Bloodborne Pathogens, Universal Precautions, and Wound Care


1. What is a bloodborne pathogen?

E, KA. A microorganism that can cause disease

(210)B. Fluid contaminated with blood

C. An organism only found in human blood

D. A disease characterized by the inflammation of the liver

2. All of the following are signs and symptoms of HBV except:

M, K A. jaundice.C. headache.

(211) B. abdominal pain.D. weight loss.

3. Which of the following bodily fluids does not transmit HIV?

M, K A. BloodC. Semen

(212) B. SalivaD. Vaginal fluid

4. The HBV vaccine is given in:

M, K A. 2 doses over a 6-month period.

(211) B. 3 doses over an 8-month period.

C. 3 doses over a 6-month period.

D. 2 doses over a 4-month period.

5. All of the following are at the greatest risk for HIV transmission except:

M, K A. boxing. C. wrestling.

(214) B. football.D. rugby.

6. If exposed to a bloodborne pathogen, all of the following should occur except:

D, KA. notification of the coach.

(219)B. completion of a medical evaluation form.

C. performance of a blood test

D. meeting with a counselor.

7. What type of dressing is most beneficial in providing a barrier against disease

D, A transmission and in keeping the wound moist, which is conducive to healing?

(216) A. Band-aid with antibiotic ointment

B. Occlusive dressing

C. Non adhesive dressing

D. Gauze with antibiotic ointment

8. If a uniform becomes saturated with blood, what is the proper action that should

M, A be taken for the athlete to continue participation?

(216) A. Nothing, the athlete should continue without interruption.

B. The blood should be rinsed off with water.

C. The uniform should be changed immediately.

D. The uniform should be changed at half-time.

9. What should tables in the athletic training room be cleaned with?

M, K A. A 1:10 solution of alcohol and water

(218) B. A 1:10 solution of bleach and water

C. A 1:20 solution of bleach and water

D. Soap and water

10. To protect athletes from disease transmission, the USOC recommends that:

E, K A. they shower immediately after practice.

(219) B. they wear personal protective equipment such as gloves.

C. they decline HIV testing.

D. there is a reduction of mouthpiece use in high-risk sports.

11. To reduce the risk of HIV infection, it is important to:

M, K A. practice good hygiene before sex.

(213) B. choose promiscuous sex partners.

C. use only condoms when having sex with an HIV infected person.

D. avoid drugs that impair judgment.

12. Which type of wound is tetanus associated with?

M, K A. LacerationC. Puncture

(220) B. AbrasionD. Avulsion

13. What is the first step you should take when caring for all minor skin wounds?

M, A A. Apply a sterile dressing to the wound.

(219) B. Apply gloves prior to touching the wound.

C. Clean the wound with betadine.

D. Apply antibiotic ointment to the wound.

14. Which of the following wounds results from the skin being torn from the body?

M, K A. Avulsion C. Laceration

(220) B. IncisionD. Abrasion


15. The two most common and most significant bloodborne pathogens are

E, K HAV and HIV.


16. HBV is more likely to be spread than HIV because it is a heartier virus

M, K and can survive outside the body for longer periods of time.


17. HIV is now managed with a drug cocktail that can slow its reproduction in the

M, K body.


18. To prevent the transmission of HIV and HBV, latex condoms should be used with

M, K a water-based lubricant.


19. An athlete with HIV should avoid engaging in exhaustive exercise and therefore

M, K should be automatically disqualified from participation.


20. When one is disposing of a sharp, it should be placed into a puncture resistant,

M, A leak proof, labeled container.


21. There is minimal risk of on-field transmission of HIV from one player to another.

M, K


22. An infected person with HBV may test positive 4 to 8 weeks after symptoms

M, K develop.


23. All institutions should take responsibility to educate students about bloodborne

E, K pathogens.


24. Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms as a E, K result of having a virus.


25. A tetanus booster should be given every 10 years.

E, K


26. When an athlete has an abrasion we want to keep it moist so that it does not

M, A develop a scab.


27. When treating a wound your first step is to stop the bleeding with gauze.

M, A


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