SOFIA 2017

Rail transport

Rail transport is a means of conveyance of passengers and goods on wheeled vehicles running on rails, also known as tracks. It is also commonly referred to as train transport. In contrast to road transport, where vehicles run on a prepared flat surface, rail vehicles (rolling stock) are directionally guided by the tracks on which they run. Tracks usually consist of steel rails, installed on ties (sleepers) and ballast, on which the rolling stock, usually fitted with metal wheels, moves. Other variations are also possible, such as slab track, where the rails are fastened to a concrete foundation resting on a prepared subsurface.

In rail transport the use of transport means should also meet the requirements of optimal management. Rail transport is divided into passenger and freight wagons and traction vehicles. Passenger cars are mainly passenger carriages with seats (Class 1 and 2) and with sleeping areas. In addition, carriages, restaurants and conventions, as well as bicycles, are used for transports between voivodships.

The main features of rail transport are:

- mass transit,

- Relatively low freight rates for medium to long haul deliveries resulting from the strong regression of unit costs,

- Relatively large network of railways well suited to the location main supply and distribution markets,

- A favorable offer from the point of view of transport time, which is a high effect reliability of railway transport and regularity, frequency and the rhythm of the offered connections,

- specialized rolling stock adapted to carry differentiated loads transportability,

- Relatively lower safety of the transport of shock-sensitive loadsAnd transshipment and the high risk of theft,

- low accident and mortality, low energy consumption and low environmental impact.

Railways in Poland

·  19,000 km of railways;

·  59% of the lines are electrified;

·  About 50% of double track lines;

·  Density index of railway lines 6.5 km / 100 km2;

·  9,300 km of station tracks;

·  1 004 active stations;

·  89 500 000 passengers / year;

·  110 100 000 tons / year of carriage;

·  PLN 3 615 500 000 / year of expenditure on investments.

Currently in Poland we have insufficiently modern railway infrastructure and problems resulting from low capacity are the main problems of the development of rail transport. In situations where trains and freight trains move along a common route, it is necessary to harmonize traffic. This leads to delays in traffic.

Source: http://pkpsa.pl/?utm_source=pkppl&utm_medium=belka&utm_campaign=pkppl&_ga=1.31604158.1895047949.1442596703

Transport of passengers by rail transport in Poland

Transportation of goods by rail in Poland

Combined transport

Combined transport is intermodal transport in which the main part of European carriage is by rail, inland waterway or sea, and each initial and / or final section of road using the means of car transport is as short as possible. Intermodal transport is a successive carriage of goods by two or more modes of transport in one and the same unit of load or vehicle without the cargo being reloaded, when the mode of transport is changed. The concept of intermodal transport is usually limited to the carriage of cargo in cargo or transport units (UTIs). On the other hand, the term multimodal transport means the carriage of goods by two or more modes of transport. In intermodal transport, rail transport is great importance

Rail transport is not able to compete with car transport at close range. In the future, it is necessary to organize supply chains that enable the mass transit of medium and long distance transport. Road transport, due to its main characteristics such as flexibility and accessibility, would have a feed-in-transit role.

Main assumptions

In the coming period, the strategic task is to strengthen the role of rail transport in the integrated transport system of the country. For this purpose, it will be necessary to take action that will improve the competitiveness of rail in relation to other modes of transport, measured by travel time, travel comfort and safety. This task will be accomplished through investments, organizational and technological changes and changes in the professional activity of railway workers. They will be able to increase the supply of high quality competitive services and will ensure the successive increase in the interoperability of the Polish rail system with the rail transport system in the EU.


·  Ensure the competitiveness of railways in relation to other transport sectors in the most development segments of the market,

·  Balancing the branch structure of transport and reducing environmental damage resulting from increased demand for transport, including the rapid development of road transport,

·  Providing conditions for improving the quality of customer service by rail carriers,

·  Ensuring stable financing of railway infrastructure,

·  Operational efficiency and allocation of railway transport resources,

·  Effective use of human resources and employment optimization.

1. Consistent modernization and revitalization of the existing railway network so that in 2030 the largest part of the network was in good condition (ie requiring only maintenance) and that TEN-T could operate trains at a speed of at least 100 km / h;

2. Revitalization and extension of railway lines in functional areas of cities and undertaking measures aimed at better integration of rail and circular transport;

3. Modernization and construction of terminals adapted to handle intermodal container transport;

4. By 2020 - decide on the possible construction of a high-speed rail system supplemented by the so- "Y",

5. Modernization of railway infrastructure and railway stations;

6. Exchange of obsolete locomotives and wagons for modern rolling stock, which corresponds to the specific segment of the market.

7. Developing the infrastructure of systems to improve the management of passenger and freight transport; The gradual implementation of the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) on the most important railway routes;


·  E. Mendyk Transport Economics

·  Ministry of Transport, Construction and Economy: Glossary of transport development strategies until 2020

·  http://bip.transport.gov.pl/pl/bip/projekty_aktow_prawnych/projekty_inne/proj_strat_rozw_trans_do_roku_2020_w_persp_do_2030/px_12.12.10_srt_na_skrm.pdf

·  http://www.plk-sa.pl/