A on Rivals of the Acquiring Firms”

5. Chris Inman (Supervisor: DenzilFiebig)

“Racetrack Betting: An Application to Royal Randwick"

6. David Isaac (Supervisor: Paolo Giordani)

“Optimal Monetary Policy as a Function of Exchange Rate Passthrough”

7. Melvin Li (Supervisors: Lance Fisher & Glenn Otto)

“The Expectations Hypothesis and Interest Rate Pass-through in Australia”

8. Jonathan Lim (Supervisor: ArghyaGhosh)

“Cooperative and Non-cooperative R & D in Trade Models”

9. CharissaLume (Supervisor: DenzilFiebig)

“Modelling Parental Influences on the Physical Activities of their Children”

10. Kevin Sandu (Supervisor: ArghyaGhosh)

“Pricing in the Singapore Car Market”

11. Svetlana Shamrakov(Supervisors: Peter Kriesler & Trevor Stegman)

“Indicators of Financial Fragility: A Study of Authorised Deposit Taking Institutions 1991-2004"


1. Jonathan Barouch (Supervisor: Bill Schworm)

“Keyword Advertising: Dynamic Open Second Price Auctions”

2. Sherman Chan (Supervisors: John Nevile and John Lodewijks)

“Is Financial Exclusion a Problem in Australia?"

3. Peter Dragicevich (Supervisor: Lance Fisher)

“Predictability of Economic Growth Throughout Time in Australia”

4. Kim Edwards (Supervisor: Gautam Bose)

“Development as the Promotion of Capabilities: Implications for Public Policy”

5. Tom Edwards (Supervisors: Peter Robertson and John Lodewijks)

“RuralUrban Migration in China and its Effect on Economic Growth”

6. PhilippaFreebairn (Supervisor: Glenn Otto)

“Estimating a New-Keynesian Output Equation for Australia”

7. Steven Gosarevski (Supervisor: John Lodewijks)

“The Effects of Export and Fiscal Instability in Papua New Guinea”

8. Theo Koo (Supervisors: John Lodewijks and Larry Dwyer)

“The New Geographical Economics and Spatial Distribution of Tourism Industry in New South Wales”

9. Jeremy Lee (Supervisor: Lance Fisher)

The Dynamics of Receipts, Expenditure and Debt for the US and Australia”

10. Lee Martin (Supervisor: Glenn Otto)

"An Intertemporal Model for the Current Account”

11. Darren Massey (Supervisor: Geoff Kingston)
"The optimal portfolio investment of superannuation funds"

12. Clare Murray Noone (Supervisor: Hodaka Morita)

“Firm-Specific Human Capital: A New Approach”

13. Amanda Tan (Supervisor: Peter Robertson)

“Economic Freedom, Financial Development and Economic Growth”

14. David Tan (Supervisor: Lance Fisher)

“Analysis of Bond Market Volatility in AustraliaBetween 1990 and 2003”

15. Robert Wallner (Supervisor: Robert Hill)
"The Resource Curse Thesis (Hypothesis)"

16. Rowan Walshaw (Supervisor: Kieron Meagher)

“Vertical Integration and Capacity Competition in Electricity Markets"


1. Rebecca Edwards (Supervisors: Garry Barrett & Denise Doiron)
"Do women eligible for maternity leave (paid or unpaid) face a wage trade-off?"

2. Glenn Levine (Supervisors: Gautam Bose & Peter Robertson)
"Internalising Market Failures of Micro-Finance in Bangladesh"

3. PinijsornLuechaikajohnpan (Supervisor: ArghyaGhosh)
"Entry and Licensing: A Game-Theoretic Analysis"

4. Bruce See (Supervisors: Lance Fisher & Glenn Otto)
"Dynamics of Consumption, Net Cash Flow and External Assets"

5. Ernie Teo Gin Swee (Supervisor: Kieron Meagher)
"Competition in the Online-Gaming Software Industry"

6. William Wong (Supervisor: Hazel Bateman)

"Explaining Australian Superannuation Funds' Performance"

7. Joanne Yeoh (Supervisor: Glenn Otto)
"Why Housing Prices Differ across Suburbs"

8. Matthew Yi (Supervisor: Lance Fisher)
"Effects of Macroeconomic Shocks on Real Stock Prices"