Name: ______Date: 9-29-2016

  1. Rubber Band Guitar

Create a rubber band guitar out of the rubber bands and box by putting the rubber bands around the box. Experiment with rubber band of different thickness and different amount of tensions.

Circle the term that makes the statement true:

  1. A thicker/thinner rubber band makes a low pitched sound.
  2. A tighter/looser rubber band makes a high pitched sound.
  1. Coat Hanger Music

Notice there are two strings connected to the wire coat hanger. Loop one end of each string around your fingers, one string per hand, and place your fingers in your ears. Swing the coat hanger until it hits something with your fingers still in your ears and listen.

  1. What do you hear? Describe the sound you hear.
  1. Take your fingers out of your ears and swing the coat hanger against something again? What changes about the sound you hear?
  1. The sound wave you hear is traveling through two different mediums, first the string and then the air. Which medium is denser?
  1. Ol’ Bottle Instrument

Put a small amount of water in the glass bottle. Blow across the top of the bottle and hear the sound. Now add water to the bottle so that the water level is higher and blow across the top of the bottle again.

Circle the term that makes the statement true:

  1. A high water level in the bottle makes a high/low pitched sound.
  2. A low water level in the bottle makes a high/low pitched sound.
  1. Vibrating Ruler

Hold a ruler so that it hangs over the side of a table. Slightly bend the ruler over the end of the counter then let it go. Watch the movement of the ruler and listen to the sound. Try changing the length of the ruler that is hanging off the table and repeat.

Circle the term that makes the statement true:

  1. If more/less of the ruler is hanging off the table the sound that it makes is high pitched.
  2. If more of the ruler is hanging off the table the sound that it makes is low/high pitched.
  1. Singing Glasses

Fill the glass partially with water and wash your hands. Hold the stem of the glass with one hand and with the other, rub one finger (preferably the middle or pointer finger) around the edge of the glass. Continue until you hear a constant sound. Change the level of the water in the glass and repeat.

Circle the term that makes the statement true:

  1. A glass with more/less water in it produces a higher sound.
  2. What is vibrating to produce the sound you hear?
  1. Review Questions
  1. Sound travels fastest in
  2. Gases
  3. Jell-o
  4. Liquids
  5. Solids
  1. Why is it incorrect to say, “The speed is 343 m/s”?
  2. sound waves travel at different speeds in different materials
  3. Sound waves travel too quickly to be correctly measured.
  1. A wave is a disturbance that transfers matter/energy.
  2. In a longitudinal/transverse wave, the disturbance moves parallel to the direction the wave travels.
  1. Mechanical/Electromagnetic waves require a medium in which to travel.
  1. The distance from the crest of one wave to the crest of the next wave is ______.
  1. ______, the number of waves produced in a given amount of time, is expressed in hertz.
  1. The maximum distance that the particles of a medium move away from their rest position is a measure of a wave’s ______.
  1. ______is how high or low you think a sound is.
  1. What do playing a guitar, banging a drum, and dropping a pebble in the water have in common?
  2. They all produce light.
  3. They all cause vibrations.
  4. They all convert heat to energy.
  5. They all need gravity to move.
  1. Sound waves, water waves, and light waves are all alike in that they all ______.
  2. Move energy from one place to another
  3. Move at the same speed
  4. Move without vibrating
  5. Move the fastest in water
  1. Regions in a sound wave where particles are farthest apart are called ______.
  2. Compressions
  3. Condensations
  4. Depressions
  5. Rarefactions
  1. Sarah stretches a rubber band across a box and lets it go. What is produced?
  2. Electrical energy
  3. Magnetic energy
  4. Sound waves
  5. Light waves
  1. A tone that is lower in pitch is lower in what characteristic?
  2. Frequency
  3. Wavelength
  4. Loudness
  5. Resonance
  1. The human ear receives sound waves as ______and converts them to signals that are processed by the brain.
  2. Electricity
  3. Pitch
  4. Vibrations
  5. Light
  1. A person becomes deaf due to a part of the ear that sends signals to the brain becoming damaged. What part of the ear would this be?
  2. Drum
  3. Cochlea
  4. Ossicles
  5. Ear canal
  1. A ______wave is an example of a longitudinal wave.
  2. Sound
  3. Transverse
  4. Light
  5. All of these
  1. A substance that carries a sound wave is called ______.
  2. A fulcrum
  3. A medium
  4. A spectrum
  5. An equilibrium

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