Service Ministry Team Handbook

Mission Statement:

To bring to light God’s love, strength, and mercy to the people answering altar calls and to equip them with scriptural promises regarding their situation. To help assist and provide ministry personnel for the Care Team Department.


1.  Be a member of the church for at least one year

2.  Attend at least two services per week

3.  Bible School graduate (if the church has a Bible School)

4.  Must volunteer in another area of the church.

5.  Must follow Care Team Ministry Code of Conduct

6.  Proven support of the vision of senior Pastor and leadership of the church

7.  Approved by elders and/or board

Code of Conduct and Dress:

1.  Conduct should be without reproach (Read I Tim 3; 2 Tim 2; and Titus 2-3)

2.  Never interrupt or correct other ministry team members while praying. Pastor, elder, or church staff are the only ones to correct and direct flow of ministry.

3.  Do not make any derogatory remarks regarding any church, ministry, denomination, race, or ethnic group.

4.  Ministry Team members are not to partake in the use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.

5.  Dress sharp – no caps/hats, flip flops, t-shirts with advertising, skin tight clothing or shirts that expose any mid-section or cleavage.


1.  Arrive 30 minutes prior to the service you are schedule for.

2.  Pray for Pastor, elders, church staff, service ministry team, and all services.

3.  Abide by all procedures and guidelines in this handbook.

Service Ministry Team Procedures:

1.  Sit in first 3 rows.

2.  Allow elders to go forward to minister first.

3.  Men minister to men and women with women. NO EXCEPTIONS.

4.  If directed to the altar, pair up with those who have come forward for prayer.

5.  Ask why they responded to the altar call and pray with them.

6.  Always minister with clarity and boldness, knowing that God always keeps His word.

7.  Apply the Salvation, Holy Spirit, and Restoration Outlines and use them as needed.

8.  If there is need for further ministry or if the individual requests counseling, have them complete a Personal Ministry Request Form (found at the info center).

9.  Complete a Follow Up/Prayer Card for the Care Team Department with the person’s name and contact information.

Ministry Information:

Service Ministry Team Members are responsible to minister the Word of God. Ministering Salvation, Baptism with the Holy Spirit, and Restoration should be simple, clear, yet powerful and full of life. This is not a time for you to preach your sermons, debate, or give your opinions on any matter. You are to address everything according to God’s Word and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. You should spend no longer than 5-10 minutes with a person. You are not a counselor. You are a minister. You are to know the Salvation, Holy Spirit, and Restoration outlines by heart. The outlines do not have to be quoted word for word; neither does every scripture have to be sued. These are simply guidelines to follow so that everyone is on the same page. Outlines are located in the back of this handbook.


1.  If you need to change your scheduled time, please inform your service captain in advance.

2.  When unexpected situations arise and you are not able to attend your scheduled service, please notify the Service Captain. If you are unable to reach them, contact another Service Ministry Team member and have them report the situation to the Service Captain.

Service Captains

Goals and Priorities:

1.  To make sure ministry in the church is provided and one effectively using God’s Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit.


1.  To provide leadership in the Service Ministry Team.

2.  To motivate and develop team members.

3.  To communicate needs/ideas with the Care Team Department.

4.  To stay in contact with your team.

5.  Scheduling of team members.

6.  Coordinate training and meetings/pre-service prayer.


1.  Served on the Service Ministry Team for a minimum of 1 year.

2.  Bible School Grad or Intern Grad.

3.  Must submit to the pastor and elders of the church

4.  Must be willing to enforce as well as follow guidelines in this handbook.


1.  Be an example for your team. If you need to miss or cannot make a service, contact the Care Team Department in advance.

2.  It is important to stress the importance of faithfulness. If a team member misses more than two services in a month, a reevaluation is needed.

