SAC Meeting


  1. Call to Order: (3:00PM)
  1. Roll Call: All present

III.Prayer: Given by Kevin Tighe

  1. Approval of minutes: 1/25/2011 minutes were approved without change
  1. Public Forum

Mike & Sean: TEDx. Would SAC be open to promoting TEDx?

Do you know who you will having?

Looking for authors, alumni.

Suggest a SAC, Lecture Series link.

Kevin Tighe: Schott Hall Renovation user-ship board, undergraduate representative. Requests input - What should we request?

When is the renovation happening?

Will be determined as board of trustees goes over budget, 2013.

VI.Review of the Budget

Crystal Guffey

Budget Passed around

VII.Report of the SGA Executive

Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran

Over the past 2.5 months I have been working with Senators Roveda and Martin and SACers Tighe and Keller putting together a report for the Provost, Dr. Scott Chadwick. Today, we are in the final stage of this process and are asking your feedback on the final questions. At this time, I will defer to Senator Roveda who will give you a better understanding of what we are asking/looking for.

If all goes according to plan, we should have the final report ready to present to you at next week’s meeting.

Moving on, the Parking Technology Committee has a busy week ahead as we will be meeting with three different vendors to review their proposals and experience their demos. These vendors will be on campus Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. It is has been the goal of this committee to move quickly, so a vendor should be selected within the next two weeks.

The University Parking Committee will be meeting on Friday, February 3 from 11:00a- 12:00p. Unfortunately I have a class conflict and will only be available for the first half of the meeting. I have asked Senator Mitchell to fill in as he and Student Life are also working on related issues.

Lastly, I am proud to announce that MOSAIC is up and running! Last night SDoD, Nia Williams, hosted the first meeting. I am passing around some of the handouts for your reference.

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Otherwise, have a great week!

Report of the President, Ryan Alleman

Not Emailed

Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach

COFFEE HOUR! Enough said. Next week, Matt G. and Kate are in charge of snacks!

I’m going to keep it short today—the sooner we get done with reports, the faster we can get some food!  Here are some updates for you:

I had a conference call with Dr. Mengel, the director of the Center for Teaching Excellence in regards to ensuring excused class absences for religious observances. We are currently exploring possibilities that will help streamline communication to students about this option. Dr. Mengel will be updating the syllabus creation guidelines for professors online. We will also move forward with including this information in the Fall New Faculty Orientation.

There is only one spot left for ISS’s annual WorldQuest trivia competition extravaganza. If you want to go (which it’s so fun, everyone does) make sure you sign-up! I need to know by Thursday evening (to register each of us individually). WorldQuest will be held on Friday, February 10th in the Cintas Banquet room from 6:00-9:30. Dinner is included.

VIII.Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak

Not Emailed

Refer to Brock McMorran: Straw Poll: planning banquet, what time will work best for you? earlier afternoon-3 Mid afternoon-1 Dinner hour-majority

IX.Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis

For your Senate Minute, the Senate approved $1,100 for Drew Dziedzic’s project to renovate the Buenger Music Room with a new electronic piano. Club Relations brought forward XPECT (the new club for transfer students) and Innovation Society for approval; they will be voted on next week.

I’d like to meet with the following SAC’ers for Pre-Event Meetings:

  • A Night of Love (Margaret)
  • Late Night Movie (Jacquelyn)
  • Sense & Sensibility (Katie K)
  • Arvin Mitchell (Whitney)

We need to meet BEFORE next Wednesday. Please schedule with the calendar on my door before then!

Leah, Crystal and I have been meeting to create a list of suggestions for the SGA Budgeting Process and I plan on meeting with the Budget Committee next week to share our ideas. I want to reinforce to all of you that as SAC’ers, you should take time to comb through the budget and to pass along your own thoughts to members of FAC and your Leadership Team. I would like to see more of you taking part in the process on the front end versus having a budget presented to you that you do not agree with. There are 57 members of SGA and only 13 who create this budget. I hope the other 44 take advantage of their roles to share their ideas as well.

Finally, I want to offer some comments related to the upcoming elections. I want to start with discussing your indivudal support and endorsements for campaigns. Should you choose to endorse candidates, I think that's great, but please respect everyone involved in the election. Based on past precedent, I want to remind all of you that the office is not a campaign zone. I want to ask that you please keep the campaigning out of the office. Please respect all of the SGA members involved in the election by not wearing campaign t-shirts and materials around in the SGA office and also by minimizing the amount of conversation and discussion about the tickets in the office. You should vote the way you wish to vote but let's keep the office drama-free by not making the elections personal.

Is there any possibility for a report of university administration from you?

What form do you see that taking? University happenings or recap of Senate report of the administration.

University happenings.

X.Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey


XI.Opinion Entries

XII.Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)

FAC, Jim Reitenbach



Enter Closed Executive Session
Closed Executive Session Ended

Enter Open Executive Session
Open Executive Session Ended

Amend Rules of Order

(Initial Questions)

Who is proposing to senate next week?

Kristen Sanfilippo

(Debate and Discussion)

Debate Ended

Placed on Next week's Docket

Amend Ch. 2 Sec. 2
(Initial Questions)

(Debate and Discussion)

Debate Ended

Next week's docket

Late Night Movie
Date: February 23-25

Time: 11pm Thursday - Saturday

Location: Gallagher Theater

Est. Attendance: 100-200 per showing

Event Description:

Late Night Movie in the Theater

Budget Requested From: Late Night Programming

Cost Breakdown:

Movie Rights $900

Movie Posters$10


Total Amount Proposed: $970

(Initial Questions)

Drive is a pretty good movie

Pushing for Like Crazy

Since we're having trouble finding movie, what if we don't have one? reallocate fund?

Older movie? Think movies like that would do better. Older well known movie would do better.

We have that option, have movies in mind that have been suggested before.

In the past, older movies haven't done well. Some movies have been on TV a lot. Won’t do well if is on for 3 days.

Late Night Movie is not from SAC funds, would have to be voted on by all of SGA take 4 weeks.

Straw Poll: should have late night movie - majority, should not - 3

Can we do a really job of promoting this movie if we are going to do drive? Never heard of movie, need new way to promo.

We've had a lot of talk about promoting the heck out of things, but when the time comes up, we don't actually do that.

Cooking at the Cafe: promoted at Late Night Snack

Could consider doing March date instead of February?

If we are looking at March date, can we pick another weekend?

No, we can only choose that weekend in March.

Promo Idea - there are free ways to promo, but extra promo will cost money. Do not see people putting it in the proposal.

Straw Poll: Drive for late night - majority Not Drive - 2

(Debate and Discussion)

Debate Ended


NACA National Convention

Date: Feb. 25-29

Location: Charlotte, South Carolina

Event Description:

We are requesting $10,000 for block booking at the National convention. We will try to get between 3-4 events and will communicate with the committee chairs about our decisions prior to making them. In the event that the chairs cannot be reached, we retain the autonomy to make the final decisions ourselves.

Budget Requested From: FY13 General SAC Budget

Total Amount Proposed: $10,000

(Initial Questions)

(Debate and Discussion)

Debate Ended


Arvin Mitchell
Chairs: Whitney and Christine

Date: Tuesday, February 28

Time: 9 pm

Location: GSC Theater

Estimated Attendance: 150

Event Description: The comedian Arvin Mitchell from NACA will be coming on Tuesday to perform in the theater,

Budget Requested From: Late Night Programming

Cost Breakdown:Comedian: 1800

Taxes: 36.50

Promo: $115

Total Amount Proposed: $1951.50

(Initial Questions)

Do you have any special promo ideas?

$115 is for big posters, post video to Facebook. Going to promo meeting to talk about promo ideas.

Video is a good idea; I wish I would have done that for Preston, think more people would have been interested.

(Debate and Discussion)

Debate Ended


David Hall (Part of MAD)

Chairs: Whitney and Abby

Date: March 16, 2012

Time: 9 pm-11pm

Location: GSC

Estimated Attendance: 500

Event Description:

The magician David Hall will be performing at MAD. We wanted to get a headstart with booking him so that we could keep the travel costs down and make sure we would be able to book him. He will be doing slight-of-hand magic and walking around before his show and then perform a one hour show

Budget Requested From: Late Night Programming

Cost Breakdown:

Show: 1350

Travel: 750

Total Amount Proposed: $2,100

(Initial Questions)

In the theatre or atrium?

Theatre but will walk around atrium.

(Debate and Discussion)

Debate Ended


XIII.Blast from the Past

Cooking in the Cafe: Monday night, went well, good working with cafe, want to do more events with us, attendance was good.

auxillary services would really like to do this again, could be once a month thing, willing to work with pricing.

Tom Barlow and Mike Ross had nothing but good things to say about the event

XIV.Here and Now

Buffalo wild wings tomorrow, the Bergamot will be performing

Ski Trip: tickets in CIE

How is it collaborating with CIE. Help with tickets sign ups, one of buses.

Pay for rental?


how many signed up


XV.Committee Reports

Publicity, Annette Frac

Not Emailed

Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer

HI SAC! Tomorrow is Late Night Snack featuring the Bergamot! Thanks for signing up this week to help out. Abby and I went yesterday to pay B-dubbs, so we were able to receive the special discount that occurs on Tuesdays. Jacquelyn and I will be picking up the food tomorrow and Becky and Abby will be leading the set-up. Thanks to Travis for meeting with the Bergamot, since Whitney will be working and Abby will still be in class when they arrive. Thank you for passing Late Night Movie today and sorry for the change of movies to vote on. I’m looking forward to seeing Drive! Also, thanks for voting for Arvin Mitchell and David Hall. We are excited to be bringing both of these events to campus and I hope you are too! Another thing we discussed this week was potential committee bonding at our meeting on Monday. We are hoping to go out to dinner on Sunday; and, so Late Night if we could meet for 10 minutes after the meeting to finish up the details that would be lovely. Lastly, we have never found the movie, but are fairly certain it was the Ides of March, so if you please have any information on where it went I would love to know. Thanks SAC and have a great week!

Concerts, Matt Morefield

Please attend a Night of Love on February 7! It will be in Andy's at 7 pm.

Also, be looking for information on XavierFest. Concerts and Life and Culture is currently working hard on some of the basics and I'm sure you will be hearing more from us in the upcoming weeks. If you have any questions please ask me, anyone on my committee or Life and Culture.

Campus Traditions, Colleen Rynolds

Hi SAC! Thanks for all of your feedback on lectures today. We really appreciate it, and we promise to have a lecture update for your guys in the VERY near future. Besides that, nothing really new from Campus Traditions. If you still want to attend Ski Trip on Friday, there are about 40 or so spots left and I would love to see more SGA members on the list. Its gonna be a great time. Also be on the lookout for information and proposals for lectures, luck on the levee, and a spring event from Campus Traditions. Special thanks to Dustin and whoever else provided funding for the freshman SGA members to attend ELR (Emerging Leaders Retreat) this past weekend. We had a great time and definitely learned a lot. Thanks, and have a great week everyone!

Life & Culture, Analisa Condon

Not Emailed

Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach

Not Emailed

  1. Closing Sentiments

Cynthia Bear was given to Katie Keller, what is your favorite thing to do outside Question?

  1. Adjourned:(5:35PM)