Conservation Campaign Rubric
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Content-
Wildlife Biology / Explains where and why it migrates, AND explains role species plays in food web and why species is important to food web with at least 2 specific details / Explains where and why it migrates, AND explains role in food web with 1 detail / Explains where and why it migrates but does not sufficiently explain its role in the food web / Attempt to explain migration and role in food web may be limited
Environmental Science / Clearly explains problems and challenges species faces due to global changes / Identifies problems and challenges species faces due to global changes / Identifies problems and challenges but may not clearly connect to global changes / Attempts to explain problems and challenges and may not link to global changes
Content- Conservation / Explains what is being done to help species survive now with at least 3 accurate details and evidence of research / Explains what is being done with 2 details and evidence of research / Explains what is being done with 1 detail and evidence of some research / Attempt to explain may be limited and lacking research
Creativity and Originality (Marketing Director) / Product grabs audience with unexpected and novel techniques demonstrating creativity, originality, and imagination / Product engages the audience with imaginative design elements which enhance the original idea or message / Product demonstrates some imagination and may attempt to engage audience / Product lacks creativity
Effectiveness of Message – will audience be motivated to addressing global change issues and/or change their behavior? / Product makes convincing argument, will motivate audience to address global change issues to improve life of the species / Product makes a good argument for addressing global change issues for the sake of species conservation, but may not motivate audience / Product argues for addressing global change issues, but weak link between that and species condition; unlikely to motivate audience / Link between addressing global change issues and improvement of species condition is not brought out; product will not motivate audience
Conventions of English / There are no grammatical mistakes. / There are 1-2 grammatical mistakes. / There are 3-4 grammatical mistakes. / There are more than 4 grammatical mistakes.