3.  Must attend the once a month Service Ministry Captain meeting.

Contact Info:

To submit any needs, concerns, or ideas, please contact the Care Team Department using the following information: Name, Phone, Email

Service Ministry Team Information

Please print legibly

Date: ______

Name: ______Age: ______Gender: M F

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Email: ______

Please Answer the Following Questions:

Have you been through the church membership class? Yes No

How long have you been a member of the church? ______

Are you graduated from or are you currently enrolled in either our Bible School or Internship Program? Yes No

In what area(s) of the church do you currently serve? ______

Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues? Yes No

If yes, please explain: ______


Do you have any previous ministry experience? Yes No If yes, please explain: ______


Additional Comments: ______


Circle which services(s) you are able to serve in:

Sunday 9AM Sunday 11AM Sunday 6PM Wednesday 7PM


Romans 3:23

Since the garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve sinned against God, sin has always been a problem with mankind because sin was the cause of separation from God (Spiritual Death).

John 3:16

God had a solution: sending His Son, Jesus, to the cross to die for our sins and be raised from the dead that we might believe in Jesus and be saved.

Ephesians 2:8-9

The good news is that you can come just as you are. You cannot work for eternal life or earn it. You just receive it by faith as a free gift.

Romans 10:9-10

God has given very simple instructions for being born again.

Pray with the individual based on Romans 10:9-10.


Father God, I come to you in Jesus’ name. Your Word says, “If I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and I believe in my heart that God has raised Him from the dead I will be saved.” According to your Word, I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He died on the cross for my sins and that He was raised from the dead so that I can be forgiven and have a new life in Him. I now confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I commit myself to follow Him for the rest of my life. Thank you for saving me, Father, and for making me your child. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Transition into the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

John 14:16

We’ve seen that God’s gift to the world was His son, Jesus. Now Jesus’ gift to us is the Holy Spirit and God wants you to have this gift now that you are born again.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

John 14:16-17, 26

God wants you to have this gift of the Holy Spirit now that you are born again. Jesus gives the promise of the Comforter (the Holy Spirit).

Acts 1:8

There are specific reasons why you should be baptized in the Holy Spirit

-  Acts 1:4-5

Jesus commands us to be baptized in the Holy Spirit

-  Acts 1:8

You receive the ability to be a strong witness for Jesus with power to live a victorious Christian life every day.

-  Romans 8:26

You receive the ability to pray the perfect will of God for your life and others.

-  Jude 20

You receive the ability to stay strong in God.

Acts 2:4

Speaking in tongues is the evidence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives utterance, but you do the speaking.

Galatians 3:14; Luke 11:9-13

You receive the Holy Spirit the same way you received Jesus, by asking in faith to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Pray with the individual to receive the Holy Spirit.


Father God, thank you for saving me and adopting me as your child. I ask you in the name of Jesus to fill me with the Holy Spirit. My life will honor, reflect Jesus, and show your love by the power of your Spirit. Just as I received Jesus by faith, I receive the gift of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. (Begin to pray in the Spirit with the individual).


Fellowship and Relationship

John 1:12; Romans 8:16

Our relationship with God is established when we are born again.

Psalm 66:18

It is our relationship with God that is broken when we allow sin to enter our lives.

Romans 8:38-39

The blessings of God cannot flow to us while we remain in sin.

Nothing can separate us from the love of God, but our relationship with Him is broken when we choose to sin.

Our Advocate with the Father

John 2:1

Jesus is our lawyer with the Father. He intercedes on our behalf.

I John 1:9

God is faithful to forgive. If we repent and confess our sins to Him, they will be forgiven.

Pray with the individual for forgiveness.


Father God, I come to you in Jesus name and ask for forgiveness of my sin. Your word says that if I confess my sins, you are faithful and just to forgive my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Based on the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross, by faith I receive your forgiveness and thank you that you have cleansed me from every trace of sin. Thank you for restoring my relationship with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Reassure them of their forgiveness, based on I John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

If the person is not filled with the Holy Spirit, ask them if they would like to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.