CV – Hasan Ersel




HOME ADDRESS: Acarkent, VI. Cadde, No. 21 (C-302)

34820, Beykoz, İstanbul

TELEPHONE: (90) 216 485 0694


DATE and PLACE of BIRTH: July 22, 1946, Kütahya


1971 : Ph.D in Economics (Dissertation Title: The

Neoclassical Production Function), AnkaraUniversity

1967 : Licence in Economics and Finance, AnkaraUniversity,

Faculty of Political Sciences


2003- : Part Time Faculty Member, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabancı


2003- 2009: Adjunct Professor, EconFin Program, BoğaziciUniversity.

2005-2008: Advisor to the Board of Directors, İşbank.

2003-2004: Member of the Board of Directors and Chief Economist, Yapi Kredi Bank

1993- 2003: Chief Economist & Senior Executive Vice President, Yapı Kredi Bank

1993-2001: Part Time Lecturer, Department of Economics, BoğaziçiUniversity,

1991-1993: Vice Governor, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

1987-1991: Director General: Research, Planning and Training,

Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

1984-1987: Chief Research Officer,Capital Markets Board of Turkey

1979-1980: Part Time Lecturer, Middle EastTechnicalUniversity, Department of


1977-1983: Associate Professor of Economics, AnkaraUniversity, Faculty of Political

Sciences, Department of Statistics and Econometrics

1971-1977: Assistant Professor of Economics, AnkaraUniversity, Faculty of Political

Sciences, Department of Statistics and Econometrics

1968-1971: Teaching Assistant, AnkaraUniversity, Faculty of Political Sciences,

Department of Statistics and Econometrics


1986-1987: OECD and World Bank Research Grants, PennsylvaniaUniversity, WhartonSchool of Finance

1980-1981: Fulbright Research Fellowship, Stanford University Department of Economics

1972-1974: UNDP Research Fellowship, MinnesotaUniversity, Department of Economics


2010- Column writer, Radikal, economic daily, published in Istanbul,


2006-2010: Chairman of the Board of Directors of “Açık Radio” (A private radio

station broadcasting fromIstanbul, Turkey)

2004-2010: Column writer, Referans, economic daily, published in Istanbul,





1)Turkish Banking on Route to Where?, in Nathalie Tocci & Ahmet Evin (Eds.): Towards Accession Negotiations: Turkey’s Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges Ahead, Florence, Italy: European University-Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Publication, 2004, pp. 47-66.

2)Optimal GrowthUnderMilitary Threat, Defence and Peace Economics, Vol 15 (1), April 2004, pp. 133-143.

3)Multicriterial Ranking Approach for Evaluating Bank Branch Performance, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol. 3, No. 2 (June 2004), pp. 321-336. (with Fuat Aleskerov and Reha Yolalan).

4)Macroeconomic Policies for Turkey’s Accession to the EU, in Bernard M. Hoekman & Subidey Togan (Eds.) Turkey-Economic Reform & Accession to the European Union, WashingtonD.C. The World Bank and the Center for Economic Policy Research, 2005, pp. 3-35, (with Subidey Togan).

5)Decision Making in a Multi-Branch Bank and Information Aggregation, ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ (HSE [Higher School of Economics] Economic Journal), Vol. 10, No.2,2006, pp. 229-242.

6)Financial Development and Economic Growth in the MENA Countries, in Jeffrey Nugent & Hashem Pesaran (Eds.) Explaining Growth in the Middle East, (Contributions to Economic Analysis, Vol. 128), Elsevier, 2007, pp. 103-136. (with Magda Kandil).

7)The EU Negotiations as a Reform Strategy-Turkey’s Problem Ahead, in William Barnett & Melvin Hinich (eds.): Topics in Analytical Political Economy, [International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics, Vol. 17], Elsevier, 2007, pp. 83-104.(with Fatih Özatay)

8)Current Account Sustainability-The Case of Turkey, in Erdem Basci, Subidey Togan and Jürgen von Hagen (eds.): Macroeconomic Policies for EU Accession, Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 2007, pp. 268-293. (with Subidey Togan).

9)Incentives or Compensation? Government Support for Private Investment in Turkey, in Ahmed Galal (Ed.): Industrial Policy in the Middle East and North Africa, Cairo: The AmericanUniversity in Cairo Press, 2008, pp. 35-50, (with Alpay Filiztekin)

10)Fiscal Dominance and Inflation Targeting: Lessons from Turkey, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 44, 2008, pp. 21-35. (with Fatih Özatay).

11)Which Route Should Turkey Follow? The EU or National Reform Process?, in E.G. Yassin (Ed.)МОДЕРНИЗАЦИЯ ЭКОНОМИКИ И ОБЩЕСТВЕННОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ(Modernization of Economy and Social Development), Vol. 3, Moscow, State University Higher School of Economics Publishing House, 2008, pp. 146-156. (with Fatih Özatay).

12)The EU or National Reform Program for Turkey: Does the Political Feasibility Depend on the EU’s Absorbtion Capacity, Iktisat İşletme ve Finans, Vol. 24, No. 285, December 2009, pp. 9-31. (with Fatih Özatay).

