What I’ve Learned About Worship

Hawaiian Island Ministries

Honolulu, HI

March 25, 2011

Dr. Tony Campolo

Hawaiian Island Ministries

Honolulu, HI

1:30 PM

March 25, 2011

  1. Story about the woman that asked Tony “Do you remember me?”
  2. Matthew 13:52
  3. Tony tells about voluntary chapel at EasternUniversity
  4. Story about when Tony and is wife went to Wales and the old Welsh hymn “Guide Me Oh Thou Great Jehovah”
  5. We must use both the old and the new
  6. Jesus says “I’m looking for people who will worship in Spirit and in truth”
  7. Every society and every culture creates God in it’s own image
  8. Emile Durkheim’s stages of worship- if people worship their own traits and values, they worship themselves
  9. Romans 1- They take the image of the incorruptible God, liken it to corruptible man…and they end up worshipping the creature instead of the creator
  10. George Bernard Shaw said “God created us in His image and we decided to repay the favor”
  11. Story about the greatest sermon ever preached- The Sermon on the Mount
  12. Was Jesus only kidding?
  13. Retirement is not in the cards for a Christian
  14. Do you have enough faith to live out Jesus’ radical lifestyle?
  15. Jesus said “Blessed are the merciful”
  16. There are over 2000 verses of scripture that calls us to respond to the poor
  17. The Jesus of scripture calls us to a radical lifestyle
  18. The Jesus of culture allows us to be comfortable with our middle class lifestyle
  19. Are you worshipping the Biblical Jesus?
  20. A lot of people are worshipping the wrong Jesus
  21. Isaiah 6- Isaiah goes to the temple to worship
  22. You fall short of what Jesus expects you to be. True worship calls you to repentance
  23. Isaiah 58- God is not pleased with the worship of the people
  24. Being saved isn’t just believing doctrines, but surrendering to Jesus
  25. Story about Fred Craddock and the greyhound dog that chased rabbits that weren’t real
  26. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
  27. Acts 17- Paul visits Athens
  28. Story about the two American missionaries that brought the Word of God to the hills of Burma
  29. Matthew 13- Parable of the wheat and the tares
  30. When you come out of worship you will always come out confident that the Kingdoms of this world will be the Kingdom of our God

Tags: Mathew 13, Eastern University, Wales, Hymns, old, new, society, culture, worship, values, Emile Durkheim, Romans 1, George Bernard Shaw, Sermon on the Mount, retirement, radical, merciful, poor, middle class, Isaiah 6, Isaiah 58, doctrine, surrender, Fred Craddock, greyhound, rabbits, Kingdom of God, Acts 17, Athens, Burma