Final Agreed Excluding Reserved Business


Present:Professor Sir Desmond Rea (Chair), Mr E Jardine (Vice-Chair), Dr A Heaslett, Mr R Thompson, Mr A Brown,Mrs C Moore, Mr K Nelson, Mr W Patterson, Mr A Pollock, Ms I Mercer, Dr E Birnie, Mr R Hanna

In Attendance:Dr C Boyd (Vice-Principal)

Secretariat:Ms Karen Robinson (Secretary to the Governing Body)

Apologies:Mrs S Madden, Mrs E Huddleson



5/16/1.1The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


5/16/2.1Apologies were received from Mrs Huddleson and Mrs Madden.


5/16/3.1No conflicts of interest were declared.


5/16/4.1There was no other business other than that included on the agenda.


5/16/5.1The Minutes of the meeting on 13 September 2016 were endorsed subject to a minor point of clarification in relation to GB/4/16/7.2.

5/16/5.2In terms of Action Points, the Chair reported that there had been an interesting presentation on ‘Males in Teaching’ to the Education Committee immediately prior to the Governing Body meeting (3/16/5.2 (2)). A report on Student Withdrawals was also considered (2/16/9.2),and the Principal provided an update on the Religious Education Certificate. These Action Points would be picked up further under Items 8 and 14 respectively.

5/16/5.3The Governing Body also noted that Action Points relating to the briefing for Minister (4/16/1.2 (1)), the provision of Budget Scenarios to the Finance and General Purposes Committee (4/16/6.2 (3)) and completion of the Annual Declaration of Members’ Interests (4/16/10.1 (6)) had all been actioned.

5/16/5.4Members endorsed the amendments to the Governing Body Operating Framework which had been requested at the meetingon 13 September 2016 (4/16/7.3 (4)), subject to strengthening of the arrangements for handling Conflicts of Interest.

Action (1)Members agreed, that where appropriate the Member with a conflict of Interest would offer to withdraw from the meeting while the relevant item of business was being discussed.

5/16/5.4Members endorsed the amendments to the Governing Body Standing Orders which had been requested at the meeting on 13 September 2016.

5/16/5.5Members noted that all other Action Points were either work in progress or not due until a later date (3/16/7.2 (4), 93/37/5 and 2/16/9.2).

5/16/5.6There were no other matters arising.

Mr Nelson joined the meeting at 3.15pm


5/16/6.1The Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee reported that the new Head of Internal Audit attended the ARAC meetingon 22 September 2016 for the first time following PwC’s successful bid for the Internal Audit contract.

The Chair had thanked the former Head of Internal Audit for his work on behalf of the College during the period of the Deloitte contract.

Members noted that the Committee had recorded the outcome of its Annual Effectiveness Review which had been undertaken on 2 June 2016. All actions identified during the Effectiveness Review in 2015 had been implemented or included on plan for 2016-17 and the Committee was satisfied that it effectively supports the Governing Body and Accounting Officer and is suitably independent and objective.

Members noted thatSatisfactory Assurance was received for Business Continuity Planning (BCP) in the College and that 2 Priority 2 and 2 Priority 3 recommendations had been raised in the Audit Report. The Priority 2 recommendations related to the inclusion of specific details on how a major incident would be resourced and handled (or referenced to the Major Incident Plan where overlap exists). The 2 Priority 3 recommendations related to testing of the Plans and induction training.

Members further noted that BCP training for key staff had not yet been undertaken. The former Head of Internal Audit confirmed that Deloitte would honour this commitment and deliver a half day’s training session within the next couple of months. The College’s Insurers would be involved in the training to emphasise the value of documenting Plans. Governors would be invited to take part in the training.

In relation to the Annual Assurance Statement for 2015-16, Members noted that Satisfactory Assurance had been achieved.

The new Head of Internal Audit had provided an overview of the Internal Audit Risk Assessment and Strategy 2016-19, including the link to the College’s Corporate Objectives, the detailed methodology for assessing risks and the cognisance that had been taken of the Committee of University Chairs Guidelines on Higher Education Governance. The Strategy would be updated as Internal Audit became more familiar with the College.

The Committee had commented that Procurement had been highlighted by executives as an area of risk to the College, albeit relating to external factors. Internal Audit agreed to consider this within the plan.

There was also a discussion around the Annual Plan for 2016-17. The Committee was content with the strategic areas to be covered and it was noted that there was a carry forward of a piece of work from the previous year. The plan will be finalised at the next meeting. There was a discussion regarding draft Terms of Reference for each assignment and the Committee agreed that Terms of Reference could be drawn up in respect of proposed Audit Areas in the early part of the programme for 2016-17. Terms of Reference for the remainder of the programme, including indicative timescales could be prepared once the Plan was formally signed off.

The Committee had also noted a circular from the Department of Finance which notified Accounting Officers of the revised system of Internal Audit opinions used by Heads of Internal Audit. Members noted that while Arm’s Length Bodies do not need to implement the revised system until 2017-18, the Committee agreed that it would be useful to operate a dual rating system for Audits during 2016-17.

The Committee noted the Advisory Report on Treasury Management and endorsed the updated Policy.

The Committee noted the overview of the NIAO Report on the 2014-15 National Fraud Initiative.

The Committee noted the report on Third Party Dependencies and noted that this is now an annual agenda item on the Committee’s schedule. It also noted the verbal report regarding Direct Award Contracts and the annual Freedom of Information Report.

The Committee agreed that it would be useful to hold a further Risk Workshop to explore the College’s Risk profile in the context of the PwC Report on Managing Risk in Higher Education, which was circulated to Members for information.

The Chair thanked the ARAC Chair for her report.


5/16/7.1The Chair of the Finance and General Purposes Committee highlighted the key items discussed at the Finance and General Purposes meeting on 4 October 2016. The Committee had considered a draft Policy Statement and comprehensive arrangements for Health and Safety in the College. There will be consultation with Trade Unions and the wider staff body on this, after which the Policy Statement and Organisational arrangements will be submitted to the Governing Body for formal ratification.

The Committee considered the June 2016 Management Accountsand Budget scenarios.

In relation to Estates, Members further noted that following the asbestos removal works, work had re-started to complete the installation of the new heating system.

Members noted the current position in relation to Direct Award Contracts.

5/16/7.2The Committee also reviewed the updated Treasury Management Policy and recommended this for ratification by the Governing Body. The Governing Body endorsed the updated Policy.

5/16/7.3The Chair thanked the Chair of the Finance and General Purposes Committee for his report.


5/16/8.1The Chair of the Education Committee reported on the discussions that had taken place at the Education Committee earlier in the day. There had been an informative and interesting presentation by Dr Cummins on the Males in Teaching Conference which had been held in June 2016. The Chair of the Committee had attended the Conference. Members noted that the proportion of teachers working in all schools who are male has been declining over the last five years – 76.8% of all teachers are female and 23.2% are male. Most notable was the absence of males in nursery schools.A number of negative Perceptions surrounding teaching as a profession for males were identified in the round table discussions and delegates also heard presentations from leading speakers including from the Equality Commission.

Addressing under-representation of males in teaching was a global problem and Stranmillis is taking the lead in Northern Ireland in terms of considering how to address the issue, while at the same time having due regard to Equality Legislation.

The Conference consolidated current knowledge in relation to the issue and concluded that there was a need for more specific NI based research and thus more robust data and evidence in this area. There was also a need for a much stronger public profile of teaching as a highly skilled profession. The College would be exploring this further and a paper would be brought forward in due course when more robust data is available. Aligned to this the College would also be updating its Males in Teaching website and a number of proactive measures are already being taken to promote the profession through for example Information Seminars, Interview Support and a Shadowing Scheme for Year 12 male pupils.

5/16/8.2Members noted that the Committee had received a comprehensive report from the Director of Teaching and Learning which outlined the good progress against Plans, and amongst other things the positive National Student Survey results which saw Stranmillis rank 11th place in the UK and 2nd place in Northern Ireland. The Governing Body had congratulated the College on these results.

Members also noted that the Committee had received a report from the Director of Scholarship and Research. The Chair of the Committee highlighted that all KPIs were on track for achievement and that 38 staff had submitted research plans. There had also been a discussion at the meeting on how on a continuum, both Scholarship and Research underpin teaching. The Academic Staff Representative welcomed the way Scholarship and Research was being managed across the College and the support that had been provided to staff. Members also discussed the potential consequences of ‘Brexit’ on research monies. The Principal informed Members that a paper had been provided to the Minister on the risks relating to this. The Chair emphasised the importance of forging partnerships with the Republic of Ireland in order to maximise opportunities for research projects and associated funding.

The Committee also welcomed a report on the Student Support and Wellbeing Strategy and Members noted that a lot of good work was ongoing in this area.

Action (2) The Secretary would circulate the Student Support and Wellbeing Report to all Governing Body Members.

Members noted the Committee’s consideration of the report from the Director of Community Engagement and External Affairs, which detailed the good work that had taken place during 2015-16 in relation to staff mobility, student mobility, strategic international partnerships and the re-structuring that has taken place to support international work.

A report on Student Withdrawals and the reasons for Withdrawal was also noted by the Committee. This was just over 2% of the number of students in 2015-16 and this figure compares well with the general retention figures in the University sector.

5/16/8.3The Chair of the Governing Body thanked the Chair of the Education Committee for his report.


5/16/9.1The Deputy Finance Manager provided Members with an overview of the end of year financial position. Members notedthe information provided in the paper on income and expenditure and the level of surplus after pension and holiday pay adjustments. Clarification was provided that surplus funds are invested in the Estates Strategy and that the Department is aware of this. The Governing Body agreed that openness and transparency was important. Clarification was also provided with regard to staffing costs which the Principal confirmed are on a full cost recovery basis. The Governing Body was otherwise content.


5/16/10.1The Chair had reviewed an earlier draft of the paper which contained proposals from the Principal on revised Academic Governance arrangements. The Chair had asked the Principal to consider a number of questions. In relation to these, the Principal confirmed that the Academic Leadership Committee was an essential element of the proposed structure and it would not be appropriate to subsume it within the Senior Leadership Committee.

It was also the Principal’s view that until such times as the new Committee structures had bedded in it would be more appropriate for her to Co-Chair the subordinate Committees alongside the relevant Director.

Clarification was provided that the Director of Teaching and Learning would attend the Education Committee at Queen’s University in the Principal’s absence.

The Principal agreed that the HR Manager should be a member of the Senior Leadership Committee.

The Principal also agreed that the Paper should be signposted to the role of the Governing Body and the Education Committee, given their role in supporting management and holding the executive team to account.

5/16/10.2A revised paper was tabled at the meeting for consideration.

Action (3)The Governing Body agreed following discussion that ‘evaluation of outcomes’ should feature within the Terms of Reference for the Committees.

The Governing Body also questioned the potential for compromise in governance terms of operating a Co-Chair system. The Principal confirmed in this respect that this was a transitional arrangement until such times as the new Structures had bedded down. The Governing Body endorsed the new arrangements on the basis that they were developmental.

Action (4)The Governing Body agreed to review the position in 6 months’ time.

Action (5)The Governing Body also agreed that the terminology in the Paper should be tightened to ensure consistency.

Mr Hanna left the meeting at 4pm


5/16/11.1The Governing Body noted the detailed paper provided by the Director of Teaching and Learning on the Teaching Excellence Framework, the New Operating Framework for Quality Assessment and the Annual Programme Review and Action Plan 2014-15. Clarification was provided in relation to the difference between the Programme Review and the School Report. The timescale for moving to the established provider for the Teaching Excellence Framework was confirmed as 2017-18 and that there were no plans in Northern Ireland to link the TEF to fees. Furthermore it remained uncertain whether Northern Ireland will move from TEF1, which will set a baseline, to TEF2 which is a much lengthier process.

While the College was currently regarded as being in the development period in terms of the TEF, the Governing Body noted that while the Department views the College as an established provider it was confident that the College would move quickly away from its ‘development period’ position.

The Governing Body thanked the Director of Teaching and Learning for her report and welcomed the work that had been put into it.


5/16/12.1There was a page by page review of the College’s draft Business Plan for 2016-17. The Governing Body endorsed the Plan subject to the promotion of Bursaries within the Plan, the inclusion of baseline figures for 2015 – 16, where appropriate and the inclusion of an Index.

Mr Thompson left the meeting at 4.05pm


5/16/13.1 The Governing Body noted the good progress that had been made against Key Performance Indicators in 2015-16. Overall 85% of Targets had been achieved or exceeded, 5% had been delayed for reasons outside the College’s control and 10% of targets could not be reported upon until the end of the current Academic Year.


5/16/14.1The Governing Body noted a report from the Principal in relation to the Construction Excellence Award received by Woodvale Construction for the work on the Refectory Building and an update on the Religious Education (RE) Certificate, Options for the delivery of the latter locally are currently being explored and a further paper setting out the arrangements would be submitted to the Governing Body in due course.

The Governing Body further noted that the Principal and the Chair of the Governing Body had attended an Engagement event delivered by the Department, which provided an update on the Draft Programme for Government. The publication of a further draft of the Programme containing detailed plans designed to achieve outcomes is imminent. A further 8 week consultation period will take place and the College will have an opportunity to respond. The College will review its Corporate Plan when the final PfG is published. The Governing Body agreed that there would be considerable challenges in moving to an outcome based Model, including the need for sound governance arrangements and a good understanding of risks.