13)Turkish Public Finance in Post-Crisis Era, in Ziya Öniş & Fikret Şenses (Eds.):Turkey and Global Economy-Neo Liberal Restructuringand Integration in Post-Crisis Era, London: Routledge, 2009, pp. 34-49.

14) “Liberalization of Banking Services”, in Subidey Togan (Ed.): Economic Liberalization and Turkey, London:Rotledge, 2010, pp.153-187. (with Hakan Berumert and Subidey Togan).

15)Vulnerability to External Financial Shocks: The Case of Turkey, in Shocks, Vulnerability and Therapy-Selected papers from ERF 17th Annual Conference, Cairo: ERF Publications, 2010, pp. 91-108.

16)"Financial Markets, Regulation and Financial Crises" Arno Scherzberg, İlyas Doğan, Osman Can (eds.), Staatliche Finanzmarktregulierung und Eigentumsschutz, Berlin: LIT Verlag Berlin, 2011, (with Izak Atiyas).


1)Rekabetçi Denge ve İktisadi Adalet (Competitive Equilibrium and Economic Justice), İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, No. 214, January 2004, pp.92-114.

2)Kredi İstemi Esnekliği ve Bankacılıkta Fon Akımlarından Alınan Vergilerin İstem Üzerindki Etkisi (Elasticity of Credit Demand and the Effects of Taxes on Fund Transfers of Banks on Credit Demand), Bankacılar, No. 49, (June 2004) pp. 33-52, (with Alpay Filiztekin).

3)Toplumsal Gönenç İşlevi, Arrow’un Olanaksızlık Teoremi ve Kişisel Fayda Karşılaştırılması (Social Welfare Function, Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem and Interpersonal Utility Comparison), in Tuncer Bulutay (Ed.): Nejat Bengül’e Armağan (Festschrift in the Memory of Nejat Bengül), Ankara: Mülkiyeliler Vakfı Yayınları, 2006, pp. 213-225.

4)Bankaların Bilgilendirme İşlevi Işığında Banka İktisatçısı (Bank Economist-In the Light of Information Function of Banks), in Ercan Kumcu (Ed.): Krizler, Para ve İktisatçılar(Crises, Money and Economists), İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi, 2008, pp. 15-27.

5)“Kriz Sonrası Küresel Mal Sisteme İstanbul’dan Bakmak” (Looking at the Post Crisis Global Financial System from Istanbul) in Çağlar Keyder (Ed.): Küreselleşen İstanbul’da Ekonomi, (Economy of the Globalized Istanbul), İstanbul: Osmanlı Bankası Arşiv Araştırma Merkezi, 2010, pp. 91-94.

6)“Bir Küresel Kamusal Mal Olarak Mali İstikrar ve G20” (Financial Stability as a Global Public Good and the G20), İktisat ve Toplum, 1(2), 2010, pp.16-25.


Seçimden Koalisyona-Siyasal Karar Alma(From Election to Coalition-Political Decision Making), Ankara: Efil Yayınevi, 2010. (with Fuad Aleskerov and Yavuz Sabuncu) (in Turkish)


1)Gümrük Birliği ve Türkiye Sanayisi Üzerine Etkileri (Customs Union and Its Effects on Turkish Industry),Ankara: Tepav Publication, 2007, (with Ali Bilge), (In Turkish)

2)Sözden Müziğe: Şairler ve Bestecileri (From Words to Music-Poets and Their Composers), Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2010. (in Turkish)


1)The Incident of the Sinking of the Steamship “Refah”: Some Thoughts: Paper presented in Second Naval War History Seminar, Organized by Turkish Naval Command, Gölcük, 29-30 April, 2004, (in Turkish).

2) Nikos Skalkottas, Andante, Year 2, No. 13, November-December 2004, pp. 48-51,(in Turkish).

3)The Unforgivable Misdeed of Mahler, Andante, Year 5, No. 36, October-November 2008, pp. 62-65, (in Turkish).


1)Foreign Exchange Regime, the Real Exchange Rate and Current Account Sustainability: The Case of Turkey,Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Working Paper B 17, 2004. (with Subidey Togan)

2)Informational Requirements of Allocating Resources for Defense, August 2006, paper presented in the “Military in the Economy II: Consequences” session at the International Conference on Economics organized by the Turkish Economic Association CE-TEA, Ankara, September 11-13, 2006.

3)Inflation Targeting Experience in Turkey, ERF Working Paper No. 445, October 2008, Cairo, (with Fatih Özatay)

4)Inflation Targeting in Turkey, paper presented in theMonetary Policy and Inflation Targeting Workshop, organized by ERF, FEMISE and Tunis El Manar University, Tunis, October 24-25, 2008.

4)The EU or National Reform Process: Does Political Acceptability Depend on Alternative Financing Schemes?, paper presented in the XVth Annual Conference of the Economic Research Forum, November 23-25, 2008, Cairo, (with Fatih Özatay)

5)The EU or National Reform Program for Turkey: Does the PoliticalFeasibility Depend on the EU’s Absorption Capacity?TOBBUniversity of Economics and Technology, Department of Economics Discussion Paper 09-02, March 2009, (with Fatih Özatay).


Research Fellow, Economic Research Forum for Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey, Cairo (Presently serving as a member of the Board of Trustees)

Member of the Board of Trustees & Advisory Board, Turkish Economic Policy Research Foundation (TEPAV).