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Minutes of ADRA Board Meeting of 10/21/11




628 North 4th Street

Bienville Building, Room 581

October 21, 2011

10:00 A.M.

  1. Call to Order: Roy Baas, Chairman
  2. Roll call; set quorum: Jean Hartzog, Secretary/Treasurer
  3. Public Introductions and Representation
  4. Approval of September 16, 2011 Minutes: Jean Hartzog, Secretary/Treasurer
  5. Treasurer’s Report: Jean Hartzog, Secretary/Treasurer
  6. Public Questions or Comments


  1. Old Business

a)Joe Jackson Appeal Status

b)Impaired Professional Program Update – Jean Hartzog/Bernadine Williams

c)ATI Guideline Status – JoAn Brown/Bernadine Williams

d)CIT Guidelines Revision Review and Approval – Lauren Lear

  1. Executive Director’s Report: LaMiesa Bonton, Executive Director

a)General Operations Update

b)Administrative Calendar

  1. New Business

a)Approval of Applicants to be Credentialed

b)Revised LAC, RAC and CAC Application Forms Review and Approval – Lauren Lear

c)Degree Waiver Requests/SOP for Waiver of Human Science Degree Request Approval –

Lauren Lear/Marolon Mangham

d)Proposed Rule Changes – Sections 5, 7 and 9

e)Approval of Ethic Training for ADRA Executive Director

f)Board Resolutions – Website and CPA Contracts

Adjourn Meeting: Next meeting date: November 18, 2011; 10:00 a.m. @ 5th Floor, Bienville Bldg

Approved and Adopted: Roy Baas, ChairmanX


Regular Meeting of Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority Board

Friday, October21, 2011, at 10:00 a.m.

Held at:

628 North 4th Street

Bienville Building, Room 581

Baton Rouge, LA 70802

I.Call to Order

The October21, 2011, regular meeting of the Addictive Disorder Regulatory Authority Board was called to order to by Roy Baas, LAC, CCGC, CCS, Chairman, at approximately 10:10 a.m. The meeting was held pursuant to public notice, each member received notice, and notice was properly posted.

II.Roll Call (Attachment 1)

Members Present:

Roy Baas, LAC, CCGC, CCS, Chairman

Paul Schoen, LAC, CCGC, Vice-Chairman

Bernadine Williams, LAC, CCGC, CCS

JoAn Brown, LAC

Dr. Louis Cataldie, M.D.

Jean Hartzog, CPP, Secretary/Treasurer

Kevin James, RAC, CCS

Members Absent:

Marilyn Smith, LAC

ADRA Staff Present:

LaMiesa Bonton, Executive Director

Lauren Lear, Assistant Director

Pamela Richards, Administrative Assistant

III.Public Introductions


Marolon Mangham, Executive Director LASACT

Rena Smith, LAC

IV.Approval of September16, 2011 Minutes (Attachment 2)

A draft of the September16, 2011 Board meeting minutes was presented for approval. A motion was made by Paul Schoen, LAC, CCGCand seconded by JoAn Brown, LAC. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

V.Treasurer’s Report (Attachment 3)

The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Jean Hartzog, CPP, Secretary/Treasurer; copy attached. A motion was made by Bernadine Williams, LAC, CCGC, CCSand seconded by Paul Schoen, LAC, CCGCto accept the report as given. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

VI.Public Questions or Comments.

  1. Guests

Marolon Mangham gave a brief update about the IC&RC meeting in Orlando. A motion was made by Bernadine Williams, LAC, CCGC, CCS and seconded by JoAn Brown to allow LaMiesa Bonton to attend the 2012 Spring IC&RC Meeting in San Diego, CA. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

VII.Old Business

  1. Joe Jackson Appeal Status

Upon final evaluation of the request by the board, a motion was made by JoAn Brown, LAC and seconded by Bernadine Williams, LAC, CCGC, CCS to reaffirm the board’s previous denial. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

  1. Impaired Professional Program Update – Jean Hartzog/Bernadine Williams

Topic was discussed to bring forth some ideas on designing the program. Jean Hartzog and Bernadine Williamsrequested more time for research.

  1. ATI Guideline Status – JoAn Brown/Bernadine Williams

JoAn Brown and Bernadine Williams requested more time for research.

  1. CIT Guidelines Revision Review and Approval – Lauren Lear

Based on rule changes, the CIT Guidelines will be separated into CIT Guidelines and PSIT Guidelines, and CIT Supervision Guidelines and PSIT Supervision Guidelines. Roy Baas, Chairman will have a draft revision for the board to review at the next board meeting.

VIII.Executive Director’s Report: LaMiesa Bonton, Executive Director

ADRA Executive Director, LaMiesa Bonton, gave the following report:

  1. General Operations Update
  • Received refund from IRS for payroll tax penalty
  • Lease was revised and decreased by about 30 cents. We are awaiting final approval of lease. Once approved, 3-4 rental payments will be made in a lump sum once the lease is finalized.
  • Receivedone training reimbursement from state
  • Update on renewals
  1. Administrative Calendar

Provided to board for review.

  1. New Business
  1. Approval of Applicants to be Credentialed

A motion was made by Bernadine Williams, LAC, CCGC, CCS and seconded by JoAn Brown, LAC to approve all listed applicants for credentialing. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

  1. Revised LAC, CAC, RAC Application Forms Review and Approval – Lauren Lear

A revised copy of the Addiction Counselor’s testing application was submitted to the board for review.

  1. Degree Waiver Requests/SOP for Waiver of Human Science Degree Request Approval – Lauren Lear and Marolon Mangham

A Standard Operating Procedure for Degree Waivers was presented to the board for approval. The board approved the adoption and implementation of the procedure. Upon applicant’s submission of all required materials for waiver application to ADRA, staff will review and present to the board for final approval.

  1. Proposed Rule Changes – Sections 5,7, and 9

Proposed rule changes for sections 5, 7, and 9 were provided by legal counsel to the board for review and approval. A motion was made by Bernadine Williams, LAC, CCGC, CCS and seconded by Kevin James, RAC, CCS to accept proposed rule changes to section 5. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

A motion was made by Kevin James, RAC, CCS and seconded by Paul Schoen, LAC, CCGC to accept proposed rule changes to section 9. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

Section 7 was presented for review. The suggestion was made to review the guidelines draft before accepting the rule change to section 7.

  1. Approval of Ethics Training for ADRA Executive Director

A motion was made by Bernadine Williams, LAC, CCGC, CCS and seconded by JoAn Brown to allow LaMiesa Bonton to attend the CLEAR Ethics Training when available. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

  1. Board Resolutions – Website and CPA Contracts

A motion was made by Jean Hartzog, CPP and seconded by JoAn Brown, LAC to approve LaMiesa Bonton, Executive Director to enter into a contract with Elizabeth Kesler for the purpose of website design not to exceed $ 2,600.00. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

A motion was made by Jean Hartzog, CPP and seconded by JoAn Brown, LAC to approve LaMiesa Bonton, Executive Director to enter into a contract with Eric Vicknair, CPA for the purpose of CPA services and based on the terms from the previous year. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

Next meeting date: November 18, 2011; 10:00 a.m. @ 5th Floor, Bienville Bldg.

A motion was made by Bernadine Williams, LAC, CCGC, CCS and seconded by JoAn Brown, LAC to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved after a unanimous vote in the affirmative.

Respectfully Submitted,


Jean Hartzog, CPP, Secretary/Treasurer