____ 1. / Lymph fluid may also be called
A. plasma B. blood C. interstitial fluid D. serum E. hemolymph
____ 2. / The function of the lymph nodes is to
A. filter the blood B. filter the lymph C. filter the plasma D. return the lymph to the blood E. produce blood cells
____ 3. / Lymph vessels most closely resemble
A. arteries B. capillaries C. the trachea D. veins E. the bronchi
Questions 4-8 Use the choices below
A. Bone Marrow B. spleen C. thymus D. tonsils E. Peyer's patches
____ 4. / serves as blood reservoir and filters blood
____ 5. / produces lymphocytes
____ 6. / small masses of lymphatic tissue in the throat
____ 7. / location of the maturation of T-cells
____ 8. / small masses of lymphatic tissue in the intestines
Multiple Choice: Answer the questions:
____ 9. / Select the choice which places the body's defenses in order from 1st line of defense to third line of defense
A. skin, immune system, mucus membranes
B. skin, mucus membranes, immune system
C. mucus membranes, skin, immune system
D. immune system, skin, mucus membranes
____ 10. / All of the following are involved in nonspecific defenses EXCEPT
A. tears B. phagocytes C. fever D. physical barriers E. antibodies
____ 11. / The Lymphatic System
A. absorbs and returns excess fluid to the blood stream
B. is involved in the absorption of fat in the villi of the small intestine
C. has a role in immune function
D. both A and B
E. A, B and C
____ 12. / Lymph moves through lymphatic vessels as a result of
A. the contraction of skeletal muscles B. the contraction of the heart
C. the force of gravity D. A and B E. A, B & C
____ 13. / Humoral immunity is provided by
A. T-Cells the lymph B. B-Cells in the lymph C. antibodies in the lymph
D. T-Cells in the blood E. B-Cells in the blood
____ 14. / A cell containing a virus is directly attacked and lysed by a non-antibody producing lymphocyte. This is an example of
A. humoral immunity B. nonspecific defense C. cell mediated immunity
D. passive immunity E. lymphatic immunity
Questions 15-19 Use the choices below.
A. B-Cells B. T-Cells C. Cytokines D. Antibodies E. Antigen
____ 15. / Cells which are produced in the bone marrow, mature in the thymus and oversee cell-mediated immunity
____ 16. / Chemical messengers produced by cells of the immune system which bind to specific receptors on target cells
____ 17. / Molecules recognized as foreign by the body.
____ 18. / Cells which are produced and mature in the bone marrow.
____ 19. / Produced by B-cells in response to foreign molecules found in the body
Multiple Choice: Answer the questions.
____ 20. / Antibodies
A. are produced by lymphocytes B. circulate freely in blood and lymph
C. digest bacteria and viruses D. A and B E. A, B &C
____ 21. / Cytotoxic T-cells
A. do not require a specific antigen
B. rid the body of cancer cells and cells
C. rid the body of cells that have become infected with viruses
D. B and C
E. A, B, and C
____ 22. / Memory cells are produced by
A. macrophages B. activated T- cells C. activated B - cells D. A and B E. B and C
____ 23. / Immunity that is stimulated by vaccines is called
A. passive B. active C. inert D. sedentary E. dynamic
____ 24. / Immunity that is passed from mother to baby through the placenta or breast milk is called
A. passive B. active C. inert D. sedentary E. dynamic
____ 25. / The HIV virus
A. infects B-lymphocytes B. causes AIDS C. can be cured
D. A and B E. A, B, and C
Part II. / Rill in the blank for the questions about the types of organ transplants.
_____ 26. / Tissue grafts transplanted from one body site to another in the same person is ***
ex. skin graft from your hip to your nose.
_____ 27. / Transplanted from individuals that are not genetically identical but belong to the same species. Ex. transplant from your cousin to you.
____ 28. / Organ donated by genetically identical individuals. Ex. identical twins.
_____29. / Organ taken from another animal species. Ex. transplanting a baboon heart into a human.
Part III. / Recall your vocabulary & fill in the blanks.
_____30. / A regulatory T cell that binds w/ a specific antigen presented by a macrophage. Stimulates production of killer T cells & B cells.
_____31. / Identical cells descended from the same ancestor cell.
_____ 32. / Any substance capable of exciting our immune system & causing an immune response. Most are large, complex molecules not present in our bodies.
_____ 33. / Systemic acute allergic response occurring when an allergen directly enters the blood & circulates rapidly through the body.
_____ 34. / Fluid accumulation within the tissues that causes swelling.
_____ 35. / A highly specific resistance to disease.