Proposers must meet the following Minimum Qualifications to participate in the staged evaluation process. Any Proposal that does not demonstrate that the Proposer meets the Minimum Qualifications, will be considered non responsiveand will not be evaluated for award of any contract(s) issued under this RFP.

1Proposer Organization and Stability

Qualification Item
Proposer Organization and Stability. The Proposer must attest and provide evidence that:
  1. The Proposer has been in business continuously for at least five (5) years, and during this period has provided products and services similar to those requested in this RFP.
/ Satisfies
 / Does not Satisfy

  1. The Proposer has annual revenues of at least $20 Million and at least twenty (20) permanent and full-time employees for 2016.
/ Satisfies
 / Does not Satisfy

To meet this qualification item, the Proposer must also attach clear documentation of annual revenue and employee count. Sufficient documentation of financial information can be provided through a copy of your company’saudited financial statement with accompanying notes and supplemental information for yearend 2016, 2015 and 2014.

2Professional Services and Software Experience

Professional Services and Software Experience
Requirement / All of the references must satisfy / 1 of the references must satisfy / 1 of the references must satisfy / 1 of the references must satisfy / 1 of the references must satisfy
Solutionfor US based client with 250,000 properties and/or records processed simultaneously / Data Migration & Conversion experience / Property tax/revenueexperience / Production Environment for 2 years / Software experience in public-sector
Reference #1 Name /  /  /  /  / 
Reference #2 Name /  /  /  /  / 
Reference #3 Name /  /  /  /  / 
Reference #4 Name /  /  /  /  / 
Reference #5 Name /  /  /  /  / 

Property TaxSolution

RFP# TTX2017-09

Template A – Minimum Qualifications

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