September Minutes

President, Missy Baird, called the regular meeting of the Middle Paxton School Association to order.

Members Present, Missy Baird, Laura Updegrave, Tanya Pomeroy, Becky Hannon, Tracy Kocher, Ellen Wenrich, Mandy Book, Adrienne Hipple, Amy Zoellner, Adrienne Burns, Shannon Scott, Shannon Sholtis, Cassie Moyer, Carla Hagy, Missie Thrush, Kelli Flickinger and Nikki O’Gorman.

Recording Secretary – Minutes were taken by Tracy Kocher.

August Minutes – Motion was made by Kelli Flickinger and seconded by Shannon Sholtis to approve the August 2013 Minutes. All were in favor. Motion stands approved.

Treasurer – Tanya Pomeroy

August Treasurer’s Report: Tanya went over the Treasurer’s Report. Please see August’s Treasurer’s Report for details.

Motion was made by Cassie Moyer and seconded by Amy Zoellner to approve the August 2013 Treasurer’s Report. All were in favor. Motion stands approved.

Report from the Executive Board:

Missy Baird

Old Business

-  Checks were distributed to teachers for classroom expenses for room supplies. The specialty teachers were given a letter informing them we will reimburse them for classroom expenses up to $55.

-  We also got a gift for Mrs. Lopez – a little wooden box with a picture of our school on it and inside there’s an ornament with a picture of her kissing the pig from Race for Education Day and an ornament with a picture of her with all of the Race Committee Members.

-  Back to School Night was August 27th, MPSA provided refreshments and had our information table set out.

-  The first day of school we sent home our tri-folds, the directory forms and the two-hour pledge form and we received a lot of them back.

-  Mrs. Shelby Sammartino is going to be our teacher representative for the entire year so she will be attending our monthly meetings.

New Business:

Mr. Pavusek (Mrs. Sammartino)

-  Back to School Night was well attended. There were 400 chairs set up and it was standing room only. He thanks MPSA for providing the refreshments.

-  School Store is September 27th and the schedule was developed and sent to the teachers for review.

-  Fall Picture Day is September 26th; all students will be photographed for identification purposes.

-  Quarter Days are every Wednesday during lunch for the month of October – 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th.

-  Book Fair is the week of October 7th. Every class will have an opportunity to visit and make purchases.

-  PSSA Parent Reports for children will be sent home, they will not be sent from the district to save money.

-  The students have been doing a great job learning the new procedures and routines and he is proud of efforts. Mrs. Sammartino said you can see a big improvement in with hallway routines and efficiency in the classroom.

Missy Baird

-  The Giant A+ information is being finalized and will be sent home before the end of the week. Giant will be donating a gift card for the student with the most Bonus Card Numbers.

-  We reserved the Olympic Skating Rink for our first Family Fun Night on October 20th.

-  Mr. Pavusek is asking for us to clean up Room 210 and put as much as possible into the cabinets. Anything that cannot fit in the cabinet please put it in a box and label it with your committee name.

Race for Education Preparation is in full swing! The race will be on November 15th. Technology upgrades is our goal for the money we raise.

-  September 20th is the first School Store and all the volunteer slots are filled.

-  As Mrs. Sammartino mentioned, Quarter Days are starting in October.

-  On September 19th there will be a nutritionist from Giant at the Township Building offering nutritional information for families of children age 10 and above to discuss healthy eating and energy drinks.


-  A question was asked about the changes with how many recesses the children get, she wanted to know if that was a decision made by Mr. Pavusek or by the district. It was suggested that they contact Mr. Pavusek directly with that question.

-  A question was asked about when information on the new Pick-Up Policy will be sent out. Missy said Mr. Pavusek is working on it and will send it out once it’s done.


Assemblies (Principal Pavusek) – Nothing to Report.

Book Fair (Ellen Wenrich) – Book Fair is week of October 7th – 11th. The books will be delivered on October 3rd with the teacher preview on October 4th. Family nights will be Monday and Tuesday, 7th and 8th. Grandparents Day falls on the week of book fair, Oct. 9th. The Librarian is implementing a new program called Adopt a Shelf. If the students keep their shelf neat and orderly they will earn Book Fair Bucks for 3rd through 5th grades. The volunteer forms will be sent out in the next two weeks for Book Fair sign-ups.

Eagles Nest (Shannon Scott) – Deadline is October 18th. We are going to do four Eagles Nest publications this year.

Fifth Grade (Kim Heck) – Nothing to Report.

Helping Hands (Cassie Moyer) – We’ve decided what we’ll make for Grandparents Day.

Historian (Shannon Scott & Adrienne Burns) – Tina Lauver will be doing the end of year slideshow. Please send any pictures you take, as you take them, to Tina at .

Hospitality (Missie Thrush) – Quarter Days – 1st through 5th grade and happens once in the fall and once in the spring. Parents with more than one child only have to send in one donation, not one per child. The breakdown for the fall is – Oct 2nd A – E; Oct. 9th F – J; Oct. 16th K – O; Oct. 23rd P – T; Oct. 30th U – Z.

Dads and Donuts will be Oct. 15th and 16th. Oct. 15th will be for A – K; Oct. 16th will be L – Z. It’s held from 8:15AM to 8:45AM. If you have a child in afternoon Kindergarten, they are welcome to attend as well.

We are waiting for approval to provide water and coffee for Grandparents Day.

May Fair (Missy Baird & Laura Updegrave) – Nothing to Report.

PAC – Parent’s Advisory Committee (Pat Conway and Matt Scott) – Meetings do not start until October.

Publicity (Shannon Sholtis) – Directory and two-hour pledge forms have been sent. She’s also waiting for updates on staff changes from Monica.

Santa’s Shop (Jen Tressler & Liza Smith) – Nothing to Report.

Scholarship (Laura Updegrave) – Nothing to Report.

School Spirit (Kelli Flickinger) – She gave Mr. Pavusek the list of spirit days. The first one is Sept. 19th. She’s looking into spirit wear and checking out prices. We are looking for suggestions for playground equipment and any suggestions from teachers about how to make things better or easier for them.

School Store (Tammy Novinger & Laura Briner) –We are ready to go for the first school store!

Special Events (Amy Zoellner) – The fall Teacher Appreciation Luncheon will be on September 23rd.

Student Achievement/BUG Club (Nichole O’Gorman) – Nothing to Report other than we need to update the certificate itself.

Volunteer Website (Carla Hagy) – Nothing to Report.

Ways and Means (Laura Updegrave, Ashley Bullers and Tanya Pomeroy) – We are in need of someone to take over Box Tops. Michelle Barnes volunteered for the job!!

Upcoming Events:

September 20th – School Store

October 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th – Quarter Days

October 7th – 11th – Book Fair

October 9th – Grandparents Day

Next Meeting:

MPSA Meeting on October 7th at 7PM at the School Library.

Minutes submitted by Tracy Kocher, Recording Secretary.

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