Haiti Twinning Committee Meeting Minutes

October 1, 2007

The regular monthly meeting of the Haiti Twinning Committee washeld at St. Pius X Catholic ChurchMonday, October 1, 2007. President, Mike Manningcalled the meeting to order and led the opening prayer.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as corrected. (Suchet Loois’ last name was misspelled.)

Financial Report

We have a current balance of $4712.59. To date, $26,058.50 has been collected for the education project and, as previously reported; $23,000 has been wired to Pere Guy for tuition and other educational needs.

Pat Geis is updating the roster of committee members and supporters. Provide her with any applicable changes in phones or addresses.

Parish ministry fair is this coming week. We need to have flyers printed to distribute to interested parishioners. Pat Geis will update the flyer and take it to THP for printing. We will have a table in the gathering space for our display and will have at least one person attending the table after each mass time (Oct. 6 & 7). The schedule is as follows:

Sat. 5:30 – Suchet Loois

Sun. 8:00 – Pat Geis

Sun. 10:00 – Antonio Gibbs

Sun. 12:00 - Fran & Bill Grothaus or Jim Sorenson

Sun. 5:30 – Mike Manning

Mission Trip

We are planning the next trip for March 8-15, 2008. Suchet intends to conduct nutrition education and dental hygiene training while in Los Palis. Mike gave us an overview of the tropical medicine convention he recently attended. The mission needs to focus on a worming program. Suchet talked about a double pit latrine system that has been effective in reducing the spread of disease. We discussed obtaining medicines for the trip and what to purchase in Haiti and what to plan on getting before hand. There is a plan in the works for a medical supply warehouse to be set up in Haiti for all the mission groups to be able to use, but this is not yet available.

Anyone who does not have a valid passport and is planning to go to Haiti in March should apply for a passport very soon as it may take several months to receive it.

Pere Guy is scheduled to arrive for a week visit beginning Nov. 15. The Mannings will host a party Nov. 17 at their home for all committee members/supporters and Pere Guy.


No report

Corporate Sponsorship

Suchet Loois sent a letter to the NFIA in Atlanta on 9/17 seeking support from them for our efforts in Los Palis. Suchet is going to Haiti in December and January and hopes to meet with the Prime Minister and other top officials regarding aid to and needs of the people of Haiti.

Fund Raiser

Our primary fund raiser will be Dinner Theatre on January 26, 2008 in the parish hall. It will be similar to last year’s event.

We will need committees for

Silent auction

Theatre production


Promotion (tickets, brochures, sales/sponsors)

Decorating (set up & breakdown)

Mike will present themes to the group at the next meeting.

We also discussed being able to take credit cards for the silent auction. We’ll need to discuss with our bank and possibly set this up.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The next scheduled meeting will be Monday, Nov. 5.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Geis, Secretary