A.B.N. 36 686 370 878


AGM 02/11 /2009






1.01 Projection of the soccer club. Page 3


2.01 Rules and Definitions. Page 3


3.01 Ordinary Member. Page 3

3.02 Junior Member. Page 3

3.03 Life Member. Page 3

3.04 Qualified Member. Page 4

3.05 Nomination for Membership. Page 4

3.06 Cessation of Membership. Page 4

3.07 Resignation of Membership. Page 4

3.08 Disciplining of Membership. Page 4

3.09 Transferable Membership. Page 5


4.01 Annual Membership Fee Page 5

4.02 Player Registration Fees. Page 5

4.03 Liabilities of Members. Page 5


5.01 Committee Membership. Page 5

5.02 Powers of the Committee. Page 5

5.03 Election of Committee. Page 5

5.04 Removal of Committee Memb er. Page 7

5.05 Casual Member Vacancies. Page 7

5.06 Sub - Co mmittees. Page 7


6.01 Annual General Meetings. Page 7

6.02 Special General Meetings. Page 7

6.03 General and Committee Meetings. Page 8

6.04 Decision s at Meetings. Page 8

6.05 Voting at Meetings. Page 8

6.06 Meeting Agenda. Page 8

6.07 Meeting Procedure. Page 8

6.08 Meeting Minutes. Page 9


7.01 Selection System.

Page 9

7.02 Coaches. Page 9

7.03 Managers. Page 10

7.04 Assistance’s. Page 10

7.05 Players Movements. Page 10


8.01 Association Membership Page 10

8.02 Insurance. Page 10

8.03 Fund s - Source. (Monies Incoming) Page 11

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8.04 Fund s - Management. Page 11

8.05 Custody of Books. Page 11

8.06 Property. Page 11

8.07 Sponsorship. Page 11

8.08 Alteratio ns to Club Rules. Page 12

8.09 Appeals Board. Page 12

8.10 Appeals Board Club. Page 12

8.11 Bonds. Page 12

8.12 Players Equipment. Page 12

8.13 Player Payments. Page 12

8.14 Awards. Page 12

8.15 Committee Payments. Page 13

8.16 Decision Making.

Page 14

8.17 Honourinims. Page 14

8.18 Surplus Property. Page 14

8.19 Forms. Page 14

8.20 Common Seal Page 14

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Projection of the soccer club.

Pendle Hill Football Club Inc shall promote soccer throughout the community. The club shall

supply the necessary equipment required to conduct a competition (as in item 8.12 ) as required by the

Association. All appointments within the club shall be without monetary remuneration.



The Rules and Definitions.

No decision of any substance shall take place until the notice is recorded in the minutes of the club at a

General or Annual General Meetings.

The operation of the club shall be strictly adhered too and only amended at General or Annual General

Meetings .


Annual subscription is the period 1

January to the 31

December in the year subscription is received.

s t


Quorum - Seven members present in person (being members entitled to vote at GM) constitute a

quorum for the transaction of business at GM.

Proxy - Application in writing giving vo ting rights for non-attendance at GM.

GM - General Meeting.

AGM - Annual General Meeting.

MC – Management Committee

SGM - Special General Meeting.

PHFC - Pendle Hill Football Club Inc.

GDSFA - Granville & District Soccer Football Association Inc.

Association - Granville & District Soccer Football Association Inc.

Conflict of Interest - No member of the current committee shall represent an y other soccer committee,

further any life member who h as representation on any other soccer committee is not entitled to attend

General Meetings or Committee meetings.



Ordinary Members.

Any person, after payment of membership fees, over the age of eighteen (18) years who has been

admitted to the club in accordance with these rules. One parent or guardian of a Junior member is

automatically a member of the club and shall be one as long as the Junior memb er is a registered

player, coach or manager. These members have the sole right of voting privileges.


Junior Members.

Any person, after payment of membership fees, under the ag e o f eig hteen (18) years registered to play

soccer for the club or registered as a coach or manager who has been admitted to the club in accordance

with these rules. These members are not permitted to vote or attend General or Annual General


No junior member shall be entitled to no minate any person for membership, stand for or be elected for

any position on the committee or nominate any other person to stand for the committee of the Club.


Life Members.

A life member shall be any member who shall be elected as such by a two-thirds majority of those

present at an Annual General Meeting of the club and shall hereafter b e entitled to all privileges

(including entitlements to vote and take part in the management of the club, other than when he/she

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may have a conflict of interest) as an ordinary member of the club without paying the annual

membership fee. Provided that no member shall be elected a Life Member unless he/she has been a

ordinary member for a continuous period of not less than ten (10) years, within this time filled roles

within the club as coach, manager, committee member and has rendered exceptional service to the club.

No more than two (2) Life Members shall be elected in any one (1) financial year. Each nomination

being put to a separate secret ballot, must obtain a two-thirds majority to be elected. Nominations for

Life Membership with proposers and seconders remarks will only be accepted up to 42 days before the

Annual General Meeting. The nominations must be ratified or allowed to be tabled to the MC prior to

the AGM in the way of secret ballot, to allow the nomination to proceed to the AGM. In the event of

there being more than two nominations for Life Membership the committee will select the two (2) to be

proposed fo r the election by th e members at the Annual General Meeting.


Qualification of Member.

A person is qualified to be an ordinary member of the Club if, but only if -

(a) the person has obtained the age of eighteen (18) years and -

(b) has been approved for membership of the Club by the Committee of the Club.

(c) a person under the age of eighteen (1 8) years and is currently registered to play, co ach or

manage soccer for the Club.


Nominations for Membership.

A nomination of a person for membership of the Club -

(a) shall be made by a member of the Club in writing in the form set o ut in appendix 1

(registration form) to these rules

(b) shall be lodged with the secretary of the club.

As soon as practicable after receiving a nomination for membership, the secretary shall refer the

nomination to the committee, which shall determine whether to approve or to reject the nomination.

Where the committee determines to approve a nomination for membership, the secretary shall as soon

as possible notify the nominee of that approval and request the nominee to pay without delay the

nominated fees and sums payable as entrance and annual subscription.

The secretary shall, on payment by the nominee, enter the nominee’s name, address, age, contact

numbers in the register of members upon the name being so entered, the nominee becomes a member

of the club


Cessation of Membership.

A person ceases to be a member of the club if the perso n -

(a) dies;

(b) resigns that membership;

(c) is expelled from the club;

(d) in the case of a junior member, ceases to be a registered player, coach or manager for the


(e) has not paid his/her membership fees.


Resignation of Membership


An ordinary member of the club is not entitled to resign that membership except in accordance with

this rule.

(a) An ordinary member of the club who has paid all amounts payable by the ord inary member

to the club in respect of the ordinary member’s membership may resign fro m membership of the club


1. giving notice (being not less than one (1) month or not less than such other period

as the committee may determine) in writing to the secretary of the member’s intention to resign

2. upon the expiration of the period of notice, the member ceases to be an ordinary


(b) Once the membership has ceased the secretary shall make the appropriate entry in the

register of members recording the date on which the member ceased to be an ordinary member.

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Disciplining of Membership.

Any member of the club can be called before the committee to explain their actions in regards the

disciplining of the member. A sub committee can be established to adjudicate the discipline. The

members do have the right of app eal.

If any member shall wilfully refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of the rules of the club or

shall be guilty of any conduct of which in the opinion of the committee is unbecoming of a member or

prejudicial to the interest of the club the committee shall have the po wer to reprimand and / or fine / or

suspend / or expel such a member from the club. Provided that at least six (6 ) days before the meeting

of the committee at which resolution to reprimand and / or fine / or suspend / or expel such a member

or any combination thereof is put the member shall have had notice in writing of such meeting and of

what is alleged against him/her and that he/she shall at such meeting and before the passing of such

resolution have had an opportunity of giving orally or in writing any explanation or defense he/she may

think fit and provid ed further that no member shall be expelled from the club unless the resolution for

his/her expulsio n is passed by a majority of two-thirds of those committee members present and voting.


Transfera ble Membership.

All rights, privileges or obligations which a person has by reason of b eing any member is not capable

of being transferred or transmitted to another person and terminates upon cessation of the person’s




Annual Membership Fees


An annual membership fee shall be payable on application of membership to the club and the amount

determined annually b y the committee. This fee is to be included in the player registration fee.

Coaches, managers, committee members and one parent of a Junior Member are exempt from paying

any annual fee other than that of a player.

The membership fees shall be set o ut and in clear view for an y member upon making application to

become members to the club.

4.02 Player Registration fees

Player registration fees are set each year b y the committee and consist of a club co mponent and a

GDSFA component. Payment of player registration fees or a request for deferral must have been

received before round 1 of the competition, or when the player registers if after round 1.

A life members who wishes to register as a player is only required to pay the GDSFA component of the

player registration fee.


Liabilities of Members.

The liability of a member of the club to contribute towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of

the club or the costs, charges and expenses of winding up of the club is limited to the amount, if any,

of unpaid membership fees.



Committee Membership

Each member of the committee shall hold office until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting

following the date of the member’s election, but is eligible for re-election. Each member of the

committee shall be entitled to receive distinctive shirts to publicise that he/she is a member of the

committee.. Remuneration for a committee member shall not be considered except for re-imbursement

of direct club expenses (receipts required) and or an allowance to a maximum of $200 per position (no

receipts required)..

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Powers of the Committee

The committee shall be called the Management Co mmittee (MC) of the club.

MC shall control and manage the affairs o f the club

May exercise all such functions as required by general meetings of members of the club.

Has the power to perform all matters to the committee to be necessary or desirable for the proper

management of the affairs of the club.

May from time to time make, alter or repeal all such by-laws as it deems necessary or expedient for the

proper conduct and management of the club

No committee member shall have a conflict of interest as elected at the AGM.

The power to appoint a member to fill any casual vacancies in the committee. Such appointment to be

valid until the next AGM.


Election of Committee

The committee shall consist of :-

(a) President

The President shall be the Chairperson at all meetings. He/she shall co nd uct all meetings in accordance