Activities for Spelling Homework
This list of activities (and examples) shows the different ways you may study your weekly word list. By completing the different activities, you will become more familiar with the words on our list and will also ear credit (dots) that will move you along the trails toward Treasure Mountain. The dots group members earn individually will be totaled together to move all team members across the map.
1. Sentences (1-7 dots)
Write a create sentence to show that you understand the meaning of the words. Underline your spelling word. Please make sure you write complete sentences.
2. Definitions (1-7 dots)
Look up the words in a dictionary/online and then write the definitions in your own words. One definition per word.
3. Creative writing (1-10 dots)
Include as many words from you list as you can and write a story about a topic of your choice.
4. Alphabetizing (1-3 dots)
List your spelling words in alphabetical order.
5. Syllables (1-3 dots)
Divide each spelling word into syllables. You may wish to consult a dictionary if you are unsure where a word should be broken.
6. Crossword (1-10 dots)
Make a crossword puzzle with your words and their definitions.
7. Anagrams (1-5 dots)
Try to create new words with the same letters of your spelling words.
Listen = Silent
8. Word Search (1-5 dots)
Use a piece of graph paper to make a word search puzzle.
9. Picture (1-5 dots)
Draw a picture that includes illustrations of as many of your spelling words as you can.
10. Handwriting (1-5 dots)
Practice improving our best handwriting by writing each word five times.
11. Poetry (1-7 dots)
Use four or more of your words to write a poem.
12. Colored Words (1-5 dots)
Create a patter with your words and write that patterns in Red and Blue.
13. Homonyms, Synonyms, Antonyms (1-8 dots)
Write a homonym, synonym, or anonym of each word in your list. Label them H, S, or A.
Homonym - same sound, but different meaning (see, sea; write, right)
Synonym - another word with the same meaning (happy – glad, joyful)
Antonym - a word meaning the opposite (happy – sad, depressed, mad)
14. Parts of Speech (1-7 dots)
List you words and beside each one write N, V, ADJ, or ADV – depending on its part of speech. Be careful, for many words can be used as more than one part of speech.
Noun – person, place, thing, or idea
Verb – action word
Adjective – Word describing a noun
Adverb – word describing how a verb is done.