Newtown Lions 5K Run Information Sheet


Athletes Helping Athletes


Leader Dogs for the Blind

Over the past fourteen years the Newtown Lions Club has sponsored the Lions 5K Run and Walk for Sight. The proceeds from this run have supported local as well as international charities that provide assistance to the hearing and visually impaired as well as assistance to special needs children.

This year we are redirecting our efforts to include a local charity, “Athletes HelpingAthletes” which has been supported thru the efforts of the various athletic teams at Council Rock North and South. A portion of the run funds will be donated to AHA based upon how many student athletes, students, faculty/administrators and student families participate in the run. First 25 students from North or South across the finish line win a trophy to be rotated annually between the two schools. The Lions as in the past will also be supporting “Leader Dogs for the Blind”.

What is Leader Dogs for the Blind?

This is a non profit organization based in Rochester Minnesota that trains leader dogs and individuals with visual impairments. The dog and individual are trained together as a functioning team. Over 13,000 teams have been trained since its founding in 1939. This organization has been the focus of our run the past few years but this year we are adding “Athletes Helping Athletes” to our run program.

What is “Athletes Helping Athletes Inc.?”

AHA exists to provide financial support to the Special Olympics and act as a catalyst in bringing high school athletes together with special needs children in an environment of mentorship and sports training.

What is the CR North South Athletic Challenge Run?

This is a run within the Run for Sight that pits athletes, students, faculty,

administrators, and family members from both schools against each other in a competitive but fun environment. The lowest composite score of the first 25 student runners will win the race and a rotating trophy will be presented at a school board meeting by the Lion President and Mr. Klein, School Superintendent.

When and where is the run being held?

Brian Gregg Park on Saturday, 9:30 AM- Sign in between 8:30 and 9:15.or register online at Active.Com. Please print AHA on your entry after your name to insure AHA gets credit for your participation. The Run begins and finishes at the Chancellor Street School running for 5K (approx 3.1 miles} through the streets of the Borough

Family members and supporters are welcome to do so by copying the athlete’s special registration form or by going to Active.Com to pre register. You should indicate you are supporting AHA for the organization to get credit for your participation.

Why should I compete in this event???

#1. The athletes, students and faculty/administration of Council Rock have always been supporters of “Athletes Helping Athletes:” and this is just one more way to continue to do so.

#2. It should be fun to have a competitive rivalry between CR North and CR South that is recognized by a local service organization, the Newtown Lions.

#3. Having families of the athletes participate in the run/kids fun run/walk will make it a great family activity .

#4. Great way to wake up on a Saturday morning.

#5. It’s a great way to pick up 2 hours of community service.

5K Entry Fee $20.00 Kids 1 Mile Fun Run $10.00