BIOLOGY Honors 2014-2015

Instructor: Mr. Ray Skowronski / CatoctinHigh School / 240-236-8100 ext. 68152 /

Sign up at for weekly class updates. Your student will bring home registration instructions.

Core Learning Goals 1 and 3: The student will demonstrate the ability to use scientific skills and processes and major biological concepts to explain the uniqueness and interdependence of living organisms, their interactions with the environment, and the continuation of life.

Career Pathway: This course may lead to careers in the natural resources and agriculture pathway such as park ranger or microbiologist or careers in the health services pathway such as a nurse or emergency medical technician.

Course Description: Students will be introduced to basic concepts in biology to prepare for the Maryland HSA. All state mandated environmental goals will be addressed and students will be required to participate in an environmental action project. This course also includes additional state mandates on drug education and student service learning. Extensive lab experiences are an integral part of the curriculum. A “B” average in the student’s previous science course is a prerequisite to entrance into an honors level.

Topics: safety, scientific method and measurement, evolution and natural selection, biochemistry, cells, diversity, human biology, genetics, and ecology.

Level Description: Honors courses are designed for students who consistently exceed the objectives and expectations of the essential curriculum, both in terms of knowledge and application. Coursework includes an emphasis on abstract material and requires extensive independent work, self-discipline, and commitment to meet rigorous expectations and timelines. Successful completion of Honors coursework will prepare students for post high school education.

Text: Biology-Exploring Life $76 if lost or damaged.

Materials: pens and pencils, loose-leaf paper, pocket folder with center prongs, textbook, 1-subject spiral notebook 70-100 pages.

Homework: Homework will be assigned several times per week. This may include such things as small projects, problems, study guides, lab summaries, and studying for tests and quizzes.

Notebooks: Each student must keep a 2-pocket folder with center prongs to keep warm-ups, notes, and class work. This folder will be collected and graded on a regular basis. Spiral notebook will serve as a lab notebook to assist with online reports via

Warm-ups: Warm-ups will be completed on notebook paper in the center prong part of the folder. Begin warm-up at the start of class. Write the question and answer it as completely as possible. These will be checked as part of the folder grade.

Expectations: All students will be expected to complete all assignments for each unit either individually or cooperatively in small teams. All student written responses are expected to be incomplete sentences. Students will evaluate their own progress on a regular basis in a portfolio.

Grading Policy: Grades are based on tests and quizzes (30%), class work (30%), laboratory (30%), and homework (10%). The number of points earned in a marking period will determine grades. 100%-90% of total points = A, 89%-80% = B, 79%-70% = C, 69%-60% = D, 59% and below = F

Late assignments for the current unit will be accepted for reduced credit. Missed assignments due to excused absences can be obtained from Mr. Skowronski after school. A sign-up calendar will be available for help after school. Missed quizzes and tests must be made up after school within 3 days upon returning to class.Some categories of assignments will be given a 50 % for a missing assignment (not tests, quizzes, or major projects/assessments).

Check the school website for class updates- go to and click on your class to find out about assignments and class activities.

Thank you for reviewing the syllabus and class policy forms with your child. To promote success for everyone, I thank you in advance for your support! Please sign and return this form as well as the Lab Safety Contract. Don’t forget to sign up at for class updates. Together we will make this a great school year!

Print Student name ______

Student Signature ______date______

Print Parent/Guardian Name______

Parent/Guardian Signature______date______