Networks and Data Communication
CSIS 202 – section 3644
Spring Semester 2001
(8 weeks)
General Course Information
Instructor...... Jonathan Leavitt
Message Phone...... (909) 672-6752 ext. 2656
(Above number belongs to: Kaye Melsheimer, CIS Dept. Secretary)
Email Address......
Text book...... Applied Data Communications – 3rd Edition
Author...... James E. Goldman & Philip T. Rawles
Class Day / Time...... Sundays 9:00am – 3:30pm
Start Date:...... 4/22/01
Last Class Date:...... 6/17/01
Course Description
An introductory course in the fundamentals of data communication concepts including: voice and data communications, networking hardware, the OSI model, and network design. Network management and security issues are also covered. This course is designed for students interested in learning about data communications and networking, and the career options available in this exciting field.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to do the following:
- Define Computer networking, and discuss the advantages of using a network.
- Categorize the primary types of network cabling, differentiate between baseband and broadband transmissions, and identify appropriate uses for each.
- Define the term ‘packet’ and describe the contents and function of each packet component: headers, data, and trailers.
- Describe the primary function of each layer of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model.
- Identify the OSI layer at which a particular network activity takes place, and the OSI layer at which a particular component functions.
- Plan and Design a successful network.
- Evaluate and select the appropriate network media and associated hardware with which to construct a successful network.
- Assess a given network design for security considerations.
Outline of Class Lectures, Reading, Tests,
and Assignment Due Dates
Class Date /
/Assignments & Tests
Week 14/22/01 / Chapter 1 (pgs 1-32)
Week 2
4/29/01 / Chapter 2 (pgs 33-75)
Chapter 3 (pgs 76-110) / Quiz 1
Week 3
5/6/01 / Chapter 4 (pgs 111-148)
Chapter 5 (pgs 149-198) / Quiz 2
“Guest Instructor”
Week 4
5/13/01 / Chapter 6 (pgs 199-244)
Chapter 7 (pgs 245-300) / Mid-Term
Week 5
5/20/01 / Chapter 8 (pgs 301-356) Chapter 9 (pgs 357-418) / Quiz 3
5/27/01 / NO CLASS / Memorial Day Weekend
Week 6
6/3/01 / Chapter 10 (pgs 419-466)
Chapter 11 (pgs 467-519) / Case Studies due
Week 7
6/10/01 / Chapter 12 (pgs 520-576)
Chapter 13 (pgs 577-637) / Quiz 4
Week 8
6/17/01 / Final & Class Wrap Up
Grading Policies
Your grade will be based on the following:
- 4 quizzes --- worth 25% of your grade.
- 1 Mid-term --- worth 25% of your grade
- 1 Final --- worth 25% of your grade
- 3 Case Studies assigned by Instructor from pertinent chapters --- worth 15% of your grade
- Attendance and class participation --- 10% of your grade
General Policies
- All assignments and exams must be completed in full, and turned in on the due date.
- Late assignments and exams/quizzes may not be made up unless student notifies instructor within (+ or -) 24 hours of due date, and makes special arrangements.
- If a make up is exam/quiz is given, 10% will be automatically deducted from the score.
- If student finds it necessary to drop the course, it is his/her responsibility to submit a drop slip to the Admissions Office.
- Cheating/plagiarism will not be tolerated, discovery of which may result in the student being dropped from the class.
- No eating, drinking, or smoking is allowed in class.
- Students may be dropped from the course after 1 absence.
- Failure to return to class after breaks may result in a student being marked absent.